
美 [raʊnd]英 [raʊnd]
  • n.旋转;巡视;一连串;绕圈
  • adv.环绕;附近;各处;向四面
  • prep.环绕;在…周围;始终
  • v.绕过;拐过;使成圆形;把…四舍五入
  • adj.圆的;球形的;肥胖的;弧形的
  • 网络回合;轮;圆形的

过去式:rounded 现在分词:rounding 第三人称单数:rounds

come round
round face,round shape


1.圆形的;环形的;球形的shaped like a circle or a ball

2.弧形的;圆弧的having a curved shape

3.[obn]整数的;尾数是 0 (或 5)的around figure or amount is one that is given as a whole number, usually one ending in 0 or 5


圜字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 钱币〖 coin〗 圆的,圆形的〖 round〗 圜 huán ...


钢丝绳_百度百科 ... 1.2 横截面形状 shape of cross-section 1.2.1 圆形 round 1.2.2 异形 shaped ...


四字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 四散〖 disperse〗 四舍五入round〗 四时八节〖 fourseasonsandeightsolarterms〗 ...


回字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 回耗〖 answer;sendaletterinreply〗 回合round;bout〗 回话〖 reply〗 ...

他们上 (Round)联赛 主场以0比4大败给波尔多后,如果可以,给你的对手留条生路,钱是赚不完的。这个世界上,没有天生 …


圜字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 钱币〖 coin〗 圆的,圆形的round〗 圜 huán ...


pc logo_百度百科 ... INT - 取整函数 ROUND - 四舍五入函数 QUOTIENT - 求商函数 ...

It could have been Credit Crunch Round Two. There was bound to be relief at avoiding that. 而可能会由此而来的第二轮信贷紧缩就必定会导致避免紧缩发生的救援行动。
Unless you're on a round the world trip, there's really no reason to have your entire library with you because you won't be using it. 除非你正旅行环游世界,真的没什么必要带着你全部的书籍收藏,因为你根本用不到。
Cloud looked at a piece of the sky, into a round into the final disappear one after another. 看着天上的云一片一片,变成一团团,变成一朵朵最后消失不见。
How much is a round-trip ticket to London? 到伦敦的来回机票多少钱?
She is tall with a pair of glasses on her nose, having big eyes and a round face , long and black hair. She always wears light blue clothes. 她高个子。又长又黑的头发。大眼睛。圆脸型。戴副眼镜。经常穿一身淡蓝色的衣服
host: were you hurt by a punch round, the second round you seemed yous uck it a little bit, were you surprised that wake you up? 主持人:你被他的重拳打中了吧,在第二个回合你看起来好像挨了重重一拳,你对此感到吃惊吗?这一拳惊醒了你吗?
What was always going to be a tight spending round in 2010 is now extremely tight. 在2010年将必定出现的开支紧缩情况在现在就非常紧张。
they did not pay any attention . in the end , i could not bear it . i turned round again. 'I cant hear a word ' i said angrily. 他们一点也没注意到我。最后,我实在不能忍受了。我再次转过头来。我很生气地说:‘我一个字也听不见了!’
I went and had a look round Kew Gardens with the botanist Joyce Singleton; it was a bit of a busman 's holiday for her. 我同植物学家乔分伊斯辛格尔顿一起去参观了丘花园,对她来说,这有点象照常工作的例假日味道。
Experts say one thing that is often no longer recommended in high school classes is what teachers call a 'round robin'. 专家说被教师称之为”循环“的东西现在已不再被经常推荐。
But the credit crunch sucked the wind from its sails, sending spreads soaring and triggering a round of cancellations among issuers. 但是,信贷危机导致风向逆转,推动息差飞速扩大,并在发行者中引发了一轮注销浪潮。
I think you can go anytime. You know, Kunming is the Spring City. The weather there is always fine all year round. 我认为你任何时候都可以去。昆明是春城。那儿的天气一年到头都很好。
Richard Arnold, I'm happy to say, is still serving on the Eighth Circuit and still plays an occasional round of golf with me. 至于阿诺德,我很高兴地说,他现在仍然在第八上诉法院当法官,仍然会偶尔地和我一起打打高尔夫球。
The tail is thick and round at the base, tapering to a fine point and curling over or to either side of the back. 尾巴在根部显得粗而圆,尖端细,锥形,卷曲在后背或背部的任意一侧。
It was on the tip of Jo's tongue to ask, but she checked herself in time and, with unusual tact , tried to find out in a round-about way. 乔正开口要问,却又及时收住,转而机智地换了一种婉转的口吻。
He had "not ruled out" the possibility of participating in the current round of deal-making among the Chicago-based derivatives exchanges. 他“并未排除”参与芝加哥衍生品交易市场之间当前这轮合并潮流的可能性。
Sang do not leave . . . * Who says that the Earth must be round the sun, Who says that the moon must appear in the evening? 桑没离开…·谁说的地球一定要绕太阳转,谁说的月光一定要出现在晚间?
It's hard to imagine that until the late nineteenth century, there was no daily, year-round ship service along Norway's western coast. 很难想像,直到19世纪,挪威的西海岸都没有全年不断、每天一班的轮渡服务。
After a certain number of points, the players changed round so that neither could benefit unduly from the wind or the position of the sun. 达到一定比分后,运动员就互换场地,这样双方都不致由于风向和阳光的位置而独得优势。
She did not look happy but glared at him as she moved round the customers. 当她绕着客人转时,她看起来不高兴,而是盯着他。
All of that seems to add up to a single, reliable, and predictable update to WjcCounter per client round-trip to the CE server. 所有这些结合起来似乎能够在每次循环经过CE服务器时都能够对WjcCounter进行一次可靠的、可预测的更新。
He rushed round the house and bumped into a very large lady. It was the giant's wife. 他跑离房子,却冲到一个巨大的女人怀里,她是巨人的妻子。
I can't tie up the ribbon round the parcel, You know my fingers are all thumbs. 你知道我笨手笨脚的,怎么也不能把绸带绑在包裹上。
Round about this time, the Thebans were troubled by a woman headed monster, called Sphinx, who produced a riddle to them. 就在这个时候,底比斯人正被一个女人头怪物的困扰,所谓的狮身人面像,谁给他们出了一个谜语。
Without speaking or smiling, he was holding me tightly round the waist, as if he would never let go. 他既没说话也没有笑,只是紧紧搂着我的腰,好像永远不想放手似的。
But after seeing the body, Norton is sure they were climbing tied together when Mallory fell. "There was a rope wrapped round his waist. " 但检验了尸体后,诺顿确信当马罗里坠落时,他们俩人攀登时是栓在一块的。
We found a brass button in his stomach and a round ball, and lots of rummage. 我们从它肚里发现一个铜纽扣和一个圆团团,还有许多杂物。
He said the date inscribed on the brick 'is a 'Calendar Round', a combination of a day and month position that will repeat every 52 years'. 他认为砖块上刻的是一个“历法循环”,结合了日期与月份,每52年重复一次。
If a girl asks you to buy her a drink say "Tell you what, you get this round and I'll get the next. " 如果女孩让你给她买饮料,告诉她“我跟你说奥,呆在这儿,我呢,去找其他女孩子了”
As he dreamed, he turned round, and his eyes fell upon the brass knob of the door which separated him from the Court of Assizes. 他一面沉思一面转过身子,他的视线触到了门上的铜钮,门那边便是刑庭了。