get back

英 [ɡetbæk]
  • na.取回;回来;送回;〈俚〉报复
  • 网络返回;回家;恢复

第三人称单数:gets back 现在分词:getting back 过去式:got back 过去分词:gotten back

get backget back

get back


初中英语短语大全 ... 46. all by oneself 独立,单独 49. get back 回来,取回 50. sooner or later 迟早 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 46. all by oneself 独立,单独 49. get back 回来,取回 50. sooner or later 迟早 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... get away 逃; 离 get back 返回; 回来; 回家 get down 降下 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... get away 逃; 离 get back 返回; 回来; 回家 get down 降下 ...


动词和动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... get down to (介词) 开始认真干 get back 恢复;回来;收回 get out 泄露;逃离 ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... get away from 避免,摆脱,离开 get back 回来,收回 get close to 接近 ...


求动词和介词搭配的短语集合_百度知道 ... 4. get back 回来,返回 5. get back 取回,找回 6. get down on one's knees 跪下 ...


很多动词后跟介词的意思_百度知道 ... get away 离开,逃脱,出发,开始度假 get back 取回,回来;报复 get behind 落后;识 …

He said, "No, no. I'm not paying you to go through the trash. Get back to work. " 他说,“不,不。我不是雇你在垃圾里找东西。回去工作。”
'The contribution rate is so high that people care how much they get back, ' he said. 他说,缴费率是如此之高,以至于人们很关心自己能够拿得回多少。
Hi there, none at all. All rejections so far. Still waiting for a few to get back to me. Anything particularly interesting? 还没有。不过说都被拒绝了还为时过早。我还在等一些公司的答复。有什么有意思的工作吗?
Antonio Valencia was through on goal and I don't think anybody was going to get back to stop him shooting. For me, that's a red card. 巴伦西亚得到了进球机会,我觉得不会有人能阻止他射门。要是我那么干的话绝对是红牌。
I'd love to talk about this more. But I've got to get back to work. We can talk more over coffee later. 我乐意就这个话题再多说一些,只是我得回去工作了。我们可以待会儿边喝
It was a shame, as after a bit of a slow start we got the measure of Chelsea and really believed we could get back on level terms. 很可惜的一场比赛。我们在开局阶段的慢热后已经开始逐渐适应切尔西的打法了,而且我们本有希望追平比分。
A flower show to be 30, is a public, and color it touches very pretty, I just hesitate if I can get back out to accompany such a suit Sha! ! 一只花秀要30,是个公的,花色倒是挺好看,我就是再犹豫我要是弄回去陪啥还能出这样的花色!!
But it still faces a long road to get back to where it was just a few months ago. 但要回到短短几个月以前的情况,它仍有很长的道路要走。
I asked her to get back in her car, and she did, but in 15 seconds, she came roaring out again. 我请她会到车里,她照做,但是15秒后,她又气哄哄地跑出来。
Nina notifies the rest of the office that Jamey tried to commit suicide, but she urges everyone to get back to work. 尼娜向办公室的其他人员宣布——杰米试图自杀,但是她敦促工作人员们继续工作。
Whatever, he could make two to three movies a year and get back in profits for about ten percent of the movie's gross. 这还不止呢,布莱德可以每年接两三部电影,并能在电影票房收入中有一成的分红。
the trip to Mexico was for her to find herself, get back on her feet , return to him healed. 这次来墨西哥就是为了让她弄清自己的处境,重新站起,抚平心灵的创伤后回到他身边。
You've got to have confidence in your own ability and that you'll get back. 你必须相信自己有能力然后你就会回来的。
Diplomats in the Gulf say the Saudis are not likely to help Saleh get back to Yemen, even if he were well enough to travel. 海湾地区的外交人士称沙特不太可能帮助萨利赫返回也门,即便他具备足够条件。
If yes, please get back to me with your final price of your item asap. 如果是,请告诉我这件商品的最终价格。
And Bill, thank you for the years of laughter and for helping me get back in touch with that little kid inside. 比尔,谢谢你给我们带来这些年的笑声,并帮助我重新触碰内心的童心。
All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was. 所有的水都拥有惊人的记忆力,它们总是在努力流回到自己的归宿之地。
He put his head in when it hurts and was everywhere, fighting for possession, determined to ensure Everton didn't get back in the game. 他已经一头扎进了漏防的地方,防守覆盖了整个区域,他每个控球权而战,他决心让埃弗顿在比赛中找不到北。
It's been a tough season but hopefully I can put it all behind me and get back to doing what I love. 这是一个坎坷艰难却充满希望的赛季,我能把遭受的坏运气都抛在脑后,我能够找回最佳状态,重新投入我热爱的战斗中。
But we should then have shut up shop. When you get back into it, you've got to see it out and take a draw. 但是我们本应停止表演。当你重新回到比赛中,你就应该完成它,获得一场平局。
For both policy and political reasons, I was trying to get back in the tax-cut hunt with the Republicans before the new Congress convened. 考虑到政策和政治原因,在新一届国会召集起来开会之前,我又试图回头和共和党就减税问题进行较量。
Terry Semel, Yahoo's chief executive, last week pledged to "get back to basics" in an attempt to get the company back on track. 雅虎首席执行官特里•塞梅尔(TerrySemel)上周承诺,将“回归基本面”,以便让该公司的经营重回正轨。
and I said to myself, 'Perhaps I can get there with a boat. Perhaps I can get back to England one day. 我对自己说,“或许我用一只小船可以到达那儿。也许,有一天我便可以回到英格兰了。”
But when he tried to get back into the cockpit, the door would not open. 但当他从洗手间出来试图重新进入驾驶室时却发现门已经打不开了。
Eventually, by giving it to you, he'll have one more cause to appear on the scene again, at least to get back what belongs to him. 最后一点就是,通过把夹克给你,他将会得到再一次会出现的理由。至少是为了把属于他的衣服取回来。
I'm focused on trying to get back to 100% as soon as possible and I'm ready to play in every game. 我正努力尽快回到100%的托雷斯,我准备好每一场比赛。
Please get back to me with your acceptance of these terms. 请您接受这些条款,我取回。
Then start networking like mad, says Walsh: "Talk to as many people as you can in the field you're trying to get into, or get back into. " 之后,求职者就要尽全力利用自己的人际关系网。沃什说:“明确了自己希望涉足或重返的行业后,求职者要尽一切可能,与这些行业中的人多交流。”
She would probably be very glad to get back to her own present-day kitchen, with its lightweight equipment. 她大概非常高兴再回到她自己的现代化厨房。那里有种种轻便炊具。
It would be fantastic to get back there but to get back there you've got to reach the standards that the other clubs have set. 再次回到这个地方对我来说十分的梦幻,但回到这里意味着你必须要达到别的俱乐部已经设定的标准。