the four

  • 网络少年四大名捕;四勇士;片名

the fourthe four

the four


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Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. 吩咐那吹号的第六位天使,说,把那捆绑在伯拉大河的四个使者释放了。
The four seasons, will put my colourful hand gently rub out with their heart, and a peaceful and happy 365 gift you and deeply bless you! 将缤纷的四季,放在我轻柔的手心里,用它们搓揉出365份平静的快乐,赠与你并深深地祝福你!
If convicted on these charges, the four face a fine and up to seven years in jail. 如果这些指控的罪名被证实,四人将面临罚款和至多7年的监禁。
And of the four who had climbed into the stockade , only one was not wounded , and he was climbing out again with the fear of death in him . 那四个闯进寨子的海盗中,只有一个没有受伤,他赶快爬过围栏逃命去了。
For the four experimental binary pictures, the storage requirement is only about 39 percent of that of QT representation. 对附录中的四幅二值图象,它的存贮量仅是QT表示的39%。
If convicted, the four face a fine and a maximum jail term of seven years on each charge, subject to a total of 20 years. 若被判有罪,这四人将面对罚款和每项罪名最高7年的刑期;若数罪并罚,总刑期最高可达20年。
I suppose the four years in the university is the time of one's life, at least for me. 我想大学的四年时光可能是人们一生中最美好的,至少对于我来说是这样。
and a red bolt of light shot from his own wand, cleaving a gap between the four pursuing Death Eaters as they scattered to avoid it. 一道红光从他自己的魔杖里射出,那四个追来的食死徒急忙躲避,闪出一个空当。
One of the four heroes showed no fear when interviewed, saying "It's a reasonable act to stop a man beating a woman. " 四位英雄中其中一人接受记者访问时并无惧色,他说﹕「男人打女人,理所当然要阻止。」
An attempt to salvage a stuck anchor capsized the boat, and the four men were forced to cling to the hull to survive. 当他们试图让被卡住的锚恢复正常时不慎翻了船,四人只得紧紧抓住船身保命。
Not knowing what to think of him, the four of them quietly continue walking. 他们4人都不知道该怎样想象他,所以就继续默默地前行。
They began to panic the four she, in a vain attempt to discover the vast sea of humanity lives lover. 他们开始惊惶的四处张望,妄图在茫茫人海中寻找今生的爱人。
Write the four letter word hidden at the end of one word and the beginning of the next word. The order of the letters may not be changed. 有一个四个字母的单词,它藏在两个相邻的词中。字母的顺序不变。
The woman cut up the watermelon and shared it out among the four boys. 那妇人把西瓜切开,分给四个孩子。
The mode parameter that each of the four regex functions accepts should be a string of up to three characters, out of four possible modes. 四个regex函数中的每个函数可以接受的模式参数都应该是一个最多三个字符的字符串,且不属于四种可能的模式。
Eurostar said the four trains had been moved from the tunnel and passengers were being transferred to England. 欧洲之星说,四列火车已经从隧道移走,乘客都被转移到英格兰。
' A laugh rang out from the bow of the boat. 'The four of you never will be so lucky! ' 船头忽然有人嘿嘿一笑,说道:“凭你们这四人,原也没这等福份。”
India has always held its place in the world as being one of the four major ancient civilizations and one of the four BRIC countries. 四大古文明国到四大金砖国,印度在世界始终占有一席之地。
Colin covered his eyes with his hands until he was inside the four high walls, and the door was shut again. 柯林用手捂住眼睛,直到进了那四堵高大的围墙里才松开,门又被关上了。
I had taken a large pile of pieces with me, played through some of them and was later awarded one of the four places they were offering. 我已经准备了一大堆曲目,并从中演奏了几首,最终,我成为了他们录取的四个名额中的一个幸运者。
Hu said the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline is a model of solidarity and mutually beneficial cooperation among the four countries. 胡主席说,这条连接中国和中亚的天然气管道是四国团结互利关系的一个典范。
After I was ready to go, I peeked into the kitchen and there were the four coffee cups on the kitchen table awaiting our return. 准备出发之时,我偷偷看了看厨房,发现了四个咖啡杯,静静等待着我们归来。
Society ought to be grasped by the four corners of the cloth and tossed into the air, all of it! 这个社会,应当象提起台布的四只角那样,把它整个儿抛到空中!
Since the same process occurs in each cylinder, we will take a look at one cylinder to see how the four stroke process works. 因为各气缸的工作行程是相同的,所以我们就从一个气缸了解四冲程是怎样运行的。
Acquisition of the four seasons garden, more petals, just a touch of your fingertips, will have more love and fall, precipitation. 采集花园里四季的花瓣珍藏,更多的时候,只要碰一碰你的指尖,就有更多的爱,纷纷飘落、沉淀。
During the four seasons of a year, it prevents dryness in fall and winter, cleans dampness in spring and summer. 随着一年的四季变化,它能够在秋季和冬季防止干燥、在春季和夏季祛湿。
I got through memorable college time, known a lot of close schoolmates, I grown up in every respect in the four years of college time. 我度过了难忘的大学时光,结识了一群要好的同学,四年的时光是自己在各方面都成熟了许多。
China's state-run Xinhua news agency said the four employees had been 'handed over to local procuratorate for prosecution. 中国官方媒体新华社称,四人已被“移送上海市检察机关审查起诉”。
Analysis from the variable law of displacement, the settlement difference of the four foundations is all in reasonable range. 从基础底板位移变化规律看,四种基础的沉降差都在允许的沉降范围内。
Kuril Islands, including the Russo-Japanese territorial dispute between the four northern islands (Russia, said the South Kuril Islands). 千岛群岛包括日俄间存在领土争议的北方四岛(俄称南千岛群岛)。