
美 [ˈwɑʃɪŋ]英 [ˈwɒʃɪŋ]
  • n.洗;洗涤;冲洗;洗刷
  • adj.洗涤用的;经洗的
  • v.“wash”的现在分词
  • 网络水洗;皂洗牢度;清洗





1.洗;洗涤;洗刷;冲洗the act of cleaning sth using water and usually soap

2.待洗的(或正在洗的、刚洗过的)衣物clothes, sheets, etc. that are waiting to be washed, being washed or have just been washed


云南普洱咖啡之旅 - iLeica的日志 - 网易博客 ... 3. 发酵( Fermentation) 4. 水洗( Washing) 5. 浸泡( Soaking) ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... wash 洗涤 washing 洗涤 wasp 黄蜂 ...


服装英文大全_风一样的男子A - 阿里巴巴博客 ... 色牢度试验项目 COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS 皂洗牢度 washing 汗渍牢度 pe…


WS/T 367-2012 医疗机构消毒技术规范 医学百科 ... 清洁 cleaning 清洗 washing 清洁剂 detergent ...


毛衫部分名词中英文对照---服装博客网 ... cover stitch / flat lock 嵌虾松 washing 洗水 pressing 烫衫 ...


老公和老破用英语怎么说?_已解决问题_搜狐问答 ... n D -- demanding 提要求; n W -- washing 洗衣;\ n I -- ironing 熨烫;\ ...


名校录取分数_百度文库 ... 采而 厨房 kitchen k 伸 洗衣服 washing 卧铺应 永远 forever f ...

After the party, the mother needed some volunteers to help with the washing-up in the kitchen. 聚会结束后,母亲需要一些帮手去厨房洗碗。
But he says this was one of the first to examine the affects effects of hand washing on the first month after birth. 但是他说这是对于出生后一个月有关洗手的影响的第一次调查。
He had never been away from home before. Every little thing, from washing his socks to getting over loneliness, was a big task. 他以前从来没有离开过家,每件小事,从洗袜子到摆脱孤单,对他都是个大任务。
Perhaps it is no coincidence that Pontius Pilate is portrayed in the Bible as washing his hands of the decision to crucify Jesus. 或许圣经中描述的彼拉多在钉死耶稣前的洗手决定并非巧合。
When using sponges or a cloth apply the glaze mixture with a circular motion - as if you were actually washing the walls. 用海绵或布的时候,需要打圆圈上釉,就好像真的在刷墙样。
I wanted her to buy me a $ 75 shirt when she only took home $ 100 a week, cleaning other people's floors and washing their toilets. 妈妈给人家拖地洗厕所,一周只挣到100块钱,我却要她给我买75块钱的衬衫。
He said he was busy washing clothes at this time yesterday. 他说昨天这个时候他正忙着洗衣服呢。
Second, permanent political revolution (in the washing machine, spin-cycle sense of the word) has an impact on other areas. 其次,永久性的政坛“旋转门”还有其他方面的影响。
His wife may even help him with these things, just as he often helps her with the dish washing and other household chores. 妻子甚至会帮忙干这些活儿。同样他也帮她洗碗或干其他家务。
It was patently ridiculous for a doctor practicing his profession to ask a doctor washing windows how he was. 一个干着本行的医生问一个正洗着橱窗的医生近来如何,显然是可笑的。
He contemplated washing himself in the Thames, but the river appeared to be dirtier than he was. 他打算在泰晤士河里洗一洗,但河水似乎比他还脏。
The textile products using and if it fades after wash, contamination and washing clothes have been the matter of concern by the consumers. 市工商局表示,纺织产品使用时和洗涤后的褪色、沾染同洗衣物一直是消费者关注的问题。
Made of white EPDM rubber and cork, this soft tub was designed to be a simple option for outdoor fun, healing or washing up. 这个软软的浴盆由白色三元乙丙橡胶和软木塞组成,它的构思很简单,可用于外出游乐,治伤养病或是洗餐具。
It has also been shown recently that, for ease of washing, the surface of the fibers should be oleophobic as well as hydrophilic. 最近有人还指出,易于洗涤的纤维表面应该是疏油性的和亲水性的。
Even if it was just a novel way to pass the time as the washing machine ran through it's yle, Mr Lee's idea would be a worthy one. 虽然这只是在洗衣机工作时用来打发时间的一种新颖的方式,李威晨的这一创意仍然是有价值的。
After washing, take proper amount of this product and apply it gently around the eyes and massage till completely absorbed. 洁面后,取本品适量轻抹于眼周,轻轻按摩至完全吸收即可。
Two years ago, at the age of 7, Mason Perez hypothesized that he was wasting a lot of water when washing his hands. 两年前,七岁的马森佩雷兹认为自己洗手的时候浪费了太多的水。
She began to put the house straight, making beds and washing dishes, cleaning and tidying; but she could summon up no enthusiasm for it. 她开始无精打采地收拾房间;叠被子,洗碗碟,又扫又擦。
He worked his way through at every kind of odd job including washing dishes at a fancy fraternity that did not admit Jews. 他什么零工都打过,包括在一个不接纳犹太人的兄弟会洗盘子。
Overhead was the week's washing, hanging in festoons so low that Martin did not see at first the two men talking in a corner. 一周来的衣服洗过了,像万国旗一样低低地晾在屋里,马丁刚进来时竟没看见有两个人在一个角落里谈话。
She said, 'All these years of raising you and washing your clothes and cooking for you, and you earn such a bad score. “妈妈说‘我这些年来养着你,给你洗衣服做饭,你却只考了这么个分数’”。
Another flow of environmental refugees comes from Haiti, where the land is denuded of vegetation and the soil is washing into the sea. 另一股环境难民潮发自海地(位于西印度群岛的一个国家),那儿的土地光秃秃的没有植被,土壤又都被冲向大海。
As I was washing my feet, I let my mind wander. I felt as if I was on a vast desert. 我在洗脚,手脚依偎,恍惚间,我仿佛置身于广袤的大漠中。
morgan: . I felt this fear and anxiety washing over me. I looked around, and I thought, how can we raise a child surrounded by all this? 那种恐惧以及焦虑突然攫住了我,我想我怎么能够让把我的孩子放在这样一个罪恶的世界里?
I sort of wonder if this was God's way of washing my mouth out with soap. I certainly didn't forget the taste when I was a kid. 我想知道这是老天爷借此用肥皂清洗我的舌头,我小时候当然忘记肥皂进口的味道。
You come to me quietly with gorgeous clothes and a smile, like a tree in the wind washing away my years with deep or shallow footsteps. 你一身华丽,面含微笑,从我眼眸里静静的走来,如临风的玉树,深深浅浅的足声洗净了我岁月的张扬。
Another flow of environmental refugees comes from Haiti, where the land is denuded of vegetation and the soil os washing into the sea. 还有一群环境难民来自海地,那儿土地无法种植,海水又侵蚀着土壤。
So now we're all from the side, no waste water, washing hands after going to turn off the taps in a timely manner. 所以现在我们要从身边的点点滴滴做起…,不浪费水,洗完手后要及时关掉水龙头。
"We had a baby, we had no hot water, we had no washing machine, " he said. "Things are not easy here for a woman. " “当时我们有个婴儿要照顾,这里没有热水,也没有洗衣机,”他说,“这里的生活对于一个女人来说的确不易。”
But it is possible to heat enough water for a family to use each day for washing, by building metal plates into the roof of the house. 但是用太阳能烧水还是很划算的。在屋顶上安装一些金属板就可以提供全家人每天所需的热水。