
美 [ˈsentrəl]英 ['sentrəl]
  • adj.最重要的;首要的;主要的;起支配作用的
  • n.〈美〉电话总局;接线员
  • 网络中环;中心的;中央的

central bank,central government,central area,central europe,central region


1.最重要的;首要的;主要的most important

2.起支配作用的;有控制力的having power or control over other parts

3.在中心的;中央的in the centre of an area or object

4.容易到达的;交通方便的;四通八达的easily reached from many areas


香港_互动百科 ... ◆ 山顶广场( Peak Galleria) ◆ 中环Central) ◆ 立法会大楼( Legislative Council Building) ...


七年级英语单词表 ... guide 向导 central 中心的;位于中心的 exam 考试;检查 ...


医学英语教程_百度文库 ... spinal 脊髓的 central 中央的 vertebral 脊柱的 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... centimetre n. 公分,厘米 central a. 中心的;主要的 centre n. 中心;中枢 ...


中区(central) 现在淹水超级严重 很多历史古迹也都很危急 据我看机上的显示淹水地图..包括素可泰跟大城的样子 报上也引述泰 …

Nan, a migrant from central Hubei province, landed on his head and died at the scene, Xinhua said, without providing further details. 南钢,系中部湖北省外来务工人员,坠楼时头部着地,当场死亡(新华社报道),没有进一步报道。
Tencent spokeswoman Catherine Chan said the company often receives central-government officials at its offices. 腾讯发言人陈慧芬(CatherineChan)说,公司常常在办公室接待中央政府官员。
Emerging evidence indicates that this highly organized response also takes place in the central nervous system. 新出现的证据表明,这一高度有组织的反应也发生在中枢神经系统的地方。
A few days ago , after a quick rainstorm , I walked across Central Park near the lake and I thought I had never seen a city so lovely . 几星期前,在一场急促的暴风雨后,我从湖边穿过中央公园,我觉得自己从没有发现纽约如此明艳动人。
There are people who say trying to create a strong central government in Afghanistan is going against the grain of the country. 有人说在阿富汗建立中央集权政府是有违这个国家的基本结构的。
Suddenly bells begin to toll, a weird, unearthly music, as if I had be translated to the steppes of Central Asia. 突然钟声响了,这是一种稀奇古怪、绝非人世的曲调,我仿佛被带到了中亚的大草原上。
When Thailand's central bank ran out of foreign exchange and had to let the baht plunge, other currencies fell as investors lost confidence. 当泰国央行的外汇储备用謦而不得不令泰铢跳水时,投资者也对其它的货币失去了信心。
On the morning of the luncheon, he made his way to Central by ferry from his home in Cheung Chau, and then jumped into a taxi. 在举行午宴的那个早上,他乘渡轮从位于长洲的家中抵达中环,然后钻进一辆的士。
In other words, central authorities want to influence what you do with your body and the things that you own, ostensibly for your own good. 另一句话说,政府表面为你好,其实是想影响你的行为和你的财产。
Poti is one of two main Georgian ports used to export oil and oil products from neighbouring Azerbaijan and Central Asia to Europe. Poti是格鲁吉亚从阿塞拜疆和中亚向欧洲输送石油和成品油的两大港口之一。
Investors seem to prefer the monetary approach of the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan. 看来投资者们似乎更倾向于欧洲央行与日本央行的货币政策。
Configurability is an important part of any PHP application and should be a central part of your design from the start. 可配置性对于任何PHP应用程序来说都是至关重要的一个部分,一开始就应该成为设计的中心部分。
Right now, some seems to be sitting in a quasi stagnant pool, deposited into reserve accounts with central banks. 目前,其中一些流动性似乎正放在一潭死水之中:存在央行的准备金账户里。
Conservative central bankers worry that it would still break the rule that bans direct purchases by the ECB, in spirit at least. 保守的央行行长们担心这仍将会破坏禁止欧洲中央银行直接购买的规定,至少在精神上破坏了规矩。
He made him the central Pillar of Divine Revelation of the Hidden Secrets and the Key for the Lock of the Throne of Knowledge. 他使自己成为隐藏机密的神圣启示之支柱及打开智识王座之门的钥匙。
the acquisition rod with a acquisition cotton ball at the bottom is fixed at the wall of the central hole. 采集棒固定连接在中孔的侧壁上,采集棒的下端带有采集棉球。
A study of urban pigeons in central Paris has shown that birds with higher levels of the dark pigment melanin have stronger immune systems. 一个对巴黎市中心的城市鸽子的研究显示,黑色素水平较高的鸽子有更强的免疫系统。
The Bank of Korea, the central bank, may miss its inflation target as higher import prices drive up the cost of living. 随着进口价格升高,生活成本被抬高,韩国央行韩国银行也许难以达成通胀指标。
Welcome to "The Reading Room, " the Children's Literature website of the Department of English at National Central University in Taiwan. 欢迎到「书房」来。这是国立中央大学英美文学系所的儿童文学网站。
But the United States central bank says it is trying to be more clear and timely in communicating its policies. 但是美国中央银行称,他们尝试与公众沟通的相关政策将会更加清晰,更加及时。
He said there had been no nationwide initiative and the central government had not provided money to fund local projects. 他说,现在还没有全国性的提案,中央政府也尚未拨款资助地方政府。
"It looks as if high sex ratio areas, particularly in central China, are likely to get worse, " she said. “看起来,在男女比例高的地区,特别是中国中部地区,问题将越来越严重,”她说道。
Today's ever more complex IT systems and associated business policies form a central piece of any IT system. 当今日益复杂的IT系统及其相关业务策略组成了任何IT系统的核心。
Here's the twist: Kmart is also trying to persuade other retailers to use its stores as a central pick-up location for goods ordered online. 还有一种变招:凯马特(Kmart)正在试图劝说其它零售商把凯马特商店作为网上购物的提货中枢。
Central authorities almost certainly did not hatch a plan to strong-arm one of the west's most famous companies. 几乎可以肯定的是,中央政府并没有策划用强硬手段对付西方最知名的公司之一。
To ordinary people the absence of a central authority since October's general election is not always noticeable. 从(去年)10月份大选过后的中央权力机关的缺失对于普通人来说并不能引起太大的注意。
A euro zone central bank source told Reuters last week that the ECB would like to see its resources at least doubled. 上周一位央行消息人士告诉路透,欧央行希望资金资源至少翻倍。
Home is in central China's Hunan Province, but the migrant worker soon discovered that there was no work for him there either. 他的家在中国中部的湖南省,但是该农民工不久发现,对他来说在当地根本没有工作可做。
A little under an hour later another suicide bomber blew himself up in central Baghdad, killing at least four and wounding 10 others. 不到一小时,另一起自杀炸弹在巴格达市中心爆炸造成至少4人死亡10人受伤。
The "Great Central Sun Transmissions " section is a more detailed account of earth's ancient history as revealed in her ascension records. “大中枢太阳的传授信息”部分是地球古老历史在她提升记录中展示的更细节化说明。