
美 [trɪk]英 [trɪk]
  • n.技巧;诡计;诀窍;把戏
  • v.欺骗;欺诈
  • adj.意在欺骗的;容易使人上当的;虚弱有毛病的
  • 网络恶作剧;圈套;戏法

复数:tricks 现在分词:tricking 过去式:tricked

mean trick,nasty trick,clever trick,cunning trick


用以骗人sth to cheat sb

1.诡计;花招;骗局;把戏something that you do to make sb believe sth which is not true, or to annoy sb as a joke

令人困惑的事sth confusing

2.引起错觉(或记忆紊乱)的事物something that confuses you so that you see, understand, remember, etc. things in the wrong way


3.戏法;把戏a clever action that sb/sth performs as a way of entertaining people

好方法good method

4.[ususing]技巧;诀窍;窍门a way of doing sth that works well; a good method

纸牌游戏in card games

5.一圈;一墩;一圈所打(或赢)的牌the cards that you play or win in a single part of a card game


a bag/box of tricks

一套措施;全部法宝a set of methods or equipment that sb can use

be up to your (old) tricks

故伎重演;耍老花招to be behaving in the same bad way as before

do the trick

奏效;起作用;达到目的to succeed in solving a problem or achieving a particular result

every trick in the book

无所不用其极;浑身解数every available method, whether it is honest or not

have a trick, some more tricks, etc. up your sleeve

袖藏玄机;胸有成竹;自有锦囊妙计to have an idea, some plans, etc. that you keep ready to use if it becomes necessary

trick or treat

是请吃糖,还是想遭殃(万圣节时儿童挨家索要糖果用语,扬言若不给糖就捣乱戏弄别人)said by children who visit people's houses at Halloween and threaten to play tricks on people who do not give them sweets/candy

the tricks of the trade

(某一行业或活动的)绝招,绝活,门道,生意经the clever ways of doing things, known and used by people who do a particular job or activity

turn a trick

接客卖淫to have sex with sb for money


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... magic n 魔法;魔术;魔力 trick n 诡计;恶作剧 △ series n 连续;系列 ...


魔术表演_百度百科 ... ■ SLEIGHT →「 手法」 ■ TRICK →「 把戏」 (SLEIGHT OF HAND) 技巧。又,在赌徒的用语里则 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... magic n 魔法;魔术;魔力 trick n 诡计;恶作剧 △ series n 连续;系列 ...


圈套TRICK)(2000年7月 - 9月、朝日电视台)饰演 山田奈绪子(少女时代)◎圈套2(TRICK2)(2002年1月、朝日电 …


达克莱伊_百度百科 ... 诡异旋风 Ominous Wind 戏法 Trick 打落 Knock Off ...


听陈琦老师在耳边念答案 ... A. vanish:disappear 消失 : 消失 B. deceive:trick 欺骗 : 欺骗 C. betroth:wed 订婚 : 结婚 ...


那些“基情”后的激情电影 天堂电影小组 电影 ... 烈焰焚币 Plata quemada 天雷勾动地火 Trick 不羁的天空 My Own Private Idaho ...


噱字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 〖funny〗 滑稽 〖trick花招;鬼点子 〖tricksmeanttodeceive〗 花招 ...

Leadership is a trick of perception, a bit of wisdom Shakespeare lent Henry IV, to pass along to Prince Hal. 领导权是一种任职谋略,是莎士比亚借给亨利四世,让其传给哈尔亲王的一点智慧。
The company is now trying to pull off a similar trick with tea in the Middle East. 现在,该公司又想在中东的茶叶市场上故伎重演。
A trick of light seems to give an extra pair of feet to this phalarope bird, seen from below the water. 大自然的图案:倒影。习惯光亮似乎给额外的一对脚到这只矶鹞之类鸟,从下面的水看到。
The bridesmaids and ushers once dressed like the bride and groom to trick evil spirits so that they would not know who was getting married. 从前,男女傧相在婚礼上要穿跟新郎、新娘相似的衣服,以迷惑魔鬼,让他们弄不清谁要结婚。
When you know how the card trick itself is done, you feel like a fool for falling for it. 当你知道换牌是怎么做到的,你感觉被这种把戏骗到像个傻瓜。
One of the best ways to trick your mind is to simply take it out of the equation. 最好的方法之一就是完全剔除掉这个想法。
The trick is in knowing where the adjustment is needed and how much. 关键在于知道在哪里做调整以及调整的度。
They seem to have subverted a male trick that is intended to ensure paternity rights, and turned it into a trap. 它们似乎颠覆了雄蜘蛛想要维护父权的诡计,将之转变成一个陷阱。
Of course the trick is getting them to actually use the bed and not just try to plop down in their favorite spot on your desk. 当然,要让他们真的睡在这张床上,不会试图扑腾一下跳到它们最爱的书桌一角。
Eccleston also spoke of his admiration for hat-trick hero and added it was a pleasure to be on the same pitch as the skipper. 埃克莱斯顿同样说出他对帽子戏法英雄杰拉德的仰慕,他补充能跟队长奋斗在同一片场地是一件非常荣幸的事。
Of course, it's not easy to terrify subjects in a science lab, or to trick people into thinking that they're about to die. 当然,在实验室里让参试者感到恐俱,或欺骗他们以为自己快要死了,并不容易。
Here are four things to avoid while trick-or-treating (or any other time your child shows a bit of anxiety). 当有人穿着怪异玩吓唬人的把戏时(或你的孩子在任何时候显出一些惊恐情绪时),有4件事情须避免。
Being one of the leading trick inventors in Europe he came up with a totally new concept for a well known voodoo theme. 是其中一位主导的把戏发明者在欧洲他产生了一个全新的概念为一个知名的伏都教题材。
He tried to win us over to his side, but succeeded in helping us to see through his trick. 他本想把我们争取到他那一边去,但结果却让我们看穿了他耍的花招。
He was angry because his visitor did not watch him as he began to do his trick, but nevertheless went cheerfully to work. 他很生气,因为那顾客并没有看他怎样变戏法,然而他还是兴致勃勃地搞下去。
If the child is afraid of the dark, start trick-or-treating when it is light and nighttime slowly comes in. 如果孩子害怕黑暗,在接近黎明时或夜幕降临时耍些把戏。
They were pretty evenly matched, but Martin got the best of him by a clever trick. 他们势均力敌,但马丁以智取胜。
The trick is usually a scary one and the treat is all about chocolates and small candies. 花招之一,通常是吓死人对待小糖果和巧克力是怎么一回事。
It was a trick of his to rub his hands with a strange roundabout. 他在转古怪复杂的念头时,有搓手习惯。
When Mrs Smith answered the door-bell, the children yelled "Trick or treat. " Mrs Smith gave them all some candy. 史密斯妻子应铃声出来开门时,孩子们嚷着“不给糖果就捣蛋!”于是史密斯妻子给了他们每人一些糖果。
Practice whatever you're going to say during a trick -- the patter, as it's known in the trade -- as much as you practice the trick itself. 你在表演中说的每一句话都要反复练习-----这就好比做生意时的叫卖声---魔术练多少遍,台词就要说多少遍。
So, by using AICAR, the scientists thought they might be able to trick the body into thinking it was exercising. 因此科学家们认为通过使用爱卡,他们可以欺骗肌体让它以为在运动。
So if I fasten the rope to here, here is a little trick that it doesn't have anything to do with you escape the belay like this. 好,如果我把绳子这样收着(将绳子从铁索中掏过来),这是一个小技巧,可并不代表你不认真打保护。
Then get into the car and drive away. Don't try to trick me, you know who I am, it doesn't work. Next, you can stop pointing that gun at me. 进到车里开走,别指望能骗得过我,你们知道我是谁,没用的.下一步,可以不要拿枪指着我了
'He's trying to trick the protest leaders into stepping down, but the protesters want to stay, ' he said. 他说,阿披实是在诱使示威领袖减弱示威活动,但示威者希望留下来;
The tricky troublemaker thought it a clever trick, but it turned out to be a very foolish one. 那个狡猾的肇事者以为那是个聪明的花招,但结果是个很蠢的花招。
Apart from a comforting religious faith it requires some trick of the mind to be able to derive pleasure and significance from the moment. 除了慰藉性的宗教信仰,这种心态需要些许能从当下汲取愉悦与意义的心灵技巧。并非人人能为之。
In all departments, the trick is to work with what you know for a fact, not what you merely suppose. 无论在什么领域,关键在于你要根据你所知道的事实行动,不要仅仅根据假设行动。
So, in a sense, it is kind of trick, your brain, your brain is kind of roll about how much you're eaten in that you don't feel hungry? 所以,从某种意义上说,这是一种欺骗,你的大脑骗了你,告诉你吃了多少东西就会感到不饿?
One day in class, it was towards the end of the year, she said, "Did I ever show you guys my trick? " 学期快结束的一天,爱波伦丝太太忽然说:“我给你们表演过我的小把戏吗?”