check out

  • na.开支票(提款);(旅馆)付账后离开;及格;〔美俚〕死
  • 网络退房;检查;结帐

第三人称单数:checks out 现在分词:checking out 过去式:checked out

check outcheck out

check out


客人退房 (Check Out): : 团队/散客退房 如果客房分机在进行外部通话不能退房 在任何时间可打印客人详细帐单 团队退房, …


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... see sb. off 给某人送行 check out 核实,检查 write out 写出 ...


Welcome to Shanghai - 豆丁网 ... 填表 ● fill in the form 结帐check out 接待员 ● receptionist ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... check in 报到,登记 check out 查明; 结账 clear up 整理,收拾, (天气)放晴 ...


检出Check out):从服务器的版本库中取出修订版成为本地副本 版本号的来源:有两种策略,基于文件的计数和基于仓库的 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... check in 办理登记手续,报到 check out 结账后离开;检验合格 check up 核对,检验 ...


GCT英语词汇_百度文库 ... Check in 办理登记手续 Check out 结帐后离开 检验,核查 on 校对,检验,检查 ...


签出check out)的代码签入评论| 简单说就是嵌入评论| vss:意思 vss:check vss:文件 vss:配置 更多关于vss:意思的问题>>

Not less than twice a week at the check out line to ensure that your computer failures to a minimum. 一个星期不少于两次次的列行检查,保证您的电脑故障降到最低。
Check out the table below to see the web hosting service package we offer and register for your professional and easy to remember website! 看看表,看看我们提供整套服务网主办,并登记您的专业网站,易记!
Check out the WebSphere CEA Feature Pack if you think your Web applications can benefit from enhanced communication and collaboration. 如果您认为自己的Web应用程序能够从增强的交流和协作获益,那么就仔细看看WebSphereCEAFeaturePack吧。
The plug-in does everything you want from a source-code management tool, making it easy to check in and check out files. 该插件将通过源代码管理工具使您可以轻松地检入和检出文件,实现您想要的一切。
For more from J. D. Roth, check out his excellent personal finance blog, Get Rich Slowly (or subscribe to his feed). 想对J.D.鲁斯有更多的了解,请访问他优秀的个人财经博客,“慢慢阅读”(或订阅)。
Potential new developers could check out the code at any time, but if it won't build, they are likely to be dissuaded from contributing. 潜在的新开发人员可以在任何时候检出代码,但是如果代码不能构建,新开发人员可能就被挡在了做贡献的队伍之外。
If you need support without dropping tens of thousands of bucks a year, check out what open source has to offer in a particular area. 如果您需要支持,而又不想一年支出很多费用,那么就请看看在某个特定的领域开源能否效力。
Check out an article written about him in the San Francisco Examiner by clicking on the link below. 通过点击下面的链接,可以在旧金山稽查中关于他的一篇文章中来证明这点。
The Royale Lounge provides personalized check-in and check-out services, continental breakfast, all-day refreshments and evening cocktails. 行政楼层提供快速入住和退房服务,自助餐早点,点心饮料及晚间鸡尾酒。
To read more on this neat bit of financial engineering, check out this research paper (. pdf file). 想在财务上看得更明白可以查看这份研究报告。
I highly recommend you check out his photography blog, and wish him luck as he tries to make some big changes by the end of the year! 我极力推荐你们去看他的图文博客,并在此奉上我的祝愿:希望他在年底能有一些大转变。
The hotel offers a number of special services, including a choice of pillows and a late breakfast and late check-out on Sundays. 酒店提供许多特别服务,包括多个枕头供您选择,较晚的早餐和周日延迟退房服务。
Maybe check out some editorial reviews that you can "borrow" to make it appear that you know what you are talking about. 也许查查社评,你可以借此表明你知道你在说什么。
For a look at some business students trying to build their own businesses, check out our slide show. 如要查看更多创业学生的故事,请点击我们的幻灯片。
Check out how much GM used to spend on little text ads before its recent crash. 开看看通用公司最近破产之前在这些小广告上花了多少钱吧。
If I was a famous great artist and went blind, I would check out on life, yo! 如果我是个著名的艺术家而又瞎掉了,我会放弃生命!
If you answer 'yes' to any of these questions, you might like to consult a physician and check out your health. 如果以上的任何一个问题中,你回答“是”的话,那么,你就应该咨询一下医生,检查一下你的健康状况。
Please check out the rest of my site, and let me know what you think. 那么请继续关注我,同时告诉我你的想法。
Check out these fantastic 101 examples of beautiful text treatments and please let us know of any other great examples we may have missed. 检查一下本文提到的101种美图文本处理方法,如有任何没有提到的更好的例子,请告诉我们。
Leanne: Sometimes, like if John's in front of me and I've stopped, as you do, check out clothes racks, or whatever else. 莉安:有时候我和约翰一起逛街,他走在前面,而我不时停下来,像你一样进服装店挑挑衣服或者别的什么。
Be sure to check out the privacy settings when posting your resume and do what feels right for you--and for your future career. 在网上发简历时记得要查看下隐私设置,然后设定对你和你未来的职业来说比较合适的状态。
To calculate how much you could earn, check out the rental prices of other homes in your neighborhood. 计算到底你能赚多少钱,对比邻居其他出租房子的出租价钱。
Check out the crowd! *Tips* The parking here can be quite limited so you might have to find parking lots at opposite shops or nearby houses. 看到了吧,这里有够热闹的。在此有个小贴士:这里的停车位有限,所以驾车人士可能需要到对面店屋或附近组屋找停车位。
Carol: Harm-free mouse hotels , your mouse checks in and doesn't check out until you find it a more suitable environment. 卡罗尔:什么?平等自由的老鼠旅馆,老鼠进去以后,你要为它找到适当的生态环境,它才能出来。
Check out a few of these smart ideas and determine how they apply to your site, your customers, and your industry's niche. 这里有几个聪明的点子,有利于改善你的网站,吸引顾客和业内人士。
I'm going to check out tomorrow, but will be back in a week's time. 我会在明天退房,但一星期后会回来,
When you're ready to go much deeper into creating your own custom cmdlets, be sure to check out the Windows PowerShell SDK. 当您准备好更深入地了解如何创建自己的自定义Cmdlet时,请务必查看WindowsPowerShellSDK。
For a look at all the ups and downs among the top 50 programs, check out the slides that follow. 对于所有的跌宕起伏中前50名的方案看,看看下面的幻灯片。
Check out this list and find out how much money you can save by using freeware apps. 好好围观一下这张清单吧,敲下算盘,看看要是用这些免费软件的话您能省下多少银子。
If you're past all that school stuff and want to see how much geography you remember, check out the World Map by Game Design. 如果你通过了全部的学校考核并且想知道你到底记住了多少地理,通过游戏方式来查看世界地图。