
美 [spred]英 [spred]
  • n.传播;蔓延;扩展;散布
  • v.传播;扩散;展开;散布
  • adj.广大的;大幅的;(宝石)薄而无光泽的
  • 网络价差;伸展;利差

第三人称单数:spreads 现在分词:spreading

news spread,spread word,disease spread,virus spread,spread risk
quickly spread,widely spread,evenly spread,rapidly spread,thinly spread


v. n.


1.[t]~ sth (out) (on/over sth)展开;打开to open sth that has been folded so that it covers a larger area than before

2.[t]~ sth (out) (on/over sth)摊开;使散开to arrange objects so that they cover a large area and can be seen easily


3.[t]~ sth (out)张开;伸开to move your arms, legs, fingers, etc. far apart from each other

在人们中间among people

4.[i][t]传播;散布;(使)流传to affect or make sth affect, be known by, or used by more and more people

覆盖大面积cover large area

5.[i][t](使)蔓延,扩散,散开to cover, or to make sth cover, a larger and larger area

6.[t]~ sb/sth使分散;使分布to cause sb/sth to be in a number of different places

7.[i]~ (out) + adv./prep.延伸;伸展;扩张to cover a large area

稀软的层面soft layer

8.[t][i]涂;敷to put a layer of a substance onto the surface of sth; to be able to be put onto a surface


9.[t]分(若干次)进行;由(若干人)分摊to separate sth into parts and divide them between different times or different people


spread like wildfire

像野火般蔓延;迅速传开to become known by more and more people very quickly

spread your net

考虑到多种可能;大面积地排查;撒开网(寻找)to consider a wide range of possibilities or cover a large area, especially to try to find sb/sth

spread your wings

展翅高飞(更自信地尝试新事物)to become more independent and confident and try new activities, etc.

spread the word

散布消息to tell people about sth

spread yourself too thin

样样都抓哪样都抓不好to try to do so many different things at the same time that you do not do any of them well


易字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 替代〖 replace〗 蔓延;传播spread〗 治,整治〖 renovate;dredge〗 ...


易字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 替代〖 replace〗 蔓延;传播〖 spread〗 治,整治〖 renovate;dredge〗 ...


牛津英语8b单词表 ... now that 由于;既然 spread 伸展;展开 channel 海峡 ...


价差spread)是指两种相关的期货合约价格之差。由于同时交易的不同交割月合约均是基于同一标的指数,一般来说,在市 …


牛津英语8b单词表 ... now that 由于;既然 spread 伸展;展开 channel 海峡 ...


字典中 施 字的解释 ... (7) 施行;实行;推行[ put into force] (9) 散布;铺陈[ spread] (11) 加;施加[ apply] ...


Unity 脚本类总索引 ... rolloffMode 衰减模式 spread 扩散 timeSamples 时间取样 ...


银行端国内存放名目利差(spread)持平; 但海外存放名目利差扩大。 3Q/10银行净利差(NIM)增加11bps至1.12%,主系外币 …

of chickenpox at my son's school which spread like wildfire until nearly half the children caught it. 我儿子的学校里突然爆发的水痘象野火般迅速传开来,差不多有一半孩子染上了。
I'm trying to brew the most gorgeous color all the time. I truly believe that it is about to penetrate outwards and spread around. 我一直在努力酝酿一种最为绚烂的色彩,我相信它就要渗透出来,蔓延开来。
Presumably known since the Advent of animal husbandry, butter has long been used as a cooking fat and as a spread. 做为一种食物,可能在纪元开始时豢养动物的人就已知道。奶油长期以来用来涂敷食物或烹饪。
Virtual distribution is far cheaper, and marketing tends to be too, since games often spread "virally" among friends on social networks. 而虚拟化的发行更是便宜,市场营销也一样低成本,因为游戏通常在社区的朋友间大量扩散。
If such grassroots efforts do not spread and intensify, nation states may not be able to resolve the differences that exist between them. 如果草根大众的努力不够广泛、强烈,掌权人就不会解决与民众间的差异。
Red Shirt leaders told reporters they were ready to negotiate if the army ends its efforts to forcibly curtail the spread of protests. 红衫军领导人对媒体记者说,如果军方停止强行收缩示威范围,他们随时可以谈判。
We sent her to the hospital, and the doctors diagnosed colon cancer; it had spread everywhere. 我们立即送她去医院,医生诊断为直肠癌,已扩散至全身。
You are one of a kind; therefore, no one can really predict what heights you might soar, even you will not know until you spread your wings. 只有你自己才了解自己,所以除了你自己,没有谁能够真正知道你能飞多高,甚至只有直到你展翅飞翔后你才知道。
"Going forward" is so infectious that it has spread from inarticulate bankers and analysts to people who once had a fine way with words. “Goingforward”传染性很强,它已经从不善言辞的银行家和分析师那里,波及到那些一度擅长用词的人们。
Almost immediately, the word began to spread that an alien craft crashed on the small Argentinean town. 相当快,这种称外星人的飞船坠毁的说法开始蔓延在这个阿根廷的小镇上。
At the time, doctors not involved in his case said the most likely reason was that his pancreatic cancer had spread to his liver. 当时,没有参加他手术的医生们表示最可能的原因是他的胰腺癌已经扩散到了他的肝脏。
It is often argued that they need to look for a portfolio of countries, in order to spread business risk. 它往往辩称,他们需要寻求一个投资组合的国家,在以抵御业务的风险。
He spread his hands out to them as if he were giving them a blessing. 他伸开双手仿佛要祝福他们一样。
There was a tiny tumour, but it had not spread. 病人身上只是生一个很小的肿瘤,并没有扩散。
And then as the Libyan revolution spread, he made bombs and smuggled weapons into Tripoli to help overthrow the Qaddafi government. 利比亚革命爆发后,他亲自制作炸弹并走私武器到的黎波里帮助反抗军去推翻卡扎菲政府。
He said the companies studied were spread across the globe. 他同时表示,研究涉及的公司遍及全球各地。
developed it into a beautiful dance form with a strong local flavor, which spread widely among themselves. 朝鲜民族把它发展为富有民族色彩的、优美的舞蹈形式,在民间广泛流传。
Cancellation of Arts and Sciences Division, and that the title of the sea we are now is not to a greater spread it? 取消文理分科,那我们现在的题海不是要蔓延得更大了吗?
He spread the photostatted military map out on the forest floor and looked at it carefully. 他在森林的地面上摊开影印的军用地图,仔细端详。
Spread in the brain any voice that reach, just up and down the Han bone send out of the collision voice is still so irritating to the ear. 脑海中传来阿凡达的声音,只是上下颌骨发出的碰撞声依然那么刺耳。
Manuel Almunia has none of the command that Lehmann exuded, and seems to spread unease in the defence. 阿穆尼亚身上没有莱曼的指挥能力,还在后防线散布不安情绪。
When I started out, people were a little afraid of me; but after a while word spread and I got a lot of patients. 在诊所开办初期,人们对我的水平有些担心;但经过一段时间的口碑相传后,我的患者多了起来。
Although glasses spread quickly throughout Europe and Asia, there was one major problem: keeping them on the wearer's face. 虽然眼镜在欧亚迅速传开,但是仍然有一个大难题:怎么把它们戴人们的脸上。
Within a few months the doctrines of a group calling themselves the Technocrats had spread through the country like a forest fire. 短短几个月内,一群自称技术统治论者的人提出的理论象森林大火一样席卷全美。
Wide spread let cairns spring up in every land - That in the Light of the World mankind may trust! 让凯恩斯在每块土地广泛传播-世界的人类是可以信任的!
In the morning, I toast two pieces of Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread and spread it with just a bit of homemade butter. 每周的开始我经常煮6个鸡蛋(放牧的)并放在冰箱里。早上,我烤两片伊齐基尔发芽谷面包并且涂上一点自制的黄油。
some of the games automatically send invites to all the friends of everyone who plays to try to spread the word. 每个人都会收到,有些游戏会给参与者的每个好友都发自动邀请,以此推广自己的游戏。
In the same way, when mental defilements flare up in full strength, the power of such mental acts can spread to cause diseases in the body. 同样地,当心的杂染被全面搅动起来时,这种心理活动的力量会发散开来,使身体生病。
Shingles normally lasts at least a week and spread to inner organs. 带状疱疹一般至少持续一周,而且还能扩散到内部器官。
And the movement against corporate excess is now trying to spread overseas. 而现在对企业多余的运动是试图传播海外。