
美 [beɪs]英 [beɪs]
  • n.根基;基底;底座;根据
  • adj.卑鄙的;不道德的
  • v.以…为据点(或大本营等);把(总部等)设在
  • 网络基础;基地;碱

复数:bases 现在分词:basing 过去式:based 比较级:baser 最高级:basest

industrial base,large base,monetary base,strong base,military base
base system,following base,expand base,base set,provide base


底部lowest part

1.[c][ususing]根基;基底;底座the lowest part of sth, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands

根源思想╱状况original idea/situation

2.[c]根据;出发点an idea, a fact, a situation, etc. from which sth is developed

支持;收入;力量of support/income/power

3.[c][ususing](支持、收入、力量等的)来源,源泉,基础the people, activity, etc. from which sb/sth gets most of their support, income, power, etc.

4.~ pay/salary/wage基本工资the pay that you get before anything extra is added

首要╱主要材料first/main substance

5.[c][ususing]混合物的首要(或主要)成分the first or main part of a substance to which other things are added

主要地方main place

6.[c]据点;总部;大本营the main place where you live or stay or where a business operates from

陆军、海军等of army, navy, etc.

7.[c][u]基地a place where an army, a navy, etc. operates from


off base

完全错误completely wrong about sth


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... symbolize 用符号表示;象征 base 低下的;基础 basement 地下室 ...


游戏专业术语 - 重庆unity3d的日志 - 网易博客 ... Mid: 中路 Base: 基地 Careful: 小心 ...


电感线圈-仪众国际 ... Viking 高频陶瓷电感, BASE (底座) EE 型电感 ...

化学专业英语_百度文库 ... ammonia 氨 base hydrate 水合物 ...


元件的基极(base)射极(emitter)之间有一正的电压偏压, 因而导通该双载子电晶体。


RP 由基底Base)和盖子 ( Lid)两个亚单位组成,分别与CP 两端的α 环相结合。基底亚单 位是由6 个相关的AAA-ATPases …

The front and rear base plates are sealed into a whole body injected with inert gas of the given pressure. 将前后两基板对位、封接成一个整体,内充一定压力的惰性气体。
Use of the drives is now severely restricted throughout the military. But the base at Creech was one of the exceptions, until the virus hit. 现在军方电脑的驱动使用已经受到严格限制,但是也有些例外,比如克里奇空军基地。
But he said: "The pace at which we expand depends on the skills base we can find. " 但他表示:“我们扩张的速度,取决于我们能找到的合格员工数量。”
And you can feel him sort of returning to a really - feeling like it's a welcome return to a come, some kind of originating home. . . base. 而且你能感觉到他有点儿回到确实…就感觉好像欢迎回到原来的家一样…基础的内容上。
The mixers that are being recalled can be identified by the date code, a four-digit number located on the bottom of the base. 此款受召回的搅拌混合机可由日期号码和底座底部的四位数字号码来进行识别。
To call the base class implementation of that member in their own implementation. 来调用该成员的基类实现。
Long-term research, the company has laid a solid research base to be able to provide customers with quick solutions. 长期的研究,为公司打下了深厚的研发基础,能够为客户提供快速的解决方案。
The president says that he would prevent the United States from setting up a military base near Venezuela's border "whatever the cost" . 总统说他是为了防止美国在委内瑞拉周边建立军事基地,“不论成本有多高”。
As you can see, there are two base numbers that, when added together, are the size to which the heap has expanded. 正如您看到的,这里有两个基础数字,如果二者加起来,就表示heap被扩展到的大小。
'They always encouraged you to be your own person, and that gives you a great base, great confidence in your own abilities, ' he said. 他说,他们总是鼓励你做你自己,这给你的能力打下了良好的基础,也让你极为自信。
It's easy to introduce into your existing code base or in a greenfield application, due to its non-intrusive design. 由于Spring的无干扰性设计,很容易将其引入现有的代码库或新应用程序。
Its sprawling base at Fort Bragg, North Carolina has emptied out, with all four of its brigades now fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. 其位于北卡罗来纳州FortBragg的空旷基地已经人去楼空,所有的四个大队都在伊拉克和阿富汗作战。
On the wholesale side, the bank is similarly trying to expand renminbi options for its client base of small to medium-sized enterprises. 在批发银行业务方面,该行同样打算扩大面向中小企业客户的人民币业务种类。
In fact, it forms a very effective base which easy-to-use systems can be built upon by following a few simple principles. 事实上,它形成了一个非常有效的基础,通过遵循几个简单原则就可以在其上构建易于使用的系统。
None of these four revolutionary forces can be dispensed with if a revolutionary base area is to be established. 这四种革命力量是缺一不可的,缺了一种都不能形成革命根据地。
A mathematical model of the system composed of the vibration absorber with a base and coupled with an ends-fixed beam is established. 建立有底座吸振器和两端固支梁主系统耦合的数学模型。
While technically not meant to act as a generic base class for addresses, it could be used for that purpose. 虽然从技术的角度看,其没有打算充当地址的通用基类,但还是可以这样来使用。
Has always been on the cultivation of cotton, cotton is a base for the company in a good product, honesty, efficiency open up the market. 历来就种植棉花,现成为棉花基地,公司本着良好的产品,以诚信,效益开拓市场。
The building at Travis Air Force Base that was converted into a laboratory was an old hospital mess hall. 崔维斯空军基地被改成实验室的建筑原来是一个旧的医院餐厅。
The result set returned by a pass-through query can be used in the FROM clause of a query like an ordinary base table. 传递查询返回的结果集像普通基表一样可以用于查询的FROM子句中。
But other officials said as many as four people had been killed, and witnesses reported ambulances lining up at the front gate to the base. 但其他官员说,四人在袭击中死亡。目击者称,有多辆救护车在该基地大门口排队等候。
However, such a move away from the continent can only go on for so long before Europe's own industrial base is harmed deeply. 但这种转移的前提是,欧洲自己的工业基地不会受到明显的伤害。
The United States also has an air base in the north, but has not been invited to intervene with its military forces. 美国也在该国的北部设有空军基地,然而吉尔吉斯斯坦政府并未邀请美国动用其军事力量进行干涉。
Do not base your happiness on how much money you make. Wealth does not bring happiness. Mo' money, mo' problems. 不要将快乐建立在挣钱的基础上。金钱不能带来快乐。没有钱,就没有烦恼。
"All of this adds up to a really good-sized meal, " she says. "It gives us a good base for our energy needs for the day. " “这些加起来是蛮大一份食物的,”她说,“这为我们一天的能量需要打了一个很好的基础。”
That's a bunch of mice that had been poisoned by our scientist friends down in Texas, at Brooks Air Base, with anthrax. 那是一群被毒害了的老鼠,由处于德克萨斯州的科学家朋友们,用炭疽杆菌下的毒。
An acid-base reaction is often called a neutralization reaction. 酸碱反应常常被称为中和反应。
They base this conclusion on the discovery of a system destined for such a merger by a team led by of Princeton University. 他们得出这一结论是基于一个系统的发现,这个系统是由普林斯顿大学的领导的一个团队为了合并而设定的。
They take defend the base as the primary missions, but did not express that clings to tenaciously motionless in a position. 他们以防守基地为主要任务,但并不表示在一个位置死守不动。
Leaving it out can cause problems such as being unable to pan at all or having additional layers badly misaligned on top of the base layer. 如果不指定,可能会出问题,比如根本不能平移或是有额外的层在基层上不能很好地对齐。