the act

美 [ˌeɪ si ˈti]英 [ˌeɪ siː ˈtiː]
  • 网络人生如戏;行动;法

the actthe act

the act


爱玩堂- 排行榜500 ... 红色警戒 - RedAlert 人生如戏 - The Act 摩托车男爵 - Bike Baron ...


米德把行为学研究的最小单位称为行动(the act),它既包括可观察的行动,也包括不可观察的行动。米德对激励-反应这样的关 …

(a)该""(the act):本规定中该法(the act)指的是"联邦食品、药品和化妆品法"。(b)该法中第201章中的术语定义适 …


#21 | 行动号The Act) - 父亲“霍迪尼”共计2次荣获全国鸽王季军 NL12-1618394 由Verkerk Gerard & Bas (沃克 吉拉德 & 巴 …


法令”(the Act) 指《1977年专利法令》#(1977 c. 37 U.K.);“现存的专利”(existing patent) 指法令第127(2)(a)或(c)条所述的专利…


...-不管首先出现的对象是什么—-要把注意力放在拿起的那个动作上(the act)。 那才是你应该查看的。”


一、研究内容侧重于情绪表达行为(The Act)12-13

When you realize the best icebreaker is a few words from the heart, the act of starting a conversation becomes far less daunting. 当你明白打破沉默最好的方式就是说心里话后,再想发起谈话就没那么可怕了。
the act he had prefigured for weeks with a thrill of pleasure , yet it was no less than a miserable insipidity to him now that it had come. 他好几个星期以来,就在怀着快乐的悸动期待着会有这个举动;可是现在来了,他反而觉得苍白无力了。
The act of drinking has no concept of right or wrong, it's the intention behind the action that determines it. 喝酒这行为本身没有对与错,而是其背后的用意所决定。
LIM: For the historian, the act of taking part in the research is a powerful example of just how much has changed. LIM:对于历史学家来说参与此事调查的行为是解释究竟有多少认知被改变的有力实例。
You also have instructions for a curtain up and curtain down sound with the files to be played at the start and end of the act. 在幕的开始和结尾播放的文件指示了幕布的拉起和放下。
But only in recent years has the act been used to target tech firms whose products, or user data, might have been used to trap activists. 但近些年,这一法案被用来锁定技术公司,这些技术公司的产品或用户数据可能被用于诱捕活动家们。
Remember, the lack of feminine energy during sex may actually be read as a reluctance to initiate the act or to be an active partner in it. 记住,在性爱中缺乏女性美将会被理解为你对此不积极,对做爱这种事很勉强。
'The act they have done is against the sovereignty of Pakistan, ' he said in an interview. 他在接受采访时说,他们的行动侵犯了巴基斯坦的主权。
Even so, said the Court, he did conduct investigations under the Act, issue guidelines, and initiate injunction actions. 即使如此,法院称,该官员的确根据《公平劳动标准法》做了调查,发布了指导方针,并提起强制令诉讼。
All their hidden frustrations, disappointments and jealousies seem to be brought to the surface by the act of driving. 他们所有隐藏的失落、失望和忌妒感,似乎都在开车中暴露出来
I bit my tongue! This was the only time that I had slurred on the phone and Master caught me in the act! 我暗暗吐舌头,那是我仅有的一次在讲电话时敷衍了事,马上就被逮个正着。
As if the moment you do something careless online, the newspapers will catch you in the act. 想象如果你在网络上不小心做了一件傻事,报纸第二天就会把你的行为报道出来。
In March Mr Obama said he wanted to see a new version of the act in place before the new school year began. 今年三月,奥巴马先生表示,他希望在新学年开始之前能够看到该法案修改后的版本。
Although he never sleeps with the same woman twice, by so doing he continually repeats the act of sleeping with a new woman. 虽然他不夜城与同一女子两次,这样,他不断重复的行为同睡一个新的女人。
Every act of the body is nothing but the act of will objectified . 身体的第个动作,正是意志活动的具体表现。
Any ship, goods or other movables are exposed to maritime perils. Such property is in the Act referred to as "insurable property. " 受海上危险影响的任何船舶,货物或其他动产。此种财产在本法中被称为“可保财产”。
The act: The Kazakh-born Yandarbiyev was one of the central figures in the Chechen independence movement's turn toward radical Islamism. 哈萨克出生的扬达尔比耶夫是在车臣独立运动中转变为激进伊斯兰主义的核心人物之一。
According to the Act, advertising and sponsoring programmes in the name of tobacco-related products through media would attract a fine. 根据这项法案,以与烟草相关产品的名义通过媒体进行的广告和赞助活动将会被处以罚款。
Far more than just a tool for communication, the act of writing by hand appears to be an important building block for learning. 用手写字远不只是一种交流的手段,更似乎是学习道路上的一块重要基石。
Sometimes just the act of keeping track of something for a week or two will make you more conscious of things. 有时候一些事情仅仅跟踪一两周,就会使你对这些事情了解更多一些。
He once had sex with a girl on her boss's desk, who was a raging feminist, just for the irony of the act. 他有一次跟一个女孩在她老板的办公桌上作爱,而她则是个激烈的女权主义者,我提这个只是为了映照出其行为的讽刺意味。
Planking, the act of simply lying face down in public places, has become something of an Internet sensation. planking就是面朝下躺在在公共场所的行为,现在已经变成了一种网络潮流。
The act of forcing one out of possession or occupancy of material property to which one is entitled; illegal or wrongful dispossession. 剥夺强迫有权占有或所有物质财富者放弃其占有或所有的行为;非法或不道德的剥夺
Under any of these alternatives, the central bank would be behaving like any other bank, creating money in the act of lending. 在以上任何一种情形下,中央银行的行为方式都会像其他银行一样,通过发放贷款制造货币。
Evidently the act of printing caused the program to think the document had changed, even though it did not. 显然,打印动作让程序以为文档又被修改了,尽管它并没有被修改。
It was during Anne's reign that the name great Britain came into being when in 1707, the Act of Union united England and Scotland. 正是安妮统治之1707年,大不列颠这个名称产生,《联合法》把英格兰和苏格兰统一起来。
Abscond is the act of going away without permission OR not returning to the court after being released on bail OR to escape from prison. 潜逃、失踪(擅自逃走或保释后不回到法庭或越狱逃走)。
It seemed like the act of a confident government. But all of them have subsequently been locked up and, in at least two cases, tortured. 他们似乎对政府很自信,但是之后却都曾受到关押,其中至少两人曾遭到虐待。
Maybe it was the act of confronting my worst fears, but by the end of that year, I was cured of my restlessness. 也许正是因为勇敢面对内心最深处的恐惧,那年年底,我已不再焦躁不安了。
The defining characteristic of entrepreneurship, then, is not the size of the company but the act of innovation. 创业精神的典型特征不是公司的大小,而是其创新的行为。