sunny day

  • 网络晴天;日光海岸;放晴

sunny daysunny day

sunny day


字典中 阳 字的解释 ... (11) 外面[ outside;out] (13) 晴天[ fine day;sunny day] (14) 天[ sky;heavens] ...


专辑有:日光海岸(SUNNY DAY) 蓝色天际(HEAVEN BLUE) 寂静山林(SILENCE) 梦花园(GARDEN OF DREAM) 迷雾森林(Mist) …


雷希拉姆_百度百科 ... 觉醒力量 Hidden Power 放晴 Sunny Day 破坏死光 Hyper Beam ...


小靖 ... 32 windy day 刮风的天气 33 sunny day 晴朗的天气 34 warm day 温暖的天气 ...


中国东盟艺术网 ... 张国利 Zhang Guoli 阳光灿烂的日子 Sunny day 付浩 Fuhao ...


...19午夜暖阳(Midnight Sun) 20艳阳天(Sunny Day) 21奇异世界(Magic World) 22红魔鬼(Red Devil) 23西柚鸡尾酒(Grap…

It rained only for a few minutes during the day, but it was a very sunny day! 很美好的一天,雨只下了几分钟,整天都阳光普照!
It's a fine sunny day in the forest and a lion is sitting outside his cave, lying lazily in the sun. 在森林里一个阳光灿烂的日子里,一头狮子正在它的山洞门口懒洋洋地躺着晒太阳。
The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day, but when there's a strong wind, it's very rough. 海面看起来美观上一个晴朗的日子,但是当有一个强烈的风,它是非常艰难的。
I still remember it was a sunny day, and I can felt the warmth of the wind when in blow onto my face. 我还记得那天阳光明媚,我可以感觉到暖风睡到脸上。
Most professional players don't wear them when they play on a sunny day, but sunglasses will allow you to see the ball more clearly. 大多数的职业球手在太阳下比赛的时候都不戴太阳镜,但是太阳镜能够使你把球看得更清楚。
It was a really sweet memory--Sunny day, hospital people, Beautiful scenery and busy streets! we stayed there for a week. 这真是个幸福的会回忆呀--晴天,热情好客的上海人,漂亮的景色和繁华的大街。我们待了一周。
It's a fine sunny day in the forest, and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter. 这是一个阳光灿烂的晴朗日子,森林里一只小兔子坐在洞穴外,在打字机上敲敲打打。
Having made the plane, he tried it out on a sunny day. 做完了飞机,在一个阳光明媚的日子他进行了试飞。
Close your eyes and visualise yourself sitting on the side of a mountain on a warm and sunny day. 闭上眼睛,你想象着自己正坐在一座大山的旁边,明媚的阳光普照着大地。
A good personality is better than an outstanding inteligence. A good temper is overflown with splendor just as a sunny day. 良好的个性胜于卓越的才智。好脾气宛如晴天,到处溢放着光亮。
There is nothing new to report about Auschwitz. It was a sunny day and the trees were green and at the gates the children played. 奥斯威辛没有什么新东西可以报道。这里天气晴朗,树木青青,门前还有儿童在打闹、嬉戏。
Do you know that you can use a watch as a compass on a sunny day ? Take a watch and point the hour-hand in the direction of the sun . 你知道天晴时可把手表当作指南针用吗?拿一块手表,将时针指向太阳;
So, if it has sunny day, most of people prefer to do some outdoor activities and enjoy the warm sunshine, rather than to stay at home. 所以,一旦出太阳,多数人都想到户外运动运动,享受下温暖的阳光,而不是呆在家里面。
It was a sunny day, in the mid-80s, so Noor suggested going to a Mexican restaurant across the parking lot for a drink. 这是一个阳光明媚的日子,在80年代中期,所以努尔建议去对面的停车场喝的墨西哥餐厅。
It was a breezy, sunny day in midtown Manhattan, and the wind caught the South Sudan flag as it unfurled in front of the United Nations. 曼哈顿市中心风和日丽,南苏丹的旗帜在联合国大楼前迎风招展。
Having made the model plane, he tried it out on a sunny day. 做完了模型飞机,在一个阳光明媚的日子他进行了试飞。
even in front of rain reaching the sky, perseverance allows you to see the sunny day after rain. 纵使前方阴雨连天,毅力让你看到雨后的晴天。
It describes requirements for a simple wizard with a home page, main flow ( also called a "sunny day path" ), and an alternate flow. 它为一个带有主页、主操作流(也叫做“阳关大道”)和备选操作流的简单向导描述了需求。
"That was an especially beautiful sunny day, " recalls Jimmy Mitchell, a statuesque man in his early thirties. “那是一个特别美丽的晴日。”吉米·米切尔回忆道。
Last Saturday was a sunny day; Sally had been planning how she was going to spend the day. Eventually, she decided to go to the cinema. 上个星期六是阳光明媚的一天,萨莉一直在筹划怎样度过这一天,最后,她决定去看电影。
So, as it was a nice sunny day, he carried her baby in its basket outside, but it on the table under the tree and went back inside. 因为阳光很好,她把她摇篮中的孩子抱到外面,放在树下的桌子上,她自己又回到了屋里面。
One sunny day in June, Li steps out of his black Chinese-made Buick LaCrosseand strides past piles of manganese to his furnace. 在6月的一个阳光灿烂的日子,李走出了他的中国制造的黑色别克君越座驾,大步走过堆积的锰矿石,来到了他的冶炼熔炉前。
Seen from a distance on this sunny day, however, the bright autumn light made it hazy and golden, like a mirage in a fairy tale. 然而在这样一个晴朗的天气从一定距离看去,明亮的秋季光线使它看上去朦胧而辉煌,就像童话中的海市蜃楼。
It dreamed that it was a beautiful sunny day and that a caravan of foreign Frankish men had come on a pilgrimage to the grave of Homer. 一群异国人——佛兰克人——来参拜荷马的坟墓。在这些异国人之中有一位歌手;
Plus, unlike shares of Bank of America, a Ferrari can be driven around with the top down on a sunny day. 此外,与美国银行(BankofAmerica)的股票不同的是,在阳光灿烂的日子,你可以开着一辆法拉利敞篷车出去兜风。
It was a sunny day, and Connie was working in the garden, and Mrs Bolton was helping her. 那是太阳光耀的一天,康妮在花园里工作着,波太太帮着她。
At first glance, it seems like an ordinary, innocent photograph: a group of Polish peasants holding shovels in a field on a sunny day. 乍一看,这似乎是一个普通的,无辜的照片:一个在外地举行一个阳光灿烂的日子铲波兰农民小组。
It was a sunny day . Your teacher came to classroom and said that it was your first drawing class with passion . 那是一个风和日丽的日子,你的老师来到教室,热情地宣布今天你们将上第一堂绘画课。
If there's one thing guaranteed to put a smile on the players' faces at Carrington, it's that rarest of things in these parts - a sunny day. 如果有什么事可以保证让卡灵顿的球员们的脸上挂满笑容,那就是这里最珍贵的-一个阳光灿烂的一天。
We launched out on a sunny day however we were still not yet awaken. Since we got up too early to avoid the busy traffic. 在晴朗的一天出发,可是大家都没睡醒啊!我们为了避免国庆可怕的交通,六点半就集合了!