
美 [ɡleɪz]英 [ɡleɪz]
  • n.釉;釉料;奶浆
  • v.(眼睛)变呆滞;给…安装玻璃;给…上釉;使光滑
  • 网络雨淞;釉面;上釉彩

第三人称单数:glazes 现在分词:glazing 过去式:glazed



v. n.

1.[i]~ (over)(眼睛)变呆滞,发呆if a person's eyesglaze orglaze over , the person begins to look bored or tired

2.[t]~ sth给…安装玻璃to fit sheets of glass into sth

3.[t]~ sth (with sth)给…上釉;使光滑;使光亮to cover sth with a glaze to give it a shiny surface

英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... rampant( 肆虐的,蔓生的); glaze,抛光,珐琅); ornament( …


转动扭矩 - 豆丁网 ... Air-entrained concrete 加气混凝土 glaze 珐琅质, 上釉 Stainless steel 不锈钢 ...


首页-兵人国度-淘宝网 ... Dry 干扫 Glaze 釉料 Edge 边缘 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... glass 玻璃 glaze 装玻璃 gleam 一线微光 ...


风力发电机名词术语汉英对照 - 豆丁网 ... 霜淞 rime 雨淞 glaze 冰雹 hail ...


PCB英语词汇 ... Glass Transition Temperature,Tg 玻璃态转化温度. Glaze 釉面,釉料. Glob Top 圆顶封装体. ...


GRE词汇精选(核心词汇) ... glance 一瞥 glaze 装玻璃于;上釉彩;n.釉 glean 拾落穗;收集(材料等) ...


釉字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 釉质〖 enamel〗 釉子glaze〗 釉瓷砖〖 enameledbrick〗 ...

When using sponges or a cloth apply the glaze mixture with a circular motion - as if you were actually washing the walls. 用海绵或布的时候,需要打圆圈上釉,就好像真的在刷墙样。
Each type of glaze color flows naturally with many levels as if it was made by nature, revealing an irresistible beauty! 各类釉色自然地流动,层次丰富,宛若天成,透露著让人无法抗拒的美感!
It's used for distributing the frits on the surface of tiles, single firing. It also can use for printing with common glaze. 该机适用于一次以上烧成的陶瓷砖或砖坯表面布、印颗粒熔块,也适用普通花釉印花。
He was now up , standing- mentally and physically frozen really- his eyes touched with a stony glaze for the moment . 他起身站在那里,说实话,心理上、生理上都冰凉,有一阵子他的眼睛象发了呆似的。
I often put his hand stretched, let sunshine in coloured glaze window scattered lazy to go through. As if can. 我时常把自己的手掌伸在琉璃窗前,让阳光散懒的穿过。
The pervious to light of the rice-pattern glaze is better, the surface of glaze is level smooth, the glossiness is higher. 玲珑釉的透光性好,釉面平整光滑,光泽度较高。
and they ask me what I work on and I say consciousness, their eyes don't glaze over -- their lips curl into a snarl. 他们问我在研究什么,我说,意识,他们就不仅仅是失去兴趣了——他们的嘴巴都拧成一团了。
His aomori abalone was the most Chinese of all his dishes, very tender, almost melting with a light glaze of oyster sauce. 他做的青森鲍鱼是所有菜中最有中国味的,嫩得几乎能与那层薄薄的耗油融在一起。
This glaze line drive is divided into a master driving section and a secondary driving section. 此施釉线传动分为:主传动部份,附传动部分。
"Try to get these people in the front row, the press corps, to write on this more than once, and their eyes glaze over, " Mr. Warner said. 华纳说,记者们,去追问坐在前排的这些人,多报道这个问题,他们看上去目光呆滞。
I was not referring to the woman on my right: At the end of their ladies' lunch, they were served a tart with a gorgeous, glossy glaze. 我指的并不是我右边的那位女郎。而是在她们用餐结束前,服务员上的最后一道馅饼,有着出色、光滑镜面的馅饼。
The grain in a piece of wood. A bristle of a paintbrush left stranded in a painting. The uneven glaze of a Japanese ceramic cup. 一块木头上的纹理,一幅画布中残留着画笔上掉下来的猪鬃,一个日本陶瓷杯上没有抚平整的釉。
In addition the branched structure with great surface area may be adhered easily and has no need of adding additive or glaze material. 另外,所述的分枝结构由于具有大的表面积而易于被粘附,不需加入添加剂或釉料。
Function: Used for ceramic glaze, pigments for Pr yellow , fiber production and materials of rare earth permanent magnet alloy. 用途:用作陶瓷釉,镨黄颜料、光纤制作和稀土永磁合金的原料。
There is a very strong chance that their eyes will glaze over as you start talking about the importance of the placement of your opt-in box. 很有可能当你开始讲述选择框设置的重要性时,他们的眼神会有些呆滞。
In the outer wall of a thin glaze where objects can see tire marks on the rotating billet, commonly known as "bamboo brush pattern. " 在器物外壁薄釉的地方能看出胎上的旋坯痕,俗称“竹丝刷纹”。
The daily-used ceramic glaze with high far-infrared radiation was prepared, which measured up to the national dail. . . 制备出了符合国家日用瓷质量标准、且具有高的远红外辐射性能的远红外日用陶瓷釉。
Glass's lead glaze is as a flux to iron, copper, cobalt, manganese material as a coloring agent, together with quartz and made. 琉璃器的釉是以铅作为助熔剂,以含铁、铜,钴、锰的物质作为着色剂,再配以石英而制成的。
Glaze colorant, used for decoration, burning of dry blank continuous or firing of white porcelain, enamel on hygiene and then glaze. 用于装饰干坯,素烧坯或烧成后的白瓷,在其上施生釉再进行釉烧。
The achievements were astounding and still appeal to modern taste due to its focus on shape and the tactile experiences of the glaze. 惊人的成就,仍然吸引现代味道,因为它注重形状和釉的触觉经验。
Finally come to the end of a ground sharp arris glaze, the original is not a very painful thing. 终于走完了这一地尖尖棱棱的琉璃,原来并不是一件太痛苦的事。
However, embedded in the glaze another part of the bottom layer of bubbles, from the glazed on it is difficult to thoroughly see. 但是,蕴藏在釉层最底下的另一部分气泡,从釉面上则很难透见。
Abram, full-bodied open fittings glaze days finely grain piece, brown eyes and fish ZiWen features obvious. 釉色天兰,通体开细碎纹片,棕眼及鱼子纹特征明显。
The birdbath like flower is very practical also, bottom already glaze, can install conveniently go up in the stage. 像花朵一样的水盆也很实用,底部已上釉,可方便地安装在台上。
You know what happens when you've been sitting at your desk too long: Your muscles tense up, your eyes glaze over, and your energy lags. 你知道长期端坐在办公桌前的恶果:紧绷的肌肉,呆滞的双眼和无精打采的自己。
GlazeWhite crystal, plot glaze shape seems like a lot of tears, known as the "wax tears, " loomed the yellow-green color. 釉色洁白晶莹,很多积釉形状好似泪痕,被称为“蜡泪痕”,隐现着黄绿颜色。
Due to colour variations in the material combined with a transparent glaze , differences in shades may occur on the mugs . 由于结合了一种透明釉料的材料存在色差,杯子上可能会有色差。
The archway is a rare one that made from glaze, and the only one set up for education. 这座牌坊是很少见的琉璃牌坊,也是唯一一座专门为教育而设的牌坊。
An object composing of chinastone and kaoline etc. with glaze facilities or painted in the surface. 一种由瓷石、高岭土等组成,外表施有釉或彩绘的物器。
Glaze permanent sintering in the glass surface and be a safe anti-acid-base and a new decorative glass products. 釉料永久性烧结于玻璃表面而得到的一种抗酸碱和安全性高的新型装饰玻璃产品。