
美 [ˈbʌt(ə)n]英 ['bʌt(ə)n]
  • n.纽扣;扣子;(机器的)按钮;(电脑屏幕上的)按键
  • v.扣…的纽扣;用纽扣扣上
  • 网络钮扣;按钮控件;按钮对象

复数:buttons 现在分词:buttoning 过去式:buttoned

click button,press button,push button,hit button,sew button
mute button,silver button


n. v.

1.纽扣;扣子a small round piece of metal, plastic, etc. that is sewn onto a piece of clothing and used for fastening two parts together

2.(机器的)按钮a small part of a machine that you press to make it work

3.(电脑屏幕上的)按键a small area on a computer screen that you click on to make it do sth


on the button

准时;正好at exactly the right time or at the exact time mentioned

push all the (right) buttons

做得面面俱到以讨好人to do exactly the right things to please sb

push sbs buttons

使有所反应(无论是积极或消极的)to make sb react in either a positive or a negative way


按钮有三种类型,一般的按钮 (button),“提交” (submit) 按钮和 “重置” (reset) 按钮,它们有共同的属性和方法,也有各自不同 …


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... needle 针 button 钮扣 zipper 拉链 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1785 enter v 进入 1786 button n 按钮,纽扣 1787 capital n 首都 ...


上海教育出版社七年级《英语》上册单词表_百度文库 ... newspaper n. 报纸 button n. 按键 lift v. 抬起 ...


同问按钮控件(BUTTON)的事件有多少种 2011-03-04 12:02 ck阿萨 | 分类:VB 提问者采纳 2011-03-05 17:46 等待您来回答 分 …


  一个普通按钮对象Button)通常会有 on click 事件处理程序,因为这种对象根本不能从用户那里得到任何信息,没有 on click …

The front also displays the brand's name engraved on a silver button located towards the bottom of the device. 正面同样还显示了压印在位于该装置下部银色按钮上的品牌字样。
Each of these layouts is represented by an image button , which describes its arrangement , as shown in figure 3 . 这些布局每个都是以图像按钮的形式显示的,图像按钮描述了其布局,如图3所示。
Designer Mikhail Belyaev said he may opt for an alternative button operated system as it is currently in its concept stage. 设计师MikhailBelyaev他可能会选择一个备用按钮驱动的方案。因为这项设计还处于概念状态。
On Tuesday the company showed two phones, the ChaCha and the Salsa, that include a separate button on the front to quickly access Facebook. 在星期二,这家公司推出两款手机,Chacha,和Salsa,这两款手机在正面有一个独立按键,可以快速连接到Facebook。
The timed button presses make it a lot more realistic and the Contain function allows you to hold up your opponent in 1v1 situations. 抢断由按键的时机来决定让一切看起来真实了许多,新的设计允许你保持和对手处于1对1的状态。
roared Hagrid, and Harry looked up just in time to see Hagrid slamming a thick finger into a green button near the fuel gauge. 海格咆哮道,哈利一抬头,正好看见海格用粗粗的手指使劲一摁燃料表旁边的一个绿色按钮。
Simple features make it easy to use, including a unique feature which records sound for three seconds after pressing the shutter button. 简略的特征使其非常实用,更特别的是有一个独一无二的特点,在按下快门键后能够录制三秒钟的声音。
Huawei has become a hot-button issue leading up to the U. S. Presidential elections as well. 华为已经成为事关美国总统选举的一个热点问题。
Observing on his left cheek a bloodstain the size of a button, she leaned over to look at it carefully and laid one Finger on it. 黛玉因看见宝玉左边腮上有钮扣大小的一块血渍,便欠身凑近前来,以手抚之细看。
Dragging seems to work fine, but some of the button presses aren't recognized unless you press really hard. 拖放操作很正常,但有些按钮需要用力按才能被识别。
Seeing others' Depot full, you are ready to meddle in their affairs to delete them, clicking the right button of the mouse. 看到别人电脑的回收站溢出,也有夺其鼠标点其右键删其垃圾越俎代庖之蠢蠢欲动。
Or it could carve out a separate place for links outside the message (perhaps through a "link" button at the bottom of each Tweet). 或者也可以在信息以外划出一块单独的地方存放链接(或许通过在每个Tweet底部增加“链接”按钮实现)。
With a simple, daily click of the blue "Click Here to Give - it's FREE" button at The Child Health Site, visitors help children. 举一个简单的例子,每日,点击儿童健康网站的蓝色按钮“点击这里给--完全免费”,访问者就帮助了儿童并且无需支付任何费用。
The Actions button helps you to make the server and a new node in an existing ER domain or to create a new ER domain. Actions按钮帮助您让服务器成为现有的ER域中的新节点,或创建一个新的ER域。
To "flip" back to the button, click on the rounded arrows on the side, the same way that you "flipped" it in the beginning. 要“翻转”回到按钮,就在旁边,同样的方法,你“翻转”一开始它的圆形箭头按一下。
This button has to be available not only in the list page but in the beginning of every article about event. 这个按钮不仅可在列表页,但在每一个有关事件的文章开始提供。
If you say "you know" too much, wear a golf counter on your wrist, and press the button whenever you catch yourself saying "you know" . 如果你总是把“youknow”挂在嘴边,就在手腕上戴个高尔夫计数器,每当意识到自己说一次“youknow”时就按一下计数键。
Controlled the air conditioning button which on the stage arranged in turn to let me associate the candied fruit. 中控台上依次排列的空调按钮让我联想起了糖葫芦。
The only revelation was that for just $71 you can buy a desk toy in his image that says at the touch of a button: "You're fired. " 唯一的收获是我发现,只要花71美元,就能买到以艾伦爵士形象制成的桌上玩偶,按一下按钮,它就能说:“你被解雇了。”
The page enables access to information about the calls that are outstanding and easily terminates any of the calls with a click of a button. 通过该页,用户不仅可以访问有关未完成的呼叫的信息,还可以通过单击一个按钮来轻松地终止任意呼叫。
UFO so much to do, not necessarily a good thing, playing down Furthermore, the mouse control direction Click the left mouse button to fire. 这么多的UFO去干什么,一定不是什么好事情,打下来再说,鼠标控制方向,点击鼠标左键为射击。
To create a Delete or a Select button column, you had to add a generic button column and give it a predefined command name. 如果要创建一个Delete或Select按钮列,则必须添加通用的按钮列并预定义一个命令名。
A few little tweaks with the easy to use Viewsonic menu and easy button interface made colors so real and true. 用优派的易用的菜单和便捷的操作按钮进行一些小的调整就可以得到非常真实色彩。
Consider, finally, a hot-button issue that has come up in the last two months: Should insurance companies cover contraception? 最后,我们来考虑一下近两个月的热门话题:保险公司的业务应该包括避孕吗?
It is as easy to create a castle as a button. It's just a matter of whether you're focused on a castle or a button. 创造一个城堡和创造一颗钮扣一样容易。问题只是你聚焦于城堡还是钮扣。
Well, I suppose one of us should press the button or we'll be here all day, won't we? 嗯,我想,我们其中一个应该按下按钮,否则我们将在这里一整天,不是吗?
Press alarm button or use any other telecommunication means to contact property management personnel or other related department. 使用紧急通话装置或其它通讯工具与物业电梯管理员或外界取得联系。
Users will be able to see up to a week of previous days stories when clicking a button "Yesterday" "2 Days Ago" "3 Days Ago" , etc. 用户将能够看到最多的故事前几天周时,点击一个按钮,“昨天”,“2天前”,“3天前”等。
moment for me. But it was all too late. Despite that, I still go ahead and add the button inside the app with an update. 虽然已经错过了最好的时机,但是我还是在下次更新的时候加上了这个按钮。
"I didn't know I'd lost a button, " he said to himself. "Tonight I'll go and see if I can find it. " 他自言自语道:“我都不知道我丢了一只纽扣,今天晚上我得出去找找看。”