
美 ['keriɪŋ]英 ['kæriɪŋ]
  • n.运输;【印,纺】垫纱
  • adj.运送的;装载的
  • v.“carry”的现在分词
  • 网络搬运;持球;运输的




物流术语_百度百科 ... cargo freight 货物 carrying 搬运 chain conveyor 链条式输送机(带) ...


冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... carrion 腐肉 carrying 运送的,运输的 cartel 卡特尔, 联合企业 ...


一些英文羽毛球术语。 ... broken shuttle 坏球 carrying 持球 centre line 中线 ...


冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... carrion 腐肉 carrying 运送的,运输的 cartel 卡特尔, 联合企业 ...


石油英语词汇(C1) ... carrying rope 吊重绳 carrying 装载的 carse 冲积平原 ...


英语首字母_百度知道 ... 7. apple 苹果 8. carrying 携带 9. others 其他人 ...

It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel. 你很可能会走进一家书店,本想寻找一本关于古钱币的书,可出来时却拿着一本最新的畅销小说。
Gangsters forced the city's police chief to resign, by carrying out a threat to murder one of his officers every two days if he did not. Gangsters强迫市警察局长退休,并且威胁如果他不退休,他们会每两天就谋杀一个他办公室里的官员。
It had also decided to ring-fence the defence department this year while carrying out a strategic review of the armed forces. 政府也决定在今年当进行武装部队检阅时,加固国防部。
This basically poisons those cells and keeps them from carrying oxygen to the heart and from the heart to the rest of the body. 它主要是使红细胞中毒,阻止它们携带氧气进入心脏和将氧气从心脏运输到身体其他部位。
In a city where filming is often restricted, Siku needed a way to get his footage without carrying a large camera through the streets. 通常在那里摄制影片是要受到限制的,西库需要找到一种方法,在不需要携带大型摄影机走街串巷的情况下进行拍摄。
Police said the boat, carrying a large number of schoolchildren, turned over late Wednesday in a heavy storm south of the capital, Freetown. 警方说,这艘载学校学生的船只星期三晚些时候在强风暴雨中在首都弗里敦以南的海域翻覆。
They seem to be the only group carrying out such systematic studies in this area, and are certainly the only ones publishing their work. 这些科学家应该是这个领域里唯一对这种现象开展系统研究的科研人员,当然也就是发表其研究成果的唯一权威。
They watched him leave, making his way down a mountain trail, carrying a couple of day's provisions. 他们看着他离开,沿着崎岖的小路艰难下山,只带着几天的干粮。
He had reached an inn and was ready to enter , when the innkeeper's helper met him in the doorway, carrying a sackful of something . 他正要进去,酒馆伙计正好出来,他们在门口遇上了。酒馆伙计背着一袋东西。
I knew I would not be lonely, because there would be the sea breezes humming to me a lullaby and carrying a salty on to my face. 我知道我不会寂寞,因为有海风向我低唱催眠曲,又有海浪轻轻地打到我的脸上。
For the sunken ship he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion . 因为他试图寻找的沉船上载有一批珍贵的金条。
Mithras is often represented as carrying a lamb on his shoulders, just as Jesus is. 密特拉经常被描绘成是肩膀上扛着一只羔羊,就像耶稣那样。
He then began to run across the grass. Faster and faster he ran, carrying the little crippled boy on his back. 这个孤儿就开始奔跑,背着那个小瘸子,穿过草地,跑得越来越快,速度超过了自己。
a His wife came into the house carrying a bundle of clothes=His wife came into the house and carried a boudle of clothes. 他妻子拿着一包衣服走进屋内。他妻子拿着一包衣服走进屋内。
He needed carrying to the bath, to the toilet, to bed; his long legs were good for nothing, collapsing under him like a deck of cards. 必须有人抱着他洗浴,扶着他如厕,搀着他上床。修长的双腿是一无是处的,若勉强起立就会像一副纸牌在他眼前整个塌陷下去。
The robbers came out of the bank carrying the money and the police caught them red-handed. 强盗们带着赃款从银行里出来,被警察当场抓获。
And he's probably still carrying his pens with names on them-the ones he used to hand out to his customers , right? 他可能仍然携带着那些有他名字的钢笔——他曾经把这些笔送给顾客,对不对?
An act of carrying, receiving, or gaining possession of the ball across the opponent's goal line for a score of six points. 攻方持球触地越过对方球门线的持球、接球或获得对球的控制的行为,可得到六分。
I again today and his increasingly over not go on, he also carrying a woman and I then phoned Alas! 我今天又和他越来越过不下去了,他还背着我和那女子打电话,天啊!
In art, he is often depicted as a handsome young man with golden hair normally carrying a bow. 在艺术作品中,他常被描绘成英俊的金发青年,通常携带着弓箭。
'The challenge is to manage this without carrying into the overall relationship and souring the overall mood, ' he said. 他说,挑战在于在解决这一争端的同时又不会升级至总体关系,也不会令整体局势恶化。
The Ministry of Defence said the vessel was not carrying nuclear weapons, and there was no danger to the public. 国防大臣表示,这艘潜艇没有搭载核武器,不会对公众造成危险。
I saw a woman carrying a baby. She was pushed and dropped the child, who was crushed under the feet of the crowd. Then I passed out. 我看见一个妇女背着孩子。她被推倒,孩子掉在地上被人群踩在脚下。随后我冲了出去。
He goes for a walk to digest this information, which hits him very hard, as if a strong wind were carrying a load of bricks. 他出去转了一圈想借此消化一下这条消息。这真的让他很受打击,就好像一股卷着砖块的狂风突然砸来。
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English seems to feel that dragging luggage around is classier than carrying baggage. 《哥伦比亚美式英语指南》似乎认为,拖着行李比拎着箱包更奢华。
She went into the bedroom and a few minutes later she came out. . . carrying a big birthday cake followed by my wife and children. 她走进卧室,几分钟后她走出来…捧着一个大生日蛋糕,后面跟着我老婆和孩子。
But who knows if he is on his way this lazy sultry noon, the Stranger, carrying his basket of strange wares ? 但是,有谁知道,也许就在这闷热倦人的正午,那个陌生人提着满篮奇特的货物,已经上路?
A disturbing video of a British tourist carrying out a drunken sex attack on a woman in China has caused outrage after it was posted online. 一名英国游客酒后性侵犯一名女子的令人不安的视频传上网后在中国引发众怒。
A ship carrying people suspected of trying to enter Europe illegally has sunk near the southern coast of Turkey. 一艘疑为载有企图非法到欧洲的人的船只在土耳其南部海岸附近沉没。
In a matter of weeks it grew so large and distinct within me that strangers asked if I was carrying twins. 大约几个星期后,瘤变得又大又清楚,以至于陌生人都会问我怀的是不是双胞胎。