saudi arabia

美 [ˈsaʊdi əˈreɪbɪər]
  • n.【国】沙特阿拉伯
  • 网络沙乌地阿拉伯;沙地阿拉伯;沙乌地阿拉伯王国

saudi arabiasaudi arabia

saudi arabia


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网址大全----国家名称中英文对照 ... 塞舌尔 Seychells 沙竺阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia 圣诞岛 Christmas Island ...

They never bother to ask the next question: what would Saudi Arabia do with the dollars? 他们从来不考虑接下来的问题:那么沙特阿拉伯拿这些美元做什么?
Saudi Arabia needs to keep the world addicted to oil as long as possible, so giving it a breather with lower oil prices isn't a bad thing. 沙特需要让全世界尽量长时期的离不开石油,因此,让油价有一段时间的低价位并非坏事。
Saudi Arabia, the world's largest exporter, is so far the only OPEC member that has responded by saying it would pump more oil. 沙特阿拉伯是目前为止欧佩克成员国中唯一一个回应说将增加石油产量的国家。沙特是全球最大的石油出口国。
Saudi Arabia, the biggest power in OPEC, is a close U. S. ally and is loath to see the group used as a forum to take shots at the West. 身为欧佩克中最具影响力的国家,沙特阿拉伯是美国的亲密盟友,它不会愿意看到这个组织变成一个针对西方国家的场所。
Despite the fact that his stepfather was one of the finest men in Saudi Arabia, my father's life did not evolve as he wished. 尽管他的继父是当时沙特阿拉伯最杰出的男性之一,我父亲的生活并没有像他所希望的那样发展。
OPEC works because Saudi Arabia is prepared to invest in, and carry the opportunity cost of, spare capacity . 欧佩克之所以发挥作用是因为沙特愿意投资闲置产能,并承担由此引发的机会成本。
State Department spokesman Sean McCormack says the United States is ready to help Saudi Arabia fight threats from terrorist groups. 国务院发言人SeanMcCormack说美国准备协助沙特回击来自恐怖组织的威胁。
Only Saudi Arabia is carrying out a large-scale investment programme to put in a significant increase in capacity. 只有沙特阿拉伯正在实施大规模的投资计划,以大幅增加产能。
Gueye said the company will sell much its Senegal-farmed rice in local markets, instead of exporting it all back to Saudi Arabia. Gueye表示会将部分塞内加尔稻米在本地市场销售,不会全部出口到沙特阿拉伯。
The fact that Saudi Arabia agreed to sit down with Israel at this meeting may hint that Bush is ready to act on that point. 沙特阿拉伯同意在会议上与以色列坐下来谈,这个事实可能暗示布什准备在这一点上采取行动。
With a fanfare and a military honor guard, Saudi Arabia welcomed the president of the United States. 沙特阿拉伯通过军事仪仗队和隆重的仪式欢迎美国总统布什的到访。
AFTER two months convalescing in Saudi Arabia, Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen's president, has announced that he is ready to go home. 在沙特阿拉伯经过两个月的康复后,也门总统阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫(AliAbdullahSaleh)宣布他准备回国。
Mr Obama was notably silent about Saudi Arabia, as though unable to chide so vital an ally for its patent lack of reforming zeal. 但奥巴马总统似乎无法对沙特阿拉伯——这个缺乏改革热情的重要盟友疾言厉色,就沙特他向来一言不发。
"So how much more does Saudi Arabia need to do to satisfy the people who are questioning our oil practices or our oil policy? " he asked. 阿尔纳米说:“沙特阿拉伯还要做多少才能满足那些怀疑我们的石油生产运作和我们的石油政策的人?”
Despite saying it stands ready to produce more oil, Saudi Arabia has so far been reluctant to turn its stop cocks. 尽管一直对外宣称已做好增加石油产量的准备,沙特目前行动上还是举棋不定。
But Saudi Arabia, Coll shows, is a place where the interests of rulers and revolutionaries are less easy to distinguish. 但是,科尔表示,在沙特阿拉伯,统治者与革命者间的利益划分很难做到泾渭分明。
The woman was believed to have been a member of a well-off family visiting Venice from Saudi Arabia or a Gulf state. 这位穆斯林妇女据信是沙特阿拉伯或者某波斯湾国家人,出身富裕家庭,到威尼斯旅行。
It remains to be seen how much, if any, of the shortfall will be made up by increased production from Saudi Arabia and others. 这就要看到底有多少差额可以从沙特阿拉伯和其他地方的增产中得到弥补。
Saudi Arabia, the biggest employer, has hired only a few thousand workers since the start of the year. 但自新年开始以来,最大的雇主沙特阿拉伯仅仅聘用了几千名工人。
Mr. Hurd was speaking to Arab reporters in London on the eve of his visits to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. 赫德先生在访问约旦和沙特阿拉伯前夕,向在伦敦的阿拉伯记者们发表了讲话。
some of these pilots had flown for an airline in Saudi Arabia and received pilot training in the U. S. 其中的几个还曾经在美国接受飞行训练,在航空公司工作时飞抵过沙特阿拉伯。
He said his father's forces would align with radical Islamists against the rebels: "Libya will look like Saudi Arabia, like Iran. So what? " 他说他的父亲的部队将与激进的伊斯兰教徒一起打击反对派:“利比亚看起来沙特和伊朗一样,那有什么?”
We hope he made those points directly when he met Mr. Mubarak and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. 我们希望,他在会见穆巴拉克和沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉时,直接表明这些观点。
At the other end of the scale, in Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, it was seen as a positive force by more than 90% of those questioned. 在另一个极端,在沙特阿拉伯和印度尼西亚,超过90%被提问的人视宗教为一种积极的力量。
If it proved necessary for Saudi Arabia to produce more, "then that will happen, there's no problem at all" , he added. 如果形势证明沙特有必要这么做,“我们便会增产,没有任何问题,”他补充道。
You see, the king of Saudi Arabia, also known as the Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques of Mecca and Medina, can visit the pope in the Vatican. 沙特阿拉伯的国王,也是麦加和麦地那两个大清真寺的守护人,可以来梵蒂冈拜访教宗。
The US might have drawn the line at Saudi Arabia, as Colin Powell, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, proposed. 也许正如时任参谋长联席会议(JointChiefsofStaff)主席的科林•鲍威尔(ColinPowell)所提议的那样,美国已经在沙特阿拉伯划出了界限。
As the organization's biggest member, much of the burden of managing all this rests on Saudi Arabia. 作为欧佩克最大的成员国,协调、应对这些事情的负担大部分都落在沙特阿拉伯身上。
However, he said it's no secret the United States and Saudi Arabia work closely on terrorism. 然而,他说大家都知道美国和沙特阿拉伯在反恐上面有紧密的合作。
George Kirkland of Chevron says if Saudi Arabia is all about oil, "Australia is all about gas. " 雪佛龙公司的乔治·柯克兰说如果沙特阿拉伯各处都是石油,“澳大利亚就各处都是天然气”。