power struggle

  • n.权力斗争
  • 网络权力争夺;政权斗争;权力挣扎

power strugglepower struggle

power struggle


甚至可以说是充满权力斗争 (power struggle) 的意味 权力斗争不完全是负面 只要沟通能够携带来「建设性」(constructive) 的结 …


心理学专业英语词汇(一) ... power structure 权力结构 power struggle 权力争夺 power tactics 权术 ...


3. 政权斗争Power Struggle)与控制非战区在计分方式方面,1989最大的特点在於导入了政权斗争(Power Struggle)这个 …


...再继续哭闹,连明天也没有电视看了。」毋需与儿女陷入权力挣扎(power struggle)中。


...较主动的领袖,他们有主导的能力,但又未致於有太大的权力斗争出现(power struggle),这情况大约在第二、三次活动才出 …

He found himself in the middle of a political power struggle between the Jedi Council and the Chancellor. 他发现自己站在绝地委员会和议长政治权力斗争的焦点上。
There has been a power struggle over this succession too, but the outcome is depressingly easy to read. 这次的继承也有一次权力斗争,但是很难简单的读到结果。
But new research suggests it may be down to a subconscious power struggle being played out as you make your way up or down. 但是新研究指出,在你上下电梯时,你的表现可能源自一种下意识的权利斗争。
Education experts say one of his main difficulties was a power struggle with professors who control undergraduate education. 教育专家指出他主要的难题之一是与大学教授之间的权力之争。
His downfall revealed a fierce power struggle at the top of the party ahead of a once-in-a-decade leadership succession later this year. 薄的倒台揭示出,在今年下半年举行的十年一度的领导层换届之前,共产党高层正进行着激烈的权力斗争。
Diplomats are expecting so much instability in a power struggle after his death that they argue it's unwise to rock the boat now. 外交官正在他的死亡之后期待力量竞争的这么多不安定他们争论资讯科技是无智现在摇动船。
At the age of 30, after a power struggle with a more experienced executive who had been hired to run the start-up company, he was out. 在他30岁那年,因为与被聘来经营这家初创公司的更有经验的高管发生了权力斗争,他离开了苹果。
They were engaged in a power struggle, for there was no hand at the wheel. 由于缺乏强有力的人的领导,他们在进行一场权力斗争。
A poor result for the MUD would have unleashed a power struggle in its ranks and might well have led to its disintegration. 对于委内瑞拉团结联盟(而言)一个艰难的结果可能会在他们中引发一场权力斗争并且有可能导致它的分裂。
The power struggle of the military as a factor in the anti-Chinese riots cannot be proven or disproved due to inadequate evidence. 至于军方的权力斗争,由于证据不足,无法证明与排华暴动有关连。
Britain's biggest bank, HSBC, is preparing to announce major changes to its senior management amid reports of a boardroom power struggle. 英国最大的银行汇丰银行将要宣布其高级管理层的职务变动,此前有报道称其董事会内部正在进行权力斗争。
Kaifang offered no proof of a power struggle, and Wen seems to retain President Hu Jintao's full backing. 《开放》没有提供证据证明此事涉及权力斗争,胡主席应该仍然在全力支持温。
Mr Ouattara, who recently won a power struggle with his rival Laurent Gbagbo, said law and order would be maintained by the police. 刚刚从竞争对手巴博那艰难的赢得权力的瓦塔拉表示,警方将维持法律和秩序。
Honduras is at the center of a power struggle between Roberto Micheletti's interim government and the ousted elected leader Manuel Zelayer. 洪都拉斯目前真在经历米切莱蒂临时政府和被驱逐总统塞拉亚之间的权利争斗。
If things polarise into a huge power struggle, swamps will become vampires, turning every little thing into an issue about themselves. 如果情况进入两极化到了极端的权力斗争,沼泽会变成一个吸血僵尸,把所有的小事情变成他们索取的工具。
Not any more. Wiedeking was forced to step down on Thursday, defeated in the power struggle over Porsche's future. 周四Wiedeking被迫离任,在保时捷权力斗争中落败,填补了Piech所说的空缺。
Third, he power struggle inner the company before the coming out of the new company law. 新《公司法》出台前董事会内部“宫廷政变”的屡战屡败。
Russell Leigh Moses, a Beijing-based political analyst, cautioned against seeing differences in opinion as a sign of a power struggle. 居住在北京的政治分析家拉塞尔·利·摩西(RussellLeighMoses)告诫说,我们不能把(胡温)观点上的分歧看作是权力斗争的信号。
Our needs can be fulfilled by both people simply taking the next step, rather than engage in power struggle. 我们的心灵需求可以被满足的,只要双方都采取下一步,而非在玩一个权力斗争的游戏。
But a power struggle later that year between the two men led to Mr. Arnold's departure. 不过后来二人之间的权力斗争导致阿诺德离职。
But it is the culmination of a 40-year love-hate power struggle between the News Corp. chief and Britain's public and politicians. 不过,这却是默多克与英国公众和政界之间一场持续了40年的爱恨权力斗争的高潮。
If I fail after power struggle I might wake up at midnight from nightmare I lick my wound like a beast. 权力斗争失败后,我半夜从恶梦中惊醒,舔舐自己的遍体鳞伤。
After Mr Jobs lost a power struggle and left Apple in the 1980s, the company floundered until it reached the brink of bankruptcy. 上世纪80年代,乔布斯在一场权力斗争中落败并离开苹果后,该公司陷入了困境,最后甚至走到了破产边缘。
Some say the case is part of a power struggle between the Nuer and the south's largest tribe, the Dinka. 有人说该事件是努尔人和南方最大的部族--丁卡人之间的权利斗争的一部分。
The core of the dispute was a power struggle between workers and management over work rules governing the plant's operations. 争议的核心问题是工人与管理层之间就工作规则进行的权力争夺。
In the serious and tense atmosphere of power struggle, the appearance of Dong Kwon brings a breath of lightheartedness and sweetness! 在严肃紧张充满勾心斗角的剧情氛围中,东权的出现为大家带来了轻松可爱的气息!
This policy overlap will confront the eventual victor of the PSDB's power struggle with a difficult choice. 这些政策重叠将是社民党内权力斗争最后胜利者将面对的困难抉择。
It looks as if most Hondurans saw the poll as a chance to end the power struggle and make a fresh start (see article). 看来洪都拉斯民众把此次大选当作是一个终结政治斗争,一切重新开始的机会。
After an internal power struggle, he was fired from Apple in 1985 and later founded NeXT with $7m of his own money. 1985年,乔布斯在苹果高层权力斗争中离开了苹果并用自己的700万美元的资产创立了NeXT公司。
Like many important life events, it is a power struggle of sorts, and I'm not exactly sure where the balance lies. 与生活中许多重要的事情一样,这有点像是权力斗争,而且我不完全确定平衡点在哪里。