
美 [tæks]英 [tæks]
  • n.税;税款
  • v.课税;对…征税;使纳税;缴纳车辆牌照税
  • 网络税收(taxation);税金;税务

复数:taxes 现在分词:taxing 过去式:taxed

pay tax,impose tax,levy tax,tax cut,raise tax
sales tax,heavy tax,indirect tax,direct tax


n. v.

1.[c][u]税;税款money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services. People pay tax according to their income and businesses pay tax according to their profits. Tax is also often paid on goods and services.

榷字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 同本义〖 single-plankbridge〗 tax〗 专营,专卖〖 monopolize〗 ...


税_百度百科 ... 税金〖 tax and duty;tax payment〗 税款tax〗 税利〖 tax and interest〗 ...


1、税收(tax):取决于你城市人口的多少和你设定的税收标准(low、Normal、high、very high),你的城市如果没有执政官的话, …


服装报价表格_百度文库 ... 辅料费合计 加损耗- wastage3% 利润 税金- tax5% % 美元汇总 0.00 备注- remark:FOB price ...


基地人力资源项目词汇-V1 - 疑译解析-翻译论坛 ... 税保管理 tax and insurance management 税务 tax 说明书 preparation ...


tax, duty和customs的区别?_百度知道 ... custom 是海关关税的意思 tax:n. 税(款),负担 v. 对…征税,使负重担 ...


会计词汇D ... tariff wall 关税壁垒 Tax 税,税务,征税 consumption tax 消费税 ...


会计英语-财务财经词条 ... 3669 target rate of return 目标收益率 3671 tax 税收,税捐 3672 taxable income 应税收益,应税所得 ...

The democratic Party used to be against the tax increase, but since the runaway inflation, it took a U-turn on it's tax policy. 民主党本来是反对加税计划的,但由于通货膨胀加剧,民主党的税收政策来了个180度的大转弯。
measured by the share of GDP gobbled up by the taxman, tax burdens have come down in most countries since the turn of the 21st century. 按照被税务人员收走的GDP份额衡量,大多数国家在21世纪拐点以来的税收负担都下降了。
Thoreau withheld the tax as a protest against slavery and the war with Mexico, which he did not support. 梭罗不愿意缴税的原因,是为了对他不愿意支持的奴隶制度与墨西哥战争表示抗议。
There is no argument for a tax break worth, in practice, ten times as much to the rich as to the poor. 没必要为了税收而争执,事实上对富人和穷人有着十倍的差距。
It is not yet fully clear how much money this top rate of tax, introduced by the former Labour government, will raise. 这一最高税率是由前工党政府推行的,目前还不是很清楚该税率能为政府筹到多少钱。
Unable to borrow the money it needed to pay off a large tax bill it owed, Cains put the company into administration on the same day. 由于无法获得急需的贷款来付清拖欠的大笔税款,该公司于当日宣布由政府托管。
If you think the tax system is unfair, blame the people who created it, not the financiers who took advantage of it. 如果你认为税收体系是不公正的,责怪创造它的人吧,别责怪从中获利的金融家。
But we're now at the point where, in just a couple days, the law says that every American's tax rates are going up. 但我们现在所剩时日无多,再过几天,法律就要规定每个人的税率都将上涨。
The Pakistan government has decided to defer by a year a planned increase in a tax on compressed natural gas. 巴基斯坦政府决定把压缩天然气加税计划推迟一年。
But those arguments have not proved persuasive in Europe, which thinks it has found a way to keep institutions from avoiding the tax. 但是这些说法在欧洲并不具有说服力,欧洲认为已经找到了阻止金融机构逃税的办法。
This variable could then have been used in calculating the tax and the total payment. 然后此变量可以用于计算税和总付款。
However Professor Jack Winkler a professor of nutrition policy said the tax would be 'ineffective'. 然而,研究营养政策方面的JackWinkler教授表示,征税的方式也许收效甚微。
The kind of regulatory and tax arbitrage that small countries once profited from is now subject to an international crackdown. 曾经让小国获利的那种监管和税收套利操作,现在面临国际打击。
As with the bank tax, there is not likely to be any dramatic move on the Chinese currency in the next few days. 与银行税一样,未来几日,各方在人民币汇率问题上不太可能采取任何重大行动。
For other non-resident enterprises, the company did not pay income tax withholding by the taxpayer to pay in income occurred. 对于其他非居民企业,公司未代扣代缴所得税,由纳税人在所得发生地缴纳。
The White House also released tax returns for Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill. 白宫还公布了副总统乔•拜登(JoeBiden)及其夫人吉尔(Jill)的纳税申报表。
Amazon's experimental "Fresh" grocery program is now active in Seattle, where the company already collects sales tax. 亚马逊实验性的“新鲜”菜篮子工程已经在开始征税的西雅图启动。
He said he would let the Bush-era tax cuts expire for the rich, but backed down after the mid-term elections. 他说过要停止布什执政时期富人的减税政策,但却在中期选举时做出了让步。
Obama has said he would roll back some of Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy in the longer term. 奥巴马表示,会在较长期间内恢复徵收布什(布希)政府对富有阶层减少的税收。
Dividend Tax System is always been one of the most interesting and controversial topics in the western academic world. 股息税制度一直是西方学术界非常热衷于研究,并且存在着很大争议的课题。
Buffett caused an uproar in August when he said the wealthy should be subject to a higher rate of tax. 巴菲特今年8月称,富人应按更高税率纳税,此言引发轩然大波。
Simplified tax regimes for small companies have been set up in 13 of the 17 countries the bank studied. 在该银行进行研究的十七个国家内,其中十三个国家已经建立中小企业的简化税捐制度。
Firms tracking the money companies withhold for tax purposes warn that job growth seems to have stopped. 追踪企业税项拨备的公司警告称,这种就业增长似乎已经停止。
Italian prosecutors said the Berlusconi media company bought the name two American film rights, through cross-border corporate tax evasion. 意大利检察官称,贝卢斯科尼名下媒体公司买下美国两个电影版权,通过跨境公司逃税。
It said the company received a tax incentive from the city of Plano, but had not received any "monetary or tax breaks from the state" . 华为表示,该公司在普莱诺享受税收优惠政策,但没有受到“德州政府给予的任何货币扶持和税收减免。”
Enron is just one company, but it took a team of JCT investigators a year to figure out how all its tax shelters worked. 安然公司就是其中的一个公司,不过过了一组JCT调查员一整年的时间来弄清楚它所有的减免所得税奏效了。
If he were to let the payroll tax apply to high incomes, too, he would add another 12. 4%, split between employee and employer. 如果他打算对高收入也征收薪工税的话,他还会另外加上12.4%,由雇员和雇主平摊。
the last three years the company paid tax or tax includes business tax, profit tax, payroll tax or other tax proved. 近三年公司税单或税务交纳证明,包括营业税、利润税、工资税或其它税务证明。
So they do a bit of sabre-rattling but mostly let their companies use tax havens to suit their needs. 因此它们只是虚张声势,很多时候会让自己国家的公司利用避税港各取所需。
"This was an orchestrated case of deliberate tax evasion, and not legitimate tax planning, " he said. 他表示:“这是一桩有组织的蓄意逃税案件,并非合法的税务规划。”