body and soul

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body and soulbody and soul

body and soul


身体与灵魂》(body and soul)杂志称欧洛芙博士为“美国顶级医生之一”。 其文章刊载于美国有线新闻网(cnn)、公共广播 …


灵与肉 (Body And Soul) ?nbsp; ?nbsp; (6集,英国)无翅的小鸟 (Wingless Bird, The) ?nbsp; (3集,英国)顺时针 (Clockwis…


········_我是谁家猪吧_百度贴吧 ... in the same boat 同舟共济,共患难 body and soul 全心全意 body building 健身,健美 ...


同问《肉体与灵魂》(body and soul)电影下载 2009-03-05 21:27 提问者悬赏:10分 | 匿名 | 分类:资源共享 这部影片是九十年 …


...:灵欲轨道/灵与欲DVD免费在线观看 高清在线观看灵与欲(Body and Soul) - 高清下载 | 在线观看 | 电影预告片 | 电影 ...剧情电 …


目录 ... 内醒 Grow-up Story 身心 Body and Soul 电影 Films ...


爵士咖啡厅_百度百科 ... 7.The Nearness Of You 靠近你 8.Body And Soul 躯体与灵魂 9.You Go To My Head 难忘你 ...


加积分啦~~帮我解决几道英语题_百度知道 ... stop: 停下 body and soul: 身体和灵魂 heart and soul: 心灵 ...

Wellness can be defined as a balance between the mind, body and soul that results in a state of overall well-being. 思想、身体和心灵达到平衡的状态谓之健康,这能够让你的身体达到完全的健康。
Food, at least for the better-off, has long been far more than a means of keeping body and soul together. 至少在收入还可以的人看来,食物早已不只是维系生命的手段了。
The instrument had a warm, dark sound that you could feel in the depths of your body and soul. 这种乐器的声音柔和、深沉,能触动你身体和灵魂最深处。
The severe winter, body and soul in adversity though, is after all a tendency of hiding virility ready to develop. 寒冬,身心处于逆境,却是阳刚之气潜藏与滋发的动向。
These steps combine a few lessons each, helping you to take care of your mind, heart, body and soul and achieve a true transformation. 这每个步骤都附有一些课程以便关注你是心情和身心变化以及确保你真正做到转变,真正感到幸福。
Your love will not be light and gay but something very serious that involves both of you at all levels of mind, body, and soul. 你们的爱情可能不会是轻松而惬意的,而在你们双方的精神、身体和心灵等所有层面显得十分严肃。
However, too much stress, too often with no effective and appropriate outlet, does not allow the body and soul to recuperate. 但是,过多的压力,往往由于没有有效的和适当的出口,不允许身体和心灵休养生息。
God personally formed him as a potter fashions his prized cup God created man uniquely in His own image, body and soul. 上帝像一个陶匠一样亲自塑造他的奖杯,上帝也用祂自己的形象创造了人,包括他的身体和灵魂。
Hiring a prostitute implies that I cannot be loved, body and soul, just body or soul. 雇佣妓女意味着我不能被爱,身体和灵魂,只是身体或者灵魂。
They had to work from early morning until late at night for a wage barely enough to keep body and soul together. 为了一点勉强糊口的工资,他们只得从清晨干到深夜。
War, regardless of what happened pretext, the Federation of innocent people left to the body and soul of the pain! 战争,不论以怎样的借口发生,总会给无辜者留下身体和心灵上的伤痛!
In the moment: Enjoying every moment with focus of mind, body and soul leads to happiness that shows in the activity that we engage in. 活在当下:全身心享受每时每刻带来幸福感,这在我们所参与的活动中将有所体现。
Some of these simple pleasures are good for your mind, body and soul. 这些简单的快乐对你的大脑、身体和精神都非常有好处。
Life is a continual conflict of give-and-take, a pairing of opposites, of good and evil, of innocence and experience, of body and soul. 生活就是不断地对立冲突,比如给予与索取,善与恶,单纯与世故,肉体与灵魂。
A month of such loving, body and soul, would be enough to bury most people. 一个人的肉体和心灵都像这样地爱上一个月的话,就只能剩下一具躯壳了。
You have bewitched me, body and soul , and I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on . 你把我的躯体和灵魂都占据了,我爱你,从今天起我不想与你分开。
After the happy freedom of six months the confinement of body and soul would be doubly intolerable to her. 过了6个月幸福自由的日子之后,肉体和精神的桎梏将使她加倍地痛苦。
I bet it was when your entire being, body and soul were totally immersed in the moment and in the experience. 我敢打赌当时你整个人,无论身体还是灵魂都完全沉浸在那一刻、那件事中。
Moses had been buried by God Himself and Elijah was transported to heaven with body and soul, in a chariot of fire. 摩西被神亲自安葬,而以利亚的肉体和灵魂一起乘着火车火马被接到了天家。
In a metaphorical way with high scientific technologies, a city is compared to a living being consisting of body and soul. 馆内通过高科技的手法,以隐喻的形式,表明城市如同一个生命活体,具备生命的结构和灵魂。
How do the dark forces(or evil spirits) influence, take control , oppress, or bind people's body and soul? 黑暗权势(或邪灵)如何影响,辖制,压制或捆绑人的身体和灵魂?。
The perfect combination of a Singapore SPA and scenery of a Suzhou garden relaxes one's body and soul to the most natural condition. 新加坡特色SPA和苏州园林的景致在这里完美结合,身体与心灵的放松让人回归到最自然的状态。
When I left home, work was difficult to find, and I earned hardly enough to keep body and soul together. 当初我离开家时,工作很难找,我挣的钱仅能勉强维持生存。
Under the effect of these forces, human life bears the two contradictions between body and soul as well as necessity and freedom. 在此等力量的作用下,人生承载着肉体与灵魂、必然与自由两大矛盾的对抗。
The man who works the long hours has no necessities except the barest to keep body and soul together, so he can work. 日工作时间长的人,除了维持最低的生活水平以便能继续劳动外没有别的需求。
Essential oil series. nurture the body and soul with the pleasant aroma from nature. 精油系列。修养身心,大自然馈赠的芬芳!
oh, behold his beautiful body and soul, a friendly God must have built this man to an all well-balanced whole. 噢,看他那漂亮的身体和灵魂,一个友善的上帝一定将这个男人个方面都塑造得很好。
The personal judgment made at the time of death involved a person's soul. The Final Judgment deals with both a person's body and soul. 临死时的个人审判只针对他的灵魂。末日审判既针对他的灵魂,也针对他的肉体。
Don't you know it will be the ruin of ye, body and soul? 你难道不知道,这样下去你连肉体灵魂都会一起毁掉吗?
If you could design your future husband whose mind, body and soul would you choose? Whose mind? 如果你能设计自己未来的丈夫,你会挑选谁的思想,谁的身体,和谁的灵魂?