
美 [tɔl]英 [tɔːl]
  • adj.高的;高大的;身高
  • adv.〈口〉夸大地;趾高气扬地
  • 网络身材高的;高杯

比较级:taller 最高级:tallest

tall building,tall boy,tall woman,tall structure,tall grass


1.高的;高大的having a greater than average height

2.(用以表示或询问高度)有…高,身高used to describe or ask about the height of sb/sth


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... short 短的 tall 高的 deer 小鹿 ...


我的单词:越背越过瘾 ... take vt. 拿;抓;拿走;吃 tall n. 高的,身材高的 tape n. 线带;磁带,录音带 ...


丰_百度百科 ... 草木茂盛〖 luxuriant〗 大;高大〖 great;tall〗 丰满;胖〖 plump;fullandround〗 ...


阿拉伯语手册6 - nizi73224的日志 - 网易博客 ... 无礼的 impolite 高大的 tall 矮小的 short ...


根据首字母填空_百度知道 ... 1.born 出生 2.tall 高度,身高 3.both 两者都 ...


4000高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... tame adj. 驯服的 368. tall n. 高的,身材高的;有…高的 369. talk n. 谈话 ...


高杯tall)外型与海波杯(highball)相似,但长度 与容量较大,以盛软饮为主。 可林直杯又称高筒杯,呈高圆筒状。

"I got really good at falling, " he said of his efforts. And Sergeant Strang, a tall, athletic man, had to give up running. “我那时练得特别擅长卧倒,”他谈到了自己历经的艰辛。罗恩·斯特朗中士身材高大健硕,他不得不放弃跑步。
I used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. 我曾住在一个小城镇里,那里绿树环绕,没有高大的房屋,唯一的一条街道也很窄。
He has an abundance of brown hair, tall and straight nose, and a pair of big eyes and tall, and very thin. 他有着一头浓密的棕色的头发,挺拔的的鼻子,以及一双大大的眼睛,个子很高,而且很瘦。
A long dike will collapse ause of an ant-hole in it; a tall building will be burned down by a spark from a chimney's chink. 千丈之堤,以蝼蚁之穴溃;百尺之屋,以突隙之烟焚。
But she did look at Gilbert when they arrived at school. He was a tall boy, with curly brown hair and a friendly smile. 但当她们到达学校的时候,安妮还是打量了吉尔伯特一下。他是个长着鬈曲的棕色头发的高个男孩,脸上挂着友善的微笑。
The tall young man put my box on his cart and drove off at such a speed, that I had to run to keep up with him. 这个高个子的年轻人把我的箱子放在他的马车上赶车就跑开,其速度之快,我只有紧跑才能赶上他。
It consists of a pair of meter-tall chambers connected at the top by a tube containing an air turbine the diameter of a dinner plate. 它包括对米高庭连接顶部由一个管含有空气透平的直径晚宴板。
Since it summarized the tall request literary activity characteristic, is continued to use by the various countries until now. 它概括了乔托以来的文艺活动的特点,被世界各国沿用至今。
It was an old woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned. 当他停下脚步,回过头来的时候,目光落在了一个老妇的身上。她个子高佻,虽然饱经风霜,但风韵犹存。
He was nearly two meters tall, with dark eyes and hair. 'Yes, come on, ' he said. 他身高几乎有两米,眼睛和头发都是黑色的。“好,走吧。”他说。
For as a child must grow and a twig must be trained to be straight and tall as the perfect tree--so shall you learn. 因为一个孩子必须长大,一条嫩枝必须被训练的如同完美的树一般挺拔--所以你应学习。
Finally we got to the York street. He asked me to stop near a tall building. 我们终于到了约克街,他叫我停在一幢高楼旁边。
Inside there was the photograph of a woman, tall and slight, with large vague eyes and loose hair. 里面是一个女人的照片,高个子,苗条,一双发呆的大眼睛,蓬松的头发。
That man standing atop a tall column in London's Trafalgar Square is Admiral Horatio Nelson, one of England's greatest naval heroes. 这之上,在伦敦的特拉法加广场高大的男子站在栏是海军上将霍雷肖纳尔逊,英国最大的海军英雄之一。
Admittedly, this was the bikini round, where everyone wore blue and looked tall, skinny and dazzlingly similar. 需要承认的是,那时正在进行比基尼比赛,所有选手都穿着蓝色泳装,看起来高挑、苗条而且惊人的相似。
It was a deep, rather unusual voice. I turned, to see a tall, dark man in the shadow near the kitchen door. 这声音低沉,不大熟悉。我转过身,看到在厨房门旁的阴暗处有一个又高又黑的人。
But I tell you a little secret. Fat people, skinny people, tall people, white people. . . they just as alone as us. . . 让我告诉你一个小秘密,不论是胖的、瘦的、高个的、苗条的、或者是白人,他们都和我们一样孤独。
The design of tall building is often controlled by its deformation . 高层建筑结构的设计往往由其变形所控制。
Kaz was anxiously waiting for the return of another member of her family when a tall chap appeared where the gate had been. 当和子焦急地等待着家里另一个成员的回来时,一个高大的小伙子出现在曾经是大门的地方。
Don't you know Sandra? Tall girl. Blonde hair. She always hangs out in Bakers with the media crowd. 你不认识桑德拉吗?高高的女孩。金色头发。她总是与一帮做媒体的人去“Bakers”玩。
She was thin, as thin as a shaft of midwinter sunlight in the forests of the east, and tall, nearly as tall as he was. 她很瘦弱,瘦弱得像东方森林隆冬时节的一缕阳光。她很高,几乎跟他一样高。
Camera pans across the desert. At the edge of a cliff we hear and see GIBSON PRAISE being led by a tall man in a gray T-shirt. 镜头移向沙漠。我们听到并且看到吉普森普雷兹被一个高个的穿着灰色T恤的男人领着。
A chihuahua is a dog, but a tall chihuahua is not a tall dog; "tall" changes meaning by virtue of the word next to it. 一条吉娃娃是一条狗,但是一条高的吉娃娃不是高的狗。“高”在不同的词前面会有不懂的意思。
Then I raised my eyes, and I saw a handsome tall boy, just like Beckham, with a high nose|and wearing a blushing smile|looking at my face. 我抬眼看去,看见一个男孩,英俊高大,像贝克汉姆,鼻子高挺,带着一抹腼腆的微笑望着我。
That's a tall order for a tower, but the collection of non-profits that comprise the Center, along with a strong community, feel up to it. 对高楼来说,这是难以满足的要求,但是,包括该中心以及一个强大社区在内的非营利性组织认为他们能够做到。
He can't fly around tall buildings , or outrun a speeding train , the only talent he seems to have is to leave a nasty stain . 他不能绕着高楼飞,也不能从高速火车跳离,他唯一称得上是才干的,是创造一个个恶心的污迹。
Stretching to one side of him was a vast sweep of tall building flecked with tiny squares of yellow light. 连绵不绝地伸展在他一边的,是一大片巍峨的建筑物,点缀着无数格子似的小块黄光。
My guide led me to a tall, ruinous house with shuttered windows, and knocked several times at the door. 我的向导把我领到一座高大却颓败的房子前,百页窗关着,他敲了几下门。
In the quiet room, the tall and thin president held the boy's hands in his hands and encouraged him with concern till he passed away. 在这个寂静的房间里,高大瘦削的总统握着男孩的手,说着体贴入怀的鼓励话语,直到死亡款款而来。
The tall man finished his coffee, folded the map, put it in his pocket, and stood up. "We'll take your map with us, " he said. 高个子把咖啡喝完,把地图折好放在口袋里,然后站起来。「我们要把你的地图带走,」他说道。