
美 [ˈbʊtʃər]英 [ˈbʊtʃə(r)]
  • n.屠夫;肉贩;肉店;肉铺
  • v.屠杀;杀戮;屠宰;宰杀
  • adj.“butch”的比较级
  • 网络肉商;卖肉的;卖肉者

复数:butchers 现在分词:butchering 过去式:butchered



n. v.

2.肉店;肉铺a shop/store that sells meat


have/take a butchers

观看to have a look at sth


关于职业的英语单词_百度文库 ... bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机 butcher: 屠夫,肉商 buyer: 采购员 ...


关于职业的英语单词_百度文库 ... bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机 butcher: 屠夫,肉商 buyer: 采购员 ...


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... fish-monger 鱼贩 butcher 肉贩 shoe-maker 鞋匠 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... want 想 第49 课 butcher 卖肉的 meat (食用)肉 ...


考博词汇下载(10000词汇完整版) - 豆丁网 ... bushel n. 蒲式耳 butcher n. 屠夫, 卖肉者 buttock n. 屁股; 臀部 ...


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... bush n. 灌木 butcher n. 屠夫, 屠户 button n. 扣子, 按钮 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... but conj. 但是,可是 butcher n. vt. 肉店;屠夫 屠 宰(动 物);残 杀(人) butter n. 黄油…


英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... but conj. 但是,可是 butcher n. 屠夫;屠杀者 butter n. 黄油;奶油 ...

Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently, "Take this to the butcher, and he's going to give you your lunch today. " 然后她给纸张她的狗,温柔地说,“把这个拿给屠夫,他会给你吃午餐了。”
Butcher Colloquial term for a telephone technician who tends to use cutters without verifying whether the cabling is active or inactive. 通俗术语,指这样一种电话技术人员,使用切割机前没有检查电缆是否正在使用。
Terry Butcher said: "If I was an American I'd wind Rooney up. I'd stand on his toes, pinch him, belt him if I could. " 足坛名宿特里·布切说:“如果我是美国人,我肯定会想方设法激怒鲁尼,只要有可能就踩他脚趾,掐他,撞他。”
He had been "doing" butcher and baker in order not to call on her. 他一直在欺骗肉铺老板和面包房老板,只是为了不向她要钱。
And the danger could linger for a year or more, adds Greg Butcher, director of conservation for the Audubon Society. 而危险可能会持续一整年,或者更久的时间,格雷·格布彻(GregButcher)补充说。他是奥杜邦学会鸟类保护部门的主管。
In exterior he resembled a butcher in a poor neighbourhood, and his eyes had a look of sleepy cunning. 他的外表看上去象是生意冷清的屠户,两眼露出困乏的奸诈神态。
"Slap it round a bit, " Perry, the other butcher, tells the mesmerised group as he slams a steak down on the table. 另一位屠夫佩里(Perry)把一块牛排重重的摔在台子上,同时告诉这群着了迷的顾客说:“把它拍圆点。”
The river Wang? The chapter pure station felt suspicious, why is the wife of that king's butcher going to say that this encounters for them? 王江氏?章清亭纳闷了,那王屠户的老婆为什么要去帮他们说这一遭呢?
A while, a wolf directly got out of the way, another wolf resembles like the dog squats sits in butcher's front. 一会儿,一只狼径直走开了,另一只狼像狗似的蹲坐在屠夫的前面。
"Certainly, madam, " the butcher replied and went into the cold room and found a large piece of steak. “当然可以,太太,”屠夫答复,到了寒冷的房间,发现一大块的牛排。
"We went into a market and established a kiosk in that market out of a butcher's shop, " Kalanda says. 卡兰达说,“由于一家肉店,我们进入这个市场,在那个市场我们建立了一个公用电话亭”
The old cow seemed to understand human speech . When it heard that , it got to its feet with a sigh and went with the butcher . 老牛好像能听懂人言。它听了后,叹了一声,站起来,随屠夫走了。
Later he knew this "town" was itself a village, having in it a post office, a shop, and a butcher. 后来他才知道这个“城镇”其实也是个村庄,只是有个邮局,有家商店和肉店。
Butcher had already set a new time record for the first leg of the trip, and her chances of winning had never been better. 布彻尔在第一段赛程上已经创下了一个新的时间记录,所以她获胜的可能性从来没有更大过。
This time, the butcher did not look at the paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers. 这一次,屠夫没有去看报纸,了那条狗它的肉的走了,因为他把狗如自己的客户。
He got off the train at the next station, bought a piece of meat at a butcher shop, and captured the vagrant on the outskirts of the town. 他在下一站下了车,在一家肉店买了一块肉,然后到镇外抓住了那个流浪儿。
'That wicker husband never tired, and never had a headache, ' said the butcher to the baker. 'Imagine. . . ! ' “那个柳条丈夫从来不会累,也从来不会头痛,”屠夫对面包师说。
It was like a butcher shop on a hot day mixed with earth and with the unavoidable taint that China seems to put on everything. 像是个大热天里的肉店,混合着泥土味儿和中国看起来给一切东西带来的腐坏气息。
It was the blackguard butcher again, who said he had cut his foot over the scraper, and would immediately bring an action against me. 又是那个流氓屠夫,他的脚被推土机刮到了,立刻跳过来要给我颜色看看。
Dr. Landau said that his mother had cared for the butcher when he was a boy in the Lodz ghetto in Poland during World War II. 兰多医生说,二战时期在波兰的罗兹犹太人区,母亲曾经照顾过那个屠夫(当时他还是个小孩)。
my first Saturday job was as a butcher's boy, sanding down the blocks, cleaning the walls and grinding the mince. 因为我的第一份业余工作就是给一个屠夫打下手,沙下肉块,清理墙壁,研磨肉糜。
The neighbors came rushing in to find out what was the matter, and there in a pool of blood they saw the cow butcher Big Xu. 邻居们都赶紧冲出来看看是怎么回事。他们发现以杀牛为生的屠夫大许倒在了血泊中。
The smart and brave butcher was not afraid at all. He managed to kill the wolves and went home with the two wolves happily. 聪明勇敢的屠户,并没有害怕,而是想办法勇敢地杀死了两只狼,然后高高兴兴地把它们扛回了家。
He is said to have brought back life to the children who had been chopped into pieces by their butcher fath er. 据说,他恢复了被他们那屠夫父亲砍成碎片的孩子们的生命。
Investigations resulted in a Chongqing court giving a suspended death sentence to a pork mogul known as the 'butcher of Chongqing. 根据调查,重庆法院判处一个被称为“重庆屠夫”的猪肉商死缓。
To the butcher's further surprise, it came for the third time at six o'clock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. 肉店的进一步的意外,它来第三次在六点钟,带来了第三张纸上。
"I won't, " he finally managed to breathe, never dreaming that she was thinking he looked like a calf waiting for the butcher. “我不会的,”他到底控制住了自己的呼吸,做梦也不曾想到她正把自己看成一只小牛,正等候屠夫宰杀哩。
In wartime people who before were always ready to accuse the butcher of giving short weight went to great lengths to keep in with him. 那些在战前老爱指控屠夫缺斤少两的人们一到战时,便想尽办法与他搞好关系。
The butcher stared at her. The wicker lady was short of stature and twisted of limb, her face was dark and rough. 屠夫盯着她,柳条女士的身材矮小,四肢扭曲,她的脸很黑而且粗糙。
I entered the shop of a pork butcher at the moment when his son, aged eight, was returning from school. The poor boy was weeping bitterly. 我走进杀猪屠夫的铺子,他八岁的儿子正好放学回家。