give in

  • na.让步;屈服;投降;上交
  • 网络交上;认输;放弃

第三人称单数:gives in 现在分词:giving in 过去式:gave in 过去分词:given in

give ingive in

give in


高一英语必修一词组归纳 ... 55.change one’s mind 改变主意 56.give in 投降;屈服;让步 57.keep doing sth. 继续做某事 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... fairy tale n 神话;童话;谎言 give in 让步;投降 ruin n 废墟;遗迹;毁灭;崩溃 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... give birth 使诞生;生(孩子) give in 投降;交上去;听任 give off 发出或放出(蒸气等) ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... give back 送还,恢复 give in 交上;投降,屈服 give off 放出,释放 ...


反义词大全_百度文库 ... give out 分发 - give in 上交 82. hate 讨厌,憎恨 - ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... give back 送还,恢复 give in 交上;投降,屈服 give off 放出,释放 ...


真题网 - 英语四级词组列表 ... give back (归)还 give in 交上,呈上;投降,屈服,认输 give off 发出(光、声音等),散发出(气味) ...


95年统测单片集锦 - 豆丁网 ... take up 47 occupy 占据 48 give in 放弃 49 be made of 组成 50 ...

There was no give in him in the negotiations with us over the matter. 在与我们谈判此事时,他丝毫不肯让步。
I used my best debating skills to argue with him, but he would not give in. 我费尽口舌和他争论,但他就是不肯让步。
Still be on your guard as the final acts of the dark Ones play themselves out, and as we so often implore you, do not give in to fear. 请依旧保持警觉,因为黑暗势力在做最后的挣扎而依旧是出局的结局,并且作为我们这么经常的“恳求”你们,不要跌入“恐惧”中。
But she let herself give in to what her body commanded, sunk underneath the surface, and let her eyes close for good. 但她让自己屈从于她的身体有什么吩咐,沉没水面下,让她的眼睛闭上良好。
He nearly give in. After he back home, His mother comfort him, and help him with summing up his falsity . 小明回到家后,他的妈妈安慰了他,并帮他总结错误。
He traveled to the Sith world of Ziost, where the energy of the dark side tempted him to give in to his basest instincts. 本来到西斯的星球锡奥斯特,在那里,黑暗面的能量引诱他屈服于最原始的本能。
You don't know Gaddafi if you think he'll give in to international pressure and take the path of a negotiated exile. 如果你认为他将屈从于国际压力,选择协商流亡的方式,那只能证明你不了解他。
But, I feared, at the moment I'd give in and take the leap of faith, it would open up and swallow me whole. 就在我终于决心要跳入水中的一瞬间,我害怕了,怕水会将我吞没。
If I were to follow my heart in these moments, I would give in to despair and all would be darkness. 如果我在这些时刻顺着我的心走,那么就会屈服在绝望而一派黑暗。
Give yourself credit for your strengths and your individuality. Do not always give in to other people. 你应该对自己的能力和人性有足够的信心,不要总是让步于他人。
If your son pleads with you to let him stay at home from school, you must n't give in to him. 如果你儿子求你允许他呆在家里不去上学,你不能迁就他。
If you look at me with those big soppy eyes, I'm not going to give in and feed you. NOT NOT NOT. Oh, ok, just this once. 我并不会因为你用你那湿漉漉的双眼望著我而作出让步,为给你吃的。不会,绝对不会。好吧,就这一次。
Declaring that he would actively pursue the goal of peace in the Middle East, Obama said the world should not give in to pessimism. 他宣布,他在中东将会积极争取实现和平的目标。奥巴马说,对世界不应该持有悲观的态度。
She had to give in AS a result of pressure relayed from her relatives via her parents. 由于亲戚通过她的父母向她施加的压力,她只好屈从了。
if you give in and call your Mona for a hit, the pain will go back to lurking just beneath the surface of your consciousness. 如果你屈服,打电话给你的Mona来一剂“兴奋剂”,这个痛苦将再次潜伏,就在你意识层下方。
Obviously, if the city is to procure food from the countryside it must have something of value to give in exchange. 很显然,如果城市要从乡村获得食物,它必须有一些能够用来交换的有价值的东西。
Any help that you could give in this regard is greatly appreciated and i thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. 关于此事,深深感激你所给予的任何帮助,感谢你抽出时间来考虑。
And after that, he changed his behavior. He began to give in charity to people and to live a very normal, relaxed life. 从此以后,他的行事为人改变了,开始行善布施,过一个轻松、正常的生活,不再执着金银财宝。
It's a critical time for you to get ahead, so give your career all you've got to give in the second half, even though it's holiday time. 这是一个取得进步的关键时刻,所以在后半月倾尽全力去拼搏吧!即使是节假日也别浪费了哦!
21If you refuse to give in, we will testify that you sent your maids away for there was a young man here with you. 不然,我们就要作证控告你,说有一个青年人同你在一起,所以你才打发婢女们离开你。
Animal rights activist Brigitte Bardot wrote to the German minister calling on her not to give in to pressure to overturn the Anuga ban. 动物权益倡导人士BrigitteBardot写信给德国部长呼吁她不要向推翻德国科隆国际食品展览会(Anuga)禁令的压力屈服。
Fair play to them for turning up really. It would be easy to just give in and let their heads drop but we'll fight on. 公平竞赛让大家都乐意参与其中,要放弃很容易,不过我们会继续。
For we're now in a situation where it would be very dangerous to give in to conventional notions of prudence. 因为在这样的情况下,固守成规,斤斤计较是很危险的。
There was no give in him in negotiations with us over the matter. 在与我们谈判该事时,他丝毫不肯让步。
He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, nor did he give in to any difficulty. 他生来就有残疾,但他从不沮丧,也从未屈服于任何困难。
We were all born with a gift to give in life, one which informs all of our desires, interests, passions and curiosities. 我们拥有有与生俱来的礼物,它指引着我们的欲望、兴趣、热情和好奇。
Well-connected Kikuyu business leaders are trying to persuade Mr Kibaki to give in and form a government of national unity. 无所不知,无所不能的基库尤商界领袖正在试图劝说奇贝吉先生宣布成立一个统一团结的政府。
You seem to be deeply inspired by your partner now, and if so, give in to this feeling and revel in it. 你可能将深受伴侣的鼓舞,如果是这样的话,请好好感受并珍爱这些。
He got captured in the battlefield. No matter how cruelly the enemy tormented him, he would never give in. 他在战场中被俘,无论敌人如何残酷的折磨他,他从不屈服。
Both my parents object to my going abroad to further my studies. I wonder if I should give in or try to talk them round. 父母都反对我出国深造。我不知道是该让步还是尽力说服他们。