by the sea

  • na.在海边
  • 网络在海滨;海滨;在海岸上

by the seaby the sea

by the sea


查尔斯·斯宾塞·卓别林_百度百科 ... The Tramp( 流浪者) By the Sea在海边) Work( 工作) ...


有无冠词意义不同的短语_百度文库 ... by sea 乘船 by the sea 在海滨 6. in hospital 住院 ...


海滨(By the Sea)工作(Work)妇人(A Woman)银行(The Bank)水兵(Shanghaide)游艺场的一夜(A Night in the Show)一九一六年 …


词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... by sea 乘船,由海路 by the sea 在海边,在海岸上 go to sea 出航,做水手 ...


... 普吉岛悦榕庄( Banyan Tree Phuket) 大海景观酒店( By The Sea) 普吉岛攀瓦角酒店( Cape Panwa) ...


阿加莎·... ... 第三十五章 波洛的说明( Explanations) 第三十六章 在海滨上( By the Sea) 鲍里斯·伊万诺维奇( Boris Ivanovitch) ...


高一英语短语总汇-高一-飞翔英语网 ... follow-up 后续;续集 by the sea 至海边 do research 研究 ...

For a moment, the world and all its people vanished, and there was just Daniel and me in our home by the sea. 那一刻,世界消失了,只剩下我和丹尼尔站在海边的小屋里。
The popular image of a package holiday is of cheap holiday to a place by the sea in southern European(especially Spain). 关于承包旅游,大家都认为这是一个廉价旅游,去一个位于南欧靠近海边的地方,尤其是西班牙。
He lived in Capernaum by the Sea of Galilee with his wife and mother-in-law and was a fisherman. 他同他的妻子和岳母一起住在加利利湖边的迦百农,他是一个渔夫。
He dreamt an old dream of a hovel by the sea, three dogs whimpering, a woman's tears. 他梦到一个曾经做过的梦:海边的旅馆,三只狗在呜咽,一个女人在流泪。
He sums it up in his British travelogues, The Kingdom By the Sea, as the liberating fantasy of running away from home. 他在自己的英国游记《濒海的王国》中,将他的这种逃避概括为“使人解脱的离家出走奇想。”
After Xiaoming pleaded constantly, his mother finally allowed him to spend his summer holiday by the sea. 小明一再请求,妈妈终于恩准他暑假可以去海边旅游。
Once upon a time, there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea. 从前,在海边的一个村子住着一位老渔夫。
So that her highborn kinsman came And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre In this kingdom by the sea. 于是她那些高贵的亲戚来到凡间把她从我的身边夺去,将她关进一座坟墓在这个滨海的国度里。
Some students are also dozens of a dozen rounds, but I have not yet received the ball had already kick in. , submerged by the sea. 还有些同学一打就是几十个回合,可我还没有接到球就已经一命呜呼,沉入海底。
He agreed. So I drove him up to a place called Capo by the Sea, which was a recovery center and we checked him in. 于是我送他到海边一个称为Capo的地方,那是一间复康中心,我们替他办理入住手续。
Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. 耶稣顺着加利利的海边走,看见西门,和西门的兄弟安得烈,在海边撒网。他们本是打鱼的。
They want a week or two of sunshine to lie on the sand by the sea. 他们想要的是在沙滩上晒一个礼拜或两个礼拜的日光浴。
Once upon a time, there was an old fisherman living in the village by the sea. 从前,在海边的一个村子里住着一位老渔夫
This past summer was the first summer that I did not visit the little green cottage by the sea, and I cannot help but miss her. 过去的这个暑假是我第一个没有去海边小屋度过的暑假,但是我会忍不住地想念她。
"There have been reports of villages, where most of the houses have been run over by the sea, " he said. 他补充说,西萨摩亚主岛乌布卢(Upolu)的南部是受灾最为严重的地区。他称:“有报告称,部分村庄多数房屋已被海水淹没。”
Every new answer breeds a dozen new questions. What I know, compared with what I do not know, is like a grain of sand by the sea. 每解决一个问题就会产生一打新的问题。我所懂得的比之于我所不懂的,只不过是茫茫大海边上的一粒沙子而已。
JIM: I don't know yet. My wife's going to her mother's for a couple of weeks. She lives by the sea, you know. 我不知道。我的妻子会去她母亲的几个星期。她住在海边,你知道。
In his lifetime the great frontiers were the oceans, and a historian later said, "He lived by the sea, died on it, and was buried in it. " 在他生活的年代,大洋是无尽的边界,历史学家后来说:“他生于海边,逝于海上,葬于海中。”
Kim Greene, now 54 and happily single, is keen on her peripatetic, creative life, but hopes to settle down in the future by the sea. 作者现年五十四岁,过著快乐的单身日子,热衷于漫游,喜欢创作,但希望将来能在海边定居。
Perhaps we now have an explanation of its origin - a folk memory of a real ancient civilisation swallowed by the sea. 一段民间记忆记载了一个真实存在但最后却被大海吞没的古老文明–也许我们现在可以解释它的由来了。
Skirmishes between residents and local councils are already erupting up and down the coast over erosion by the sea. 针对海水侵蚀陆地现象,当地居民和地方议会之间的小冲突已经在沿海岸地区时有发生。
The couple spent all day by the sea , and motored to the hotel in the evening . 这对夫妇白天在海边呆了一天,晚上乘车回旅馆。
Flying in the wind cold at heart, accompanied by the sea roar, submerged in the rising tide waters. 飘扬在冷咧风中的心碎,伴随着海水的咆哮,淹没在潮涨的海水间。
A kind friend may invite you to their country house, or your sister may invite you for the weekend to her cottage by the sea. 一位好朋友也许会邀请你去他们在郊区的别墅看看,又或者你的姐妹会邀请你周末去她在海边的小房子小住。
Now you are shattered by the sea in the depths of the waters; your wares and all your company have gone down with you. 你在深水中被海浪打破的时候,你的货物和你中间的一切人民,就都沉下去了。
The children plumped for a holiday by the sea. 孩子们特别想去海边度假。
It has long been a dream of mine to retire and live by the sea. 退休后去海边生活是我的夙愿。
Though your people, O Israel, be like the sand by the sea, only a remnant will return. 以色列阿,你的百姓,虽多如海沙,惟有剩下的归回。
There's a picture of my wife and the children on the piano in my cottage by the sea. 这里有一张我妻儿在海滨小屋里弹钢琴的照片。
From afar, Bitou Cape looks like the nose of a kitten leaning by the sea. 从远处看起来,鼻头角像似小猫的鼻子倾向著大海。