o connor

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o connoro connor

o connor


部分欧美歌手和乐队名字的英汉对照 ... 5NY 纽约客合唱团 O Connor 奥康纳 13th Floor Elevators 电梯13楼 ...

He thought to ask her if she'd ever read Salinger, Yates, Carver, O'Connor, or Hannah, like he did daily. 他想问她是否读过塞林格、叶芝、、或者汉娜,就像他每天做的那样。
Mr. Gooch, who began work on this book in 2003, was ready to roam the world in hopes of penetrating the O'Connor mystique. 古奇于2003年起开始撰写此书,他已准备好四处漫游,以期能破除奥康纳的神秘感。
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Flannery O'Connor is at least as well known for her stories as for her novels. 雪丽葛里菲兹:弗兰纳里奥康纳至少也为她的小说为她的故事而闻名。
"Being able to manipulate synaptic growth is going to be crucial for treating traumatic spinal chord injuries, " says O'Connor-Giles. “能够操作突触生长,就会成为治疗脊索创伤的关键。”姬尔丝说。
O'Connor said the Baby Gaga was just one of a dozen radical new flavors at the shop. 奥康纳表示,“嘎嘎宝贝”只是该店出售的12款独特风味冰淇淋之一。
Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O Connor is in her 70s, and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start up in his 80s. 最高法院法官桑德拉·欧科纳70多岁,前外科医生协会总裁C·埃弗雷特·库普80来岁还主持了一个网站的起步工作。
There I was, clerking for Justice O'Connor, and I was haunted by a feeling that it was all a digression. 是的,我在为康奥纳大法官工作,而我被一种一切都偏离的感觉所缠绕。
Everything we think of as a Flannery O'Connor story came after she had been diagnosed as having lupus and settled in to life in the South. 我们津津乐道的弗兰纳里·奥康纳小说都是她被诊断出患有狼疮并返回南方定居之后的作品。
Prof. Daniel T. O'Connor: You know there certainly is a lot of evidence consistent with that fact. Connor教授:您知道,对于这个事情实际上已有许多证据支持。
With Lowell and his wife Elizabeth Hardwick, as with other couples, O'Connor enjoyed playing third wheel and child. 当和罗威尔和他的妻子伊丽莎白•哈尔德维克(ElizabethHardwick)夫妇或和其他夫妇在一起时,奥康纳喜欢扮演电灯泡或是小孩子。
"Air activity at either location has never been publicly disclosed or identified in imagery, " blog author Sean O'Connor notes. 博客作者西恩.奥康纳表示:“两个基地中任何一方的具体情况从未被公开过或者有影像证实。”
What makes "Flannery" so valuable is the degree of intimacy with which it captures O'Connor's sensibility in that story. 使得《弗兰纳里》这本传记如此珍贵的原因在于,它深入到那个故事中去捕捉奥康纳的情感和感受。
O'Connor made her only trip outside the country to Lourdes, with her mother, in April of 1958. 奥康纳的唯一一次出国之旅是在1958年4月和她的母亲前往卢尔德(Lourdes)。
By whatever measures, Flannery O'Connor and Tennessee Williams remain among the cultural icons of the American South. 无论以什么标准来衡量,弗兰纳里·奥康纳以及田纳西·威廉斯都被视为美国南方的文化象征。
"These individuals have higher levels of vulnerability and tend to turn to food as an escape from self-awareness, " O'Connor said. 康尼尔博士称:“这些人精神比较脆弱并且常用吃东西来逃避自身的压力感。”
"Reasons" in the United States of contemporary social ecologist James O'Connor ecology study of Marxist academic works. 《自然的理由》是美国当代社会生态学家詹姆斯·奥康纳研究生态学马克思主义的学术力作。
By the time she was wrote that 1961 essay, "The King of the Birds, " O'Connor was a cult literary celebrity. 到她1961年写下《鸟禽之王》(“TheKingoftheBirds”)时,奥康纳已是拥有狂热追随者的文艺界名人了。
The founder of Icecreamists, Matt O'Connor, said he could not understand people being squeamish about the product. “冰激凌乐园”的创办人马特·欧康纳说,他不理解为什么有人会厌恶这个产品。
But he has clashed several times with Mr O'Connor, who has yet to set out a comprehensive defence policy. 但是同时他也与奥康纳发生过多次争执,而奥康纳至今仍未能提出一个全面的国防政策纲领。
President Bush has nominated White House counsel Harriet Miers to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'connor. 布什总统已提名白宫顾问哈丽麦尔代替即将退休的最高法院法官桑德拉。
The breakdown of the vote suggests that Anthony Kennedy is replacing Sandra Day O'Connor as the court's swing vote. 详细分析票数表明安东尼。肯尼迪已经代替山德拉。奥卡纳的位置,成为最高法院起决定因素的一票。
O'Connor considers the long two shot second one of the country's best. 奥康纳认为,长期两杆的第二个全国最好的。
What's more, O'Connor's unique life experience as a southerner and devout Catholic contributes a lot to her writing style and themes. 此外,奥康纳作为南方人同时也是一位虔诚的天主教徒,这样独特的经历对她的创作风格及主题形成影响深远。
O'Connor's work does not come alive on this biography's pages, except as Mr. Gooch traces the origins of incidents and ideas. 奥康纳的作品没有活生生地呈现在这本传记的纸页之间,除了古奇先生在为某些事件或观点推本溯源的时候。
Her initial rejection letters were actually addressed to "Mr. Flannery O'Connor, " and I think she kind of liked that neutrality. 事实上,奥康纳开始时候收到的退稿信里都以“弗兰纳里·奥康纳先生”称呼她,我觉得奥康纳也挺喜欢这个中性的名字。
That she suffered from lupus and died before the age of 40 is well-known to fans of O'Connor. 喜爱奥康纳的读者都知道她身患狼疮,不到四十岁就离开了这个世界。
But Mr Alito is proving to be a much more reliable conservative soldier than Ms O'Connor. 但是,阿利托先生眼下正在表明自己是比奥康纳女士可靠得多的保守主义斗士。
Mr Bush almost scuppered the whole project when he nominated a lightweight family retainer, Harriet Miers, to fill Ms O'Connor's seat. 布什先生因提名其白宫随扈哈里特•迈尔斯(HarrietMiers)继任奥康纳的席位而几乎破坏了整个计划。
Her neighbour, Rachel O'Connor, pressed a button on the machine every time she was disturbed by noise from next door. 她的邻居,瑞秋.奥康纳,每次被噪声干扰后都会按下那个设备上的按钮。
Furthermore, O'Connor believes in original sin and she believes that people would be finally redeemed by God if they fear Him. 此外,奥康纳相信原罪说并且认为人们只要敬畏上帝就能最终得到救赎。