as a result

  • adv.结果
  • 网络因此;结果是;作为结果

as a resultas a result

as a result


介词短语_百度百科 ... with respect to 关于 as a result 结果,因此 as a result of 由于 …… 的结果 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... with respect to 关于 as a result 结果,因此 as a result of 由于 …… 的结果 ...


英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... as a boy 当(某人)是个小孩时 as a result 结果是;因此 as long as …… 只要 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... rest on 依赖,依据;信赖 as a result 作为结果 as a result of 由于;作为…的结果 ...


... clear one's account 结帐 as a result 所以 trace v. 跟踪,查询 ...


高手帮忙回答下英语题目,谢谢!_百度知道 ... have+to be done 表将来要去做 b、 As a result 表结果 c、 In other words 换句 …


a few_百度文库 ... as a matter of fact= 其实,事实上 as a result= 结果,因此, 由于…的结果 as a rule= 规章,规则,通常,照 …


字典中 因 字的解释 ... (1) 于是,就[ then] (2) 因而[ thus;as a result] (2) 同本义[ mat;cushi on] ...

Up to 400 million people worldwide suffer from chronic hepatitis B and about one million die each year as a result of it. 高达400亿人患有慢性全球乙肝和大约一百万死于它导致每年。
It's not as a result of any other events that have taken place. 这不是作为一个已发生的任何其他活动的结果。
My teacher mistook my name for a boy's name when he was calling in the class, as a result, they were all laughing. 有一次我在上课的时候,老师点名竟然把我的名字误认为是男孩名字,结果他们都笑了。
A structure usually refers to any large, man-made object permanently fixed to Earth's surface or in its orbit, as a result of construction. 结构通常指固定于地球表面或绕地球轨道运行的大型人造建筑物体。
He added that carnivorous plants were targeted more than any other taxa, probably as a result of the plants' exotic appearance. 他补充说食肉植物比其它任何一类植物更加成为采集的对象可能是因为这些植物奇异娇艳的外观。
Overweight is brought from the accumulation of surplus fat in the body, as a result of that the intake exceeds the consumption of energy. 超重是能量的摄入超过消耗,体重超过正常而未达肥胖,但发生相关疾病危险增加的一种状态。
This method is called when the caller needs to wait for a state change that will occur as a result of another thread's operations. 当调用方需要等待另一个线程操作导致的状态更改时,将调用此方法。
It's how the other person or group, or even if it's a large entity, feels as a result of your communication. 而是指他人或团队,甚至是规模更大的组织,与你沟通后所留下的感觉。
As a result of what is now know in physics and chemistry, scientists have been able to make important discoveries in biology and medicine. 由于当今对物理和化学知识的认识,科学家们可以在生物和医药方面有更重大的发现。
The UK expelled an Israeli diplomat as a result of the scandal, Miliband said. He did not name the diplomat or say what rank the envoy held. 米利班德说,由于这项丑闻,英国已经驱逐了一名以色列外交官。他并没有指出这名外交官的名字,也没有说这名使节的职位。
As a result of any of these problems, the encoder will cease to operate or the system will operate erratically . 这些问题最终会导致编码器停止工作或系统工作不稳定。
I knew that he was a Magus, yet I was afraid of him. As a result, I was also afraid of the existence of Magic. 我知道他是个魔术师,但我却害怕着他,因而,我也害怕着魔术的存在。
Presumably, a lot of them were company laptops. And how much bad stuff happened as a result? 估计其中有许多都是公司电脑,那么到底造成了多严重的后果?
As a result, Mr. Edling said he was able to dispatch just one technology person to support them, rather than two or three. 他只需要派一名技术人员为他们提供技术支持,而不用更多。
I was all the more delighted when, as a result of the initiative of your Government, it proved possible to realize the visit so quickly. 由于贵国政府的提议,才能这样快地实现访问,这使我感到特别高兴。
As a result, the state-owned enterprise cannot become the real enterprise, for it has no power of independent management and no vitality. 这种集权式企业制度直接导致国有企业无法成为真正意义上的企业,没有经营自主权、企业也没有活力。
This country's come a long way as a result of him and people like him. 这个国家的到来为他和像他这样的人的结果很长的路要走。
As a result, you know that this demo application will work on a computer on which the full Apache Derby database software is not installed. 因此,您知道这个演示应用程序将在未安装完整的ApacheDerby数据库软件的计算机上运行。
As a result, he confided, whenever he makes an investment, he has no doubt at all that he's right. 所以,他坦言,无论何时只要他投资了,他就一定确信自己是对的。
Mr Weidner said the US company's total investments and turnover would triple as a result of its initiatives in Asia. 韦德纳表示,由于其在亚洲的一系列投资,这家美国公司总投资及总收入将增加两倍。
It would account for the same woman or sisters giving birth to the children as a result of the brothel. 这就解释了深陷勾栏的同一个女人或同为姊妹的女人生下了这些孩子。
"As a friend, " Mr. Axelrod said, the president "has always been on my butt about this, and as a result, my butt is a little bit smaller. " “作为朋友,”诶克斯罗德说,“总统总是在我屁股后面催我训练训练,所以呢,现在我的屁股变小了一点儿了。”
Mr Obama is said to be furious, and General McChrystal's job may be on the line as a result of his insubordination. 据说奥巴马先生非常愤怒,因此由于他不服从的结果,麦克克里斯托将军可能官位不保。
Restructuring means a unilateral change to certain material terms of any Obligation as a result of deterioration in creditworthiness. 重组是指单方面改变任何由于信誉恶化而产生的债务的某些物质方面。
It will not stay constant throughout, and as a result of that, you're going to get a trajectory that looks more like this. 并不是从始至终,都在,最后,你将,得到一个像这样的轨道。
American financial institutions were barred from dealing with the bank, which has collapsed as a result of the investigation. 美国金融机构已经被禁止与该银行进行任何交易,调查结束后,汇业银行已陷于崩溃。
In the example, the action taken as a result of that observation was a simple e-mail notification. 在此例中,作为该观察的结果而采取的动作是一个简单的电子邮件通知。
As a result, at least for this example, I'm going to leave Rational as it is. 因此,至少对于这个例子而言,我将保持Rational不变。
As a result Zhaojing Li Bao to talk out of the total social communication in a number of men and women of the red things. 于是赵经理向鲍总讲起在外面交际应酬中一些男女的红粉之事。
But anyone who's expecting to see a sea of new FACES as a result of all this change, is going to be disappointed. 但是有人期望着这样的变化会给国会带来一些新的面孔,那么这些人会很失望。