go home

  • na.回家;〈口〉死;(忠告等)刻骨铭心;击中
  • 网络回家吧;回家去;回家了

go homego home

go home


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... do homework 做作业 go home 回家 letter n. 信 ...


ROME SEASON 七- 二 ... You have become insufferably greedy.|就不知道满足 Go home,|回家吧 have a good lunch,|吃顿好的 ...


...续夸大法律的属地性,从而形成了一股在法律适用上的“回家去”(go home)的反改革潮流。


选用科学... ... 5.Telephone game( 打电话)──情境对话 6.Go home回家了)──娱乐游戏 3.Beautiful color( 美丽的 …


9、小白兔回家(go home) 游戏说明:用于认读单词。老师将所学单词写在卡片上,一张一张展示,每次展示时,第一个先读出来 …


The Big Bang Theory... ... -Howard:Okay. 好吧。 -Bernadette:Go home. 回去吧。 -Howard:Boy,I don't know. 天啊,我不知道 …


... [reach a very high level;be perfect] 在学识和工作上有相当造诣 [go home;come home] 回到家中 [complete] 完备;周详 ...


再过几个月之后,有一个军官,来到我们的房间,给我们每人发了四套黄卡基军服,四条黄色军毯,说要送我们回国Go home

Finished, we all thought. She held out her hand, trying to pull me, but nothing back, turn around and go home. 打完之后,我们都愣了。她伸出手,想拉我,却又空空地收回去,转身回家。
But that night, leave me to call you to go home to less than ten minutes, someone from the clinic to call, the phone can hear you sad cry. 而那一晚,离我去喊你回家不到十分钟,就有人从医务室打电话来,电话里听得见你悲惨的哭喊声。
Finally . . . Good afternoon, I pack their bags ready to go home, this time, I hurt up, why? 终于…下午我收拾好书包准备回家,这时,我却伤心起来,为什么?
It was an amazing sight to see them working round the clock, refusing to go home. 看他们不停的工作,不想回家,实在是使人惊异的。
He said that he should go home to kill them first and then he would drown himself in the river or kill himself at his father's grave. 他说他应该先回老家把他们杀掉,再投河自尽或死在爸爸坟上。
We were at my daughter's wedding, on our way to the reception, when Philippe told me he needed to go home as he wasn't feeling well. 那天我女儿结婚,在去招待会的路上,菲利浦说他感觉不舒服需要回家休息。
'No! Listen to me, ' Mr Santini said. 'I'm going to call a taxi for you right now. Go home and stay in bed. “不要说了,听我的,”圣提尼先生说,“我现在马上帮你叫一辆出租车,回家,躺到床上去。”
I don't want to look at him. I wish he would go home. He has no regard for those who must work. 我才不想瞧他。我希望他回家去。他并不关心那些非干活不可的人。
Wearing strange masks, carrying a lantern "Jack light" to go home channeling households and adults to ask for holiday gifts and candies. 戴上千奇百怪的面具,提着一盏“杰克灯”走家窜户,向大人们索要节日的礼物和糖果。
As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked. 他刚一讲完,珍妮就对他说她要回家。这不免使杰里米有点扫兴,但他还是按照女儿的要求做了。
You've probably been itching either to go home for a visit or to return to a place you've always loved. 你可能想回趟家或是回某个你热爱的地方看看。
To be able to go home, I got up early to catch the train. 为了能早点回家,我早早就起来赶火车。
But I did not go home. I could not leave the street and did not take my eyes off Marguerite's house for a moment. 不过,我没有回家,我离不开这条街,我的眼睛一直盯着玛格丽特的房间。
Students might go home to the their families -- or spent spend a week partings partying on a warm beaching beach with no parents around. 学生也许会回家和家人一起渡过,或者在没有父母在身边的情况下花一个星期在温暖的海滩流连。
Never go home the same way as you went out, ' she said, as though enunciating an important general principle . “绝不能走同一条路回家,”她说这话,宛如宣示个重要的普遍原理一个样。
I go home to see the dust raised, I said much those photos, she said that she did not even on the 25 km. 烟尘提出要去我的家里看看,我说远着呢,她说不就25公里嘛。
" When he would say in Arabic, a Western woman journalist repeated nagging these words, the female reporter laughed and said " go home soon. 当他在一位会说阿拉伯语的西方女记者反复唠叨这些话时,女记者笑着说“快回家去吧”。
He said he had to go home to care for his toddler. 他说他一定要回家,因为家里有小孩要照顾。
People sit on the by the lake, enjoying such beautiful view, loathe to give up to go home, really want to see much in a short while. 人们坐在湖边,欣赏着如此美景,舍不得回家,真想多看一会儿。
At the very least, he did not call on his supporters, as he could have done, to go home to avoid bloodshed. 他本该该劝导他的支持者撤回以避免流血冲突,但他丝毫没有那样做。
"Here is a paper with which if I cannot whip Bobby Lee I will be willing to go home, " said McClellan. 麦克莱伦将军说:「有了这分文件,我不能把罗伯特.李打得落花流水,甘愿归隐老家。」
Funeral plans are scrapped. The next, day - the very next day - the little girl is well enough to go home! 葬礼计划取消了。第二天--就在第二天--女婴就好起来,可以回家了!
Her elbow might have had a small fracture and she wanted to go home to take advantage of the college's medical facilities. 她的眉毛可能会骨折,所以她想回去以便可以使用学校的医疗设施。
I find a little girl crying by pool , she has got lost being unable to find a family , I have decided to send her to go home. 我发现一个小女孩在水池边哭,他迷路了找不到家,我决定送她回家。
If I sign something for you, and I see it on ebay, when you go home, I'm gonna be under your bed. 如果我送给你的礼物,我看到它在易趣上,当你回家时,我要在你的床上。
I haven't decided to go home or to stay at school this summer. 我尚未决定今年夏天是回家还是留校。
I swear I don't want to go home and listen to Ma take on about us being expelled . It isn't as if this was the first time. 老实说,我不想回家听妈妈对我们被学校开除的事大发雷霆,不能当做第一次那样看待了。
Tom routed him out, told him the trouble he had been causing, and urged him to go home. 汤姆把他撵出来,告诉他已惹了麻烦,要他快回家。
Stopping at a corner, he waited for a car south bound. This was no day to be out; he would go home. 他在一个拐角处停下来,等候朝南行驶的有轨电车。这绝对不是出门的天气,他要回家了。
To go home or to stay at school during the summer vacation is not decided. 暑假回家还是呆在学校还没有决定。