
美 [braɪt]英 [braɪt]
  • adj.光线充足的;明亮的;鲜艳夺目的;快活而生气勃勃的
  • adv.光亮地;明亮地
  • n.头灯
  • 网络海阔天空;更亮;更明亮的

比较级:brighter 最高级:brightest

bright future,bright side,bright light,bright sun,bright star


1.光线充足的;明亮的full of light; shining strongly

2.鲜艳夺目的strong and easy to see

3.快活而生气勃勃的cheerful and lively

4.聪明的;悟性强的intelligent; quick to learn

5.有希望的;大有可能成功的giving reason to believe that good things will happen; likely to be successful


bright and early

大清早very early in the morning

(as) bright as a button

机灵的;聪颖的intelligent and quick to understand

the bright lights

城市生活的多姿多彩the excitement of city life

a bright spark

活泼机灵的人(尤指年轻人)a lively and intelligent person, especially sb young

a/the bright spot

(不幸或逆境中的)可喜部分,闪光点a good or pleasant part of sth that is unpleasant or bad in all other ways

look on the bright side

(对坏情况)持乐观态度,看到光明的一面to be cheerful or positive about a bad situation, for example by thinking only of the advantages and not the disadvantages


雪松面板的琴声音比较温暖(warmer),云杉面板的琴声音更为明亮brighter)~雪松古典用的多,民谣一般云杉用的多~雪松 …


小学英语常见形容词及比较级、最... ... (多的)— more—most much (明亮的)— brighter—brightest broad (广阔的)— br…


Shin (Xin Yue Tuan) - Music, Songs, Albums ... Shin album( 信乐团同名专辑) Brighter( 海阔天空) Qiannianzhilian( 千年之恋) ...


bright ,light ,very bright... ... very bright 非常亮 brighter 更亮 bright 明亮的 聪明的 ...



《Friends》词汇表B ... brighter adj. 明亮的, 辉煌的, 欢快的, 聪明的, 伶俐的 famine n. 饥荒, <古>饥饿, 严重的缺乏 ...


为公司起中英文名字-公司起名-猪八戒网 ... (Radiance: 光辉) (brighter 更加明亮的) (Rising sun 是旭日东升的意思) ...

Above: To make the garden brighter, J decided to paint the back wall white, and he sourced the gravels from the Internet. 图上﹕为了令花园更光猛﹐J决定把后面的砖墙涂上白色﹐然后从网上订购了白色闪碎石。
Crabbe is quite dense, although he seems to be a little brighter than Goyle. 克拉布是个笨重的家伙,尽管似乎比高尔要聪明一些。
People feel it a pleasure to be with you, for you help them to see things from an entirely different and a much brighter point of view. 人们跟你在一起都会感到很开心,因为你可以帮助他们以完全不同的角度和更开阔的视野看待事物。
The best way to judge if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its color. Usually, the brighter the color, the better the taste. 判断是否可以收获胡萝卜最好的办法就是看颜色。通常,颜色越鲜亮,味道越好。
Brighter than all the gladness of the crowd was the bright smile of a girl who bought for a farthing a whistle of palm leaf. 比人群所有的喜悦更明丽的,是一个小姑娘灿烂的微笑,她花一分钱买到一个棕榈叶哨子。
But while wine-drinkers appeared to be brighter, the same was not true of those who drank beer, shochu (a local gin) and whisky. 虽然喝葡萄酒的人似乎更聪明些,但那些喝啤酒、杜松子酒和威士忌酒的人,情况并非如此。
Astronomers said the moon would appear brighter and larger than usual, but the sky in the UK was almost completely covered by cloud. 天文学家说这次的月亮比以往的更亮更大,遗憾的是当天不列颠的上空布满了云。
Forthcoming facilities might be able to see artificial lighting on another world if it's really much brighter than we use. 如果外星球的人工光源比我们所使用的光亮度更大,那么即将应用的新型天文望远镜就能够发现它。
the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn , Which shines brighter and brighter until the full day . 但义人的途径好像黎明的光,越照越明,直到日午。
As the day advanced, the sun came out with a brighter lustre. 天渐渐放亮,太阳出来,放射着加灿烂的光芒。
Cuba is ready to continue working with China for a brighter future of friendly relations between both countries. 古方愿同中方继续努力,共同开创古中友好关系更加美好的未来。
We are aware of how many have awakened and how much brighter the energy of your planet is becoming. 偶们知道有哪么多地人己经觉醒,并且你们星球地能量变得是多么地明亮。
He could see ahead of him the corner of Madison Avenue, where the lights were brighter. 好在他可以看到他前面的麦迪逊大街的拐角了,那里的灯光比较亮堂。
If I will be accepted by the company, I will work for my company whole-hearted. Wish to have a brighter future with the company. 如蒙蕙聘,定尽心竭力为公司服务,愿能与贵公司携手并进,共创美好。
They elected him in March on promises of faster economic growth, more wealth and a brighter future. 3月份,他们推选马英九任总统,是因为他承诺为台湾带来更快的经济增长、更多的财富和更光明的未来。
And with water present the chances of finding some sort of life on Mars are much brighter. 由于水的存在,在火星上找到某种生命的可能性的前景就光明得多了。
We do not allow ourselves to be defined by fear, but by the hopes we have for our families, for our nation, and for a brighter future. 我们绝不会让人觉得我们很惧怕,我们充满了对家庭和国家以及美好未来的希望。
As she grew stronger and brighter, she instilled a sort of light and cheer to whomever she met. 随着她日渐强壮和聪明,她带给每个她遇见的人一种光亮和愉快的心情。
Margaret shone as one of the brighter pupils in her year, and was very soon put up a form. 玛格丽特学习突出,在同年级学生中出类拔萃,很快就向上跳了一级。
A colleague chillingly confides that the nicest thing his mother ever said to him was that he was brighter than his sister. 一位同事冷冰冰地坦言,他妈妈对他说过的最动听的话就是,他比妹妹更聪明。
If, in brighter days the now extinguished fire within him ever burned for one woman who held him in her heart, where is she? 在那些比较得意的日子里,如果他心中那股已经熄灭的热情曾经为某个爱恋他的女人而燃烧过,那个女人在什么地方呢?
the brightness of the sky depends on the amount of air molecules along the line of sight . more molecules mean a brighter sky. 天空的光亮度取决于视线中空气分子的数量,分子愈多,天空就愈光亮。
The sky was getting brighter, but there was no great sunrise view because of the thick fog around the volcanoes . 天色逐渐亮了起来,可是,火山口还弥漫着厚厚的云雾,日出都不壮观了。
Natasha looked at him, and, in answer to his words, her eyes only opened wider and grew brighter. 娜塔莎望着他,她把眼睛睁得更大更亮,以比作为她的回答。
To conclude, we have full confidence in an even brighter future of Asia. Let's work together to make it a reality. 总之,我们对亚洲的未来充满信心。让我们携起手来,共同开创亚洲更加美好的明天。
For those of you who knew of the Light and made it shine brighter, great rewards are coming your way, even as we speak and write. 因为你们中的那些人知晓了【光】的力量并且在让它更加的闪亮,丰厚的回赠就要到来,就在我们说与写的时候。
Now that I look into my eyes, I see that they are filled with a confidence of a brighter future. 现在我看着自己的眼睛,看到了我的眼中充满了光明未来的自信。
"This light is too dim for me to read by. Don't we have a brighter bulb some where" : said the elderly man. “这盏灯灯光太暗,不适合读书。我们不是还有一个亮点的灯泡放在哪个地方吗”,老人说道。
Jupiter is normally the fourth brightest object in the sky. Only the Sun, Earth's Moon, and Venus are brighter. 人们老早就知道木星了,除了太阳、月亮和金星之外,它是天空中第四亮的星体。
These have been getting brighter and more common in recent years, and also seem to be moving to lower altitudes. 这些云层在近年中变得颇为明亮,出现得也更加频繁,并且这些云层似乎也正向着低处移动。