
美 [ritʃ]英 [riːtʃ]
  • v.达到;到达;达成;收到
  • n.领域;(手脚)能够到的范围;(可及的)范围;(影响的)范围
  • 网络抵达;伸手够到;伸出

第三人称单数:reaches 现在分词:reaching 过去式:reached

reach agreement,reach goal,reach level,reach point,reach consensus
probably reach


v. n.


1.[t]~ sth/sb到达;抵达to arrive at the place that you have been travelling to

2.[t]~ sb引起…的注意to come to sb's attention


3.[t]~ sth增加到,提升到(某一水平、速度等)to increase to a particular level, speed, etc. over a period of time

4.[t]~ sth达到(某点);进入(某阶段)to arrive at a particular point or stage of sth after a period of time

实现目标achieve aim

5.[t]~ sth实现;达到to achieve a particular aim

用手╱手臂with hand/arm

6.[i][t]伸;伸手to stretch your hand towards sth in order to touch it, pick it up, etc.

7.[i][t]能伸到;够得着to be able to stretch your hand far enough in order to touch sth, pick sth up, etc.

8.[t]为某人伸手取(物)to stretch your hand out or up in order to get sth for sb

够长be long enough

9.[i][t](大或长等)足够达到to be big enough, long enough, etc. to arrive at a particular point

联系contact sb

10.[t]~ sb(尤指用电话)联系,与…取得联系to communicate with sb, especially by telephone

被看到╱听到be seen/heard by sb

11.[t]~ sb被…看到(或听到)to be seen or heard by sb


reach for the stars

有九天揽月之志;努力完成壮举to try to be successful at sth that is difficult


小学英语反义词大全 ... rough 粗糙 reach 到达 weak 虚弱的 ...


个人简历英文翻译词汇大全_百度文库 ... raise 提高 reach 达到 receive 收到,得到,接受 ...


make_百度百科 ... make a will. 立遗嘱 To arrive at;reach: 到达;抵达: made Washington in two hours. 在两小时内到达华盛 …


营运范围(Reach)-扩展新加坡作为制造枢纽的范围所及新兴领域(Emerging Areas)-对新兴领域予以栽培 技术(Technology)-加强 …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... razor n. 剃须刀 reach v. 到达,伸手(脚等)够到 reading n. 阅读;朗读 ...


新概念2单词汇总表(带音标)[旺旺英语论坛] ... reach 到达,达到 reach 到达,达到,伸出 teach 教,讲授 ...


到达率Reach)流量排名 人均PV 流量地区分布 流量子域名分布因为Alexa在业内的接受程度比较高,所以国内涌现出了许许 …


2.4 流域及水系 - 水世界 - 中国城镇水网 ... 2.4.11 航道 navigable channel 2.4.12 河段 reach 2.4.13 河槽(河床) channel ...

In fact, he said he hoped two-way trade would reach that figure by 2010, and that foreign investment would double, both of which are likely. (事实上,胡主席只是说他希望双向贸易将在2010年达到这一数额,而外国投资届时翻一番,这两个目标都有可能实现。)但这也没有帮助局面得到改善。
We will only reach out to parents to obtain what they want, something for nothing seems to have become a matter of course. 我们只会向父母伸出手去索取自己想要的东西,不劳而获似乎已经成为了理所当然的事情。
Good confused mind, empty, not touch marginal, as if I alone wander in the sea of central, finally is able to reach the shore. 心里好迷茫,空荡荡的,触不到边际,仿佛我独自一人徘徊在海的中央,终是靠不了岸。
I thought that the crossing over could be a beautiful thing and a time of comfort when people could reach out to each other. 我认为,跨越可能是一个美丽的东西和舒适的时候,当人们可以深入到对方。
Starting as a clerk in a shop which peddles rags, he rips through the garment jungle to reach the top of his outwardly glamorous profession. 他以一个卖旧衣服的小店伙计起家,在服装界闯荡,终于达到了他看来很吸引人的事业的顶峰。
Now, " he said, when his hand had dried, " I must eat the small tuna. I can reach him with the gaff and eat him here in comfort. 现在,“等手晒干了,他说,”我该吃小金枪鱼了。我可以用鱼钩把它钓过来,在这儿舒舒服服地吃。
Such a push is encouraging, but it will still take a few more countries to reach a majority within the council. 这样的外围的压力是鼓舞人心的,但是为了能在人权委员会上占多数票还需要另外一些国家的支持。
But one of the two available chambers is empty and rescue workers fear that the four miners were unable to reach the other chamber. 不过两个可以使用的气密室中有一个是空的。营救人员担心这四名矿工无法抵达另一个气密室。
What would be best for you is quite beyond your reach: Not to have been born, not to be, to be nothing. 最能给你幸福的事你永远都享受不到:那就是从未出生过,不存在,什么也不是。
Mom, I can't say what can become what officer, can only say that I tried to reach you want life, give all you want. 妈妈我不敢说能成为什么什么官,只能说是我尽力达到你你想要的生活,给你想要的一切。
Were you trying to get in touch with me, Lin? If I'm not at home, you can usually reach me at the Press Club here. 林,你一直试着和我联络吗?如果我不在家,你通常可以在记者俱乐部里找到我。
So we've got to do everything we can to reach out to everyone you know in the next several days. 因此我们必须全力以赴,劝说所有你认识的人在这今后几天里参加投票。
"It is at this crucial stage when you reach the end-game that you need the president's authority to help us do a deal, " he said. 他表示:“现在已到了最后阶段,非常关键,需要总统的权威来促成协议。”
This kind of matchbox is no doubt pretty smart and handy, but don't let it reach those little hands of your kids. 无疑,这种火柴盒非常智能并且使用方便,但是别让它们落入孩子们手中。
Wishing he had taken greater advantage of the opportunities offered, he said, "When it's raining gold, reach for a bucket, not a thimble. " 他在信中还期望自己能够更好地利用这些投资机会:“当天上掉金子时,应该用桶接,而不是顶针。”
So away he hurried to the Crane. He was sure that she, with her long neck and bill, would easily be able to reach the bone and pull it out. 所以他赶紧来到了鹤那里,他确定她(鹤)能够用她长长的脖子和喙,轻易地叼住那块骨头拿出来。
The advantage of this law is to be not hurt reach derma, do not leave scar, but the equipment condition of need is taller. 本法的优点是不伤及真皮,不留疤痕,但需要的设备条件较高。
In 10 of these countries, two children in five will not reach the age of 40, said the compilers at the UN Development Program. 据联合国开发计划署的编撰人员介绍,在其中的10个国家,五分之二的儿童活不到40岁。
Whatever stage we may regard as the beginning of the ear of interplanetary communication we shall never be able to reach its end. 无论把哪个阶段认为是星际交通时代的开始,我们都将永远达不到它的尽头。
Corals live in tropical waters throughout the world, generally close to the surface where the sun's rays can reach the algae. 珊瑚生活在全球的热带水域,通常靠近太阳能够照射到水藻的表面。
When economists are faced with analysing this sort of decision, they reach for a branch of mathematics called game theory. 经济学家分析此类问题的时候,运用上了一种称为游戏理论的数学分支。
Tape indoor wires to the wall and outdoor wires to the side of the house, out of reach of your pets. 把室内的电线用胶带封好,把室外的电线放到房子的一侧,以防让你的宠物碰到。
When you reach this point, it's time to think about bringing other high-level managers on board to help you out. 当你发现这一点的时候,是时候去思考让董事会其它高层管理人员来帮助你。
I realized that I had to put my own fantasies behind me if I wanted to write songs that would reach the souls of people. 我意识到,如果我想触及人们的灵魂,我必须把那些幻想都抛诸脑后。
The best literary talent was drawn to it, or to New England within reach of it. 第一流的文人都聚集在那里或是邻近的新英格兰地区。
Girls growing up in higher-income homes without a biological father are likely to reach puberty earlier than others, new research finds. 新研究发现在高收入单亲家庭(指没有亲生父亲的家庭,以下简称单亲家庭)长大的女孩比一般家庭的女孩要更早进入青春期。
The sky was full of stars dancing and twinkling. They were so bright and so close that Jeremy felt as if he could reach up and grab one. 夜空繁星点点,璀璨闪烁。星星很亮很近,杰瑞米感觉伸手都能够到抓住一颗。
Then, please let me look into the matter and call you later. Where can I reach you? 那么,让我查查明白随后再给您电话。打到哪里找你呢?
This time, it appears, he seeks to reach a mass Chinese audience as well with a plea for continued cooperation with the United States. 这一次,看起来他正试图对一大批中国读者做同样的事,好象在恳求:“行行好,在未来继续和美国合作吧。”
A woman being forced into an arranged marriage in India wondered whether she might reach an "arrangement" with him instead. 还有个印度女人被迫接受一场家庭包办婚姻,她想知道能不能换作跟艾伦达成“协议”结婚。