
美 [ˈbʌlki]英 ['bʌlki]
  • adj.庞大的;笨重的;大块头的;高大肥胖的
  • 网络体积大的;巨大的;就是体积大

比较级:bulkier 最高级:bulkiest



1.庞大的;笨重的large and difficult to move or carry

2.大块头的;高大肥胖的tall and heavy


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... bulb 球茎; 电灯泡 bulky 庞大的 bungalow 平房 ...


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(二)|联想记忆法背单词 ... bulk n. 大批;物体;溶剂 bulky adj. 庞大的;笨重的 burdensome adj. 繁重 …


英语专四词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bulge n. 凸出部分 bulky adj. 大的,容量大的,体积大的 bullish adj. 似公牛的,看涨的,上扬的 ...


English words11-20_做雷锋那样的同志... ... the bulk of .. .. 的绝大部分 bulky a. 巨大的,笨重的 depend vt. 依靠 ...


户外基础知识集锦 更新中。。。 ... zipper garage 拉链头盖 (bulky 就是体积大) insulating layer/insulative layer 保暖层 ...

And certainly no thief was to be seen scurrying across the half-empty concourse with a bulky laptop bag slung over a shoulder. 当然,也没有一个肩扛笨重电脑包急匆匆地穿过半空广场的小偷被发现。
Whether it's made from metal plates or layers of fabric, armor is often heavy and bulky. 无论是用金属板还是纤维层制成,盔甲常常很笨重。
Different sorts of low-cost robots are also emerging that do not look at all like the bulky beams of factory robots. 不像支柱型工业机器人,不同种类的低成本的机器人也出现了。
Kids all seem to have growth spurts in summer and by clearing stuff out you'll make room for bulky winter clothes as well. 孩子都是在夏天突然长高,把那些衣服整理出来,你还可以把空间整理出来放大量的冬天衣服。
Li Bai is unimaginable somewhat , and he comes off the rim to ask once more : " be such bulky iron strongly polish into the needle ? " “什么?”李白有些意想不到,他脱口又问道:“这么粗大的铁棒能磨成针吗?”
That means the next generation of power lines could carry up to a quarter more current without adding any more bulky insulation. 由此可见,下一代电线会比现在多传输四分之一的电流,而且不需要添加任何大容量的绝缘材料。
It's also very compact, though not as compact as the HTC Aria, since the Ally has the slider keyboard that makes it a little more bulky. 同时它非常紧凑,尽管不如HTCAria小巧,因为Ally的滑盖键盘令其有点笨重。
The astronauts would be wearing bulky space suits, so they needed a flagpole that was easy to assemble and to plant in the ground. 宇航员的太空服笨重,所以旗杆需要易于组装,也便于插在地上。
Anyway, I could see that he was in a state of great terror, for his tottering legs would scarcely support his stout, bulky form. 总之,我看出他是吓得要命,他那哆哆嗦嗦的双腿好像支撑不住他那高大魁梧的身躯。
It's also easy to control whether or not you become "bulky" through the number of repetitions (or time spent) doing resistance work. 通过重复(或花费一些时间)做阻力运动很容易控制你是否会变得“笨重”。
It would be just a flat panel, far more compact than the bulky cathode-ray tubes ( CRTs ) that were standard in televisions in those days. 那会是一片简单的面板,远比当时电视机所采用的笨重映像管(CRT)要轻巧得多。
Globally, illegal opium is often converted into heroin, which is significantly stronger, less bulky, and therefore easier to smuggle. 在全球,非法鸦片常被制成毒性更强、体积更小,也更容易走私的海洛因。
But they were quite bulky and you weren't always sure of the size of cattle you were going to get, so there was a problem there of quality. 但是它们体积庞大,而且无法确切知道你将要得到之牲畜之大小,因此存在质量方面之问题。
Since there is no bulky engine up front, the car will also have a very low hood to help improve aerodynamics and give it a bold appearance. 由于没有庞大的发动机了前面,这辆车也将有一个非常低的发动机罩,以帮助改善空气动力学性能,并给它一个大胆的外观。
Hydrogen tends to be bulky and tricky in its natural gaseous form. 氢气在自然状态下为气态,气态的氢气体积将会变得十分庞大。
Unlike gold it is far too bulky to be of use for slipping a couple of bars into a case and making a dash for the border. 相同重量下铜和金比体积庞大很多,不可能像金子那样切成几条放在手提箱里,然后拿着箱子迅速冲过边境。
The Goldman team was formally dressed in suits and ties; its book of graphs was bulky enough to be an aid in fending off muggers. 高盛团队身着正装领带,其厚重的图册足以助人击退劫匪。
No bulky canvas coverings here, just a strap that rests along the inside of the hinge. 不像大多大大的帆布袋,它就是一个放在笔记本内部合页中的带子。
Although turbines are bulky and hard to transport, Chinese manufacturers are beginning to build beachheads in export markets. 尽管风力涡轮机体积庞大、运输困难,但中国厂商已开始在出口市场上有所建树。
The building mass is placed away from the front site boundary to reduce the bulky impression. 该建筑群是从前面放置地点的边界距离,以减少庞大的印象。
The breeze had changed and there was a strange smell in the air. Something bulky was also here. 微风已经变了,空气中散发着一种怪味,这里还有个庞然大物。
You don't want a bulky brick attached to the back of your phone, or an unsightly wire connecting it to a separate device while it charges. 你不希望在手机背后贴一块厚重的板砖,也不希望用一根不雅的电线将手机连到另一个设备上充电。
Some characteristics of goods, bulky and large, very easy to carry, not to buy. 有些特色商品,体积笨重庞大,随身携带很不方便,不宜购买。
I found the rear of the shoe to be overly bulky, resulting in a clunky feel and an excess of heel slip. 我发现鞋子的后根部位有点过厚,因而造成了笨重的感觉,而且脚跟部位过松。
Brazil's bulky Fiscal Responsibility Act also governs regional public finances, where laxity has been a problem. 像巴西政府繁杂的财政责任条例也管辖着地区公共财政,因为地方上松弛的财政政策也是一个问题。
Most other "pocket" knives are bulky and complex, but this knife has a slim profile (it's just a knife, file and clip). 大多数“钱夹式”小刀体积都很大,而且很复杂,但是这个小刀就“苗条”的外表(它只有刀,锉刀和夹子)。
Car GPS navigator special advantages of integration is also very prominent, one because the screen big, bulky and not easy to carry. 专用一体化车载GPS导航仪优点也非常突出,单由于屏幕大,体积大,不便于携带。
The bulky printer has been replaced by one of those tiny gadgets used in portable ticket machines. 用于便携式票务器的一个小零件代替了传统庞大的打印机。
Though this is a bulky book with over 1, 000 pages, I shall have read it through by a week from today. 尽管这是一本超过1,000页的大书,但我会从今天起一个星期读完它。
Even those that are designed as mid layers can be bulky under the arms, if they're made of the same material throughout. 即使是那些作为中间层的服装,如果他们从头到尾用了同样的材料在手臂部分也会有更大的体积。