
美 [bɚnz]英 [bə:nz]
  • v.烧伤;燃烧;烫伤;烧坏;烧伤;燃烧;烫伤;烧着;烧坏;烫伤;烧死;〈美〉用电椅处死
  • n.烧伤;烧焦;灼伤;烧痕;烧伤;烫伤;灼伤;烧(或烫、灼)的痕迹;火伤;电击伤;烧焦;烧痕
  • 网络伯恩斯;彭斯;柏恩斯



v. n.


1.[i]燃烧;烧to produce flames and heat

2.[i]着火;烧着to be on fire

3.[t][i](使)烧毁,烧坏,烧伤,烧死to destroy, damage, injure or kill sb/sth by fire; to be destroyed, etc. by fire


4.[t][i]~ (sth)(使燃料)燃烧if youburn a fuel, or a fuelburns , it produces heat, light or energy


5.[i][t](使)烧焦,烧煳if foodburns , or if youburn it, it is spoiled because it gets too hot


6.[i][t](使)晒伤,烫伤,烧伤to be damaged or injured by the sun, heat, acid, etc.; to damage or injure sb/sth in this way

身体部位of part of body

7.[i]火辣辣地痛;发烫if part of your bodyburns oris burning , it feels very hot and painful

灯of a light

8.[i]发光;发亮to produce light

有情感╱热望feel emotion/desire

9.[i][t]有强烈的情感;渴望to feel a very strong emotion or desire

走得快go fast

10.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.向…迅速移动to move very fast in a particular direction

使生气make angry

11.[t](informal)~ sb激怒;使大怒to make sb very angry


burn your bridges

不留退路;破釜沉舟;背水而战to do sth that makes it impossible to return to the previous situation later

burn the candle at both ends

过度劳累;起早贪黑而疲惫不堪to become very tired by trying to do too many things and going to bed late and getting up early

burn your fingers|get your fingers burnt

(尤指生意上)没有先见之明而蒙受损失,因不慎而吃亏to suffer as a result of doing sth without realizing the possible bad results, especially in business

burn a hole in your pocket

一有(钱)就想花;花钱没有节制if moneyburns a hole in your pocket , you want to spend it as soon as you have it

burn the midnight oil

挑灯夜战;熬夜to study or work until late at night

burn rubber

飞车to drive very fast

burn sth to a cinder/crisp

把某物烧焦(或烧煳)to cook sth for too long or with too much heat, so that it becomes badly burnt


伯恩斯(Burns) 西经118.44 北纬43.01 UTC/GMT-08:00加能海滩(Cannon Beach) 西经123.57 北纬45.53 UTC/GMT-08:00临洞(…


舞台英文术语 ... Bruises 瘀伤 Burns 烧伤 Scars 伤疤 ...


  说到彭斯(Burns),也是一个值得介绍的苏格兰大人物,这位苏格兰民族诗人生于1759年,1796年英年早逝。彭斯一直倡导苏格 …


柏恩斯Burns)把小组领导分为专权式、民主式和放任式三种。四、小组领导者的角色 从小组的过程来讲,黄惠惠总结了小组 …


(丁伯成)- - 豆丁网 ... Dangers 危险 * Burns 燃烧 * Smoke 烟雾 * ...


看病时各种疫病的英语说法 - 新闻中心 -... ... 切割伤和擦伤 Cuts and scrapes 烧烫伤 Burns 冻伤 Frostbite ...


服装类行业术语 ... under-pressing 中烫 burns 烫糊 shiny 起镜面 ...


烧焦(Burns) 热量分解,通常与变色(Discoloration)同时发生 Thermal decomposition, usually with discoloration. 缩水(Sink/ Shrin...

I stayed in the bottom class, but noticed the girl that I had been talking to was in another class. Her surname seemed to be Burns. 我仍在最低班,却注意到曾和我讲话的女孩在另一个班,她好像姓伯恩斯。
Fire burns in the Lidless Eye, flushing out, bringing mortal fear and a heavy burden to those whom ever dared to have a glance at it. 在无睑之眼中燃烧着烈焰,向外涌出,向那些胆敢瞥一眼其容的人们放射出致命的恐惧与沉重的负担。
She told us to think of him as Bobby Burns. Now get in your head a picture of a London policeman, a bobby in flames. 她告诉我们把他当作博比·彭斯,让你的脑海里闪现出一个伦敦警察的形象,燃烧着的警察。
No one enjoys their first cigarette - it tastes awful, burns your throat, makes you cough, and is often nauseating. 香烟有可怕的味道,让你的喉咙感到烧灼,咳嗽并经常让人感到恶心。
"At their peak, how much oxygen they're consuming is a measure of how physically fit they are, " Burns said. “在他们达到峰值时,耗氧量的多少可以衡量他们的机体适应能力,”Burns说。
The president is in hospital with second-degree burns to his face and chest, and a shrapnel wound below his heart. 总统现在正在医院,面部和胸部二级烧伤,心脏下方的位置中枪伤。
Hamilton was hospitalised with severe burns after a botched explosion in a take of the moment in which she disappears into a cloud of smoke. 拍汉密尔顿消失在一团烟雾中那个场景时,爆破失败,她严重烧伤,被送往医院救治。
The symbol on an instrument shows that the surface might be hot. Avoid personal contact to prevent burns. 仪器上的符号表示表面可能发热,避免人员接触,以防烫伤。
"The bottom line was that all eight leaders, all eight delegations ultimately signed up to what is a pretty strong statement, " Burns said. “底线在于,八国领导人,八个代表团最终都在一份强有力的声明上签字了。”Burns这样说道。
America has always been a beacon to the peoples of the world when we ensure that the light of America's example burns bright. 美国始终是世界人民的一座灯塔,而我们必须确保美国的典范之光明亮四射。
Hot, fiery love can only make a relationship work for so long, but it always burns out in the end. 爱得太过于热烈对维持一段长久的关系并不是什么好事,因为它会引火烧身。
Later that day, during the play-hour, I found Burns alone by the fireside, reading the same book as before, and I started talking to her. 后来在游戏的时侯,我找到了独自坐在火边的伯恩斯,她还在读那本书。我开始和她说话。
Some of the children even have burns on the soles of their feet. They'd lost their shoes and run barefoot through the burning fire. 其中一些孩子脚底甚至也烧伤了,她们的鞋掉了,光着脚在燃烧的火焰上奔跑(译:地狱变啊简直)。
The pottery after ising with the mud(glue soil) model to dry in the air burns out with the fire of, is the crystallize of mire and fire. 陶器是用泥巴(粘土)成型晾干后,用火烧出来的,是泥与火的结晶。
Pure aloe vera gel has been used for thousands of years to treat minor burns. Here's how to harvest it yourself, from an aloe vera plant. 几千年来,纯净的芦荟凝胶一直用于治疗轻微的烧伤。根据下面的建议学习怎样从芦荟植株上收获芦荟凝胶。
He never burns his tongue on a pub chicken pie? I can't imagine that he's ever eaten one. A bit common for him, isn't it? 永远都不可能被一个酒吧里的鸡肉派烫伤舌头?我甚至都觉得他根本没吃过鸡肉派。这对他来说还正常点,是吧?
This process rigor is often part of the project's lifecycle whether it adds value or is just overhead that burns time and budget. 这一处理过程的严格性通常是项目开发周期的一部分,无论它是添加值还是烧钱和时间。
When a lightbulb burns out, we rarely give it a second thought. 当一个灯泡烧掉了,我们很少会在它身上再去多费心思。
The star used to be like the sun, a "main sequence" star that burns hydrogen by nuclear fusion, producing helium. 这颗恒星曾和太阳一样,是颗“主序星”(“mainsequence”)。它通过核聚变燃烧氢,从而产生氦。
If the sun's rays are focused on a piece of paper with a lens, the intensity of the concentrated energy burns the paper. 如果太阳光线是透过镜片集中在一张纸上,那集中能量的强度会烧掉一张纸。
It works like this, she said. Suppose you wanted tore member the name of a poet Robert Burns, for instance. 这个系统是这样的,她说,假定你要记住一个诗人的名字,例如,要记住罗伯特·彭斯的名字。
Why would any force increase the molecular rotation up and up and up and up to a point that the body burns up? 为什么会有势力一直加速分子转动,让其加速、加速,直到身体猛烈燃烧呢?
Because of an extreme sensitivity to the sun's rays he suffers blistered burns after just a few minutes in direct sunlight. 如果大卫在阳光直射下待几分钟,他的皮肤马上就会起水疱。
When the oil burns, No angel can touch or pass through the flames, Or he dies. So we trap him in a steel cage of holy fire. 当油烧起来时,没有天使能够碰触或经过火焰,除非他死掉。我们使他困在圣火的坚固笼子里。
Most have been used to the principle of having a fuse or safety switch that turns the fixture off if the bulb burns out. 如果灯泡烧毁,大多数设计人员都习惯于用保险丝或安全开关关闭照明器具。
"Suppose you wanted to remember the name of a poet-- Robert Burns, for instance. " She told us to think of him as Bobby Burns. “假定你要记住一个诗人的名字--例如,要记住罗伯特·彭斯的名字。”她告诉我们把他当作博比·彭斯。
Her skin was pink and tender, and a pale milky fluid was leaking from her cracked palms, but her burns were healing. 她的皮肤变得粉红而又娇嫩,一丝淡淡的乳白色液体从她碎裂的手掌中渗漏出来,但是她烫伤的部位在逐渐愈合。
The fire burns through dozens of homes before frantic villagers are able to put down the blaze. 在狂乱的村民扑灭大火之前,这场火又烧毁了几十家。
Isabel It burns at my heart to sit and wait, but at least this will split the demon army and ease the pressure on Nicolai. 伊莎贝尔待在这里真让人心急如焚,但是这至少可以分散魔军,从而缓解尼科莱的压力。
"When a man is hit by lightning, " Tyler says, "his head burns down to a smoldering baseball and his zipper welds itself shut. " “当人被闪电击中,”泰勒说,“他的大脑会被闷烧成一个小棒球,他身上的拉链都会被焊接起来。”