round and round

  • na.(加强语气的) round. show one round 带人到处游览
  • 网络转啊转;处处;不息地旋转

round and roundround and round

round and round


I gotta feeling_百度百科 ... Rock it don't stop 不会停止 Round and round 转啊转 up and down 跳啊跳 ...


1 - huiyudeni006_fzc的日志 - 网易博客 ... roll up 卷起 round and round 处处,周围 round up 驱集,赶扰,逮捕,包围 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... all round (在…)周围,处处 round and round (围绕着…)不息地旋转 round off (园满)完成 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(R) -亿城英语 ... round about 周围 round and round 旋转不息地 round dance 圆舞 ...


开车去兜风_百度百科 ... A Flea and a Fly* 跳蚤和苍蝇 Round and Round* 转圈圈 Whetller tlle Wealther* 天气是好还是坏 ...


高二会考单词表_中关村中学吧_百度贴吧 ... 486. roll up 卷起 487. round and round 一圈又一圈 488. round up 聚集,赶拢 ...


动感英语笔记!!_English... ... You bet 当然, 真的, 的确,没错 Round and round 指说话兜圈子 Cut to the chase 说话直截了当 ...


便被棋迷团团(Round and round)围住,破牛仔裤怎么和晚礼服站在一起,我的吉他怎么可以和你的钢琴合奏.问小张是不是参 …

All day long from shadowless noon, we have gone round and round, in the narrow theme of love, like an old horse in a pound. 整天,从没有日影的正午,我们就转啊转着圈圈,追逐爱这个主题狭窄打转,像一匹老马在栏里盘旋。
Al: I don't feel a little bit sick all day, but it happened so quickly. I just sit in here; everything started to go round and round. 今天一整天都没什么事,这病也来得太快了点。我就坐那儿,就感到天旋地转起来了。
Round and round here went the enormous revolutions of the dark colossal water- wheel , grim with its one immutable purpose . 那只黑黑的大水车轮转来转去转个不停,象是它有一种不可改变的可怕的意图。
Afterwards, he tried to stay in his chair, but the other boys saw the puddle and made him walk around the room, round and round. 他想呆在椅子里不动,可别的孩子发现了地上那滩水,就逼着他满教室游行。
round and round, while meditatively, as a cow chewing the cud, he let his eyes rest on the flat water ahead of him. 他思考问题,就像牛反刍一样,一遍又一遍,反反复复,眼神落在面前平静的水面上。
So, of course, he found a parking space right in front of the entrance, after a dozen times driving round and round the block. 然后他在附近绕了十几圈以后,最后果然在店门口前找到了停车位。
how he had lost his way, and "They" were up and out hunting, and were chivvying him round and round. 说他迷了路,他们全都出来追逐他,撵得他团团转。
Round and round the garden Like a teddy bear; One step, two step, Tickle you under there. 花园里面徜徉,玩具狗熊一样;一步两步走来,给你挠挠痒痒。
The children enjoyed twirling round and round , but I felt giddy just watching them . 孩子们喜欢不停地旋转,但我看着他们就头晕。
Don't you know you're riding on a carousel that's going nowhere round and round and round. . . when will it end? 你不知道你骑旋转木马,怎么回事无处圆团团…什么时候会结束?
We are small, round and round all day long around the parents, , noisy, very happy. 我们小的时候,整天围着父母打转,嘻嘻哈哈,吵吵闹闹,很幸福。
At sea Sorokin ran inside the boat, round and round the bright yellow silos in the rocket compartments. 出海巡航时,索罗金就在导弹舱里来回绕着那些明黄色的导弹发射管跑。
The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. 风往南刮,又向北转,不住地旋转,而且返回转行原道。
Edmond Mulet said the international community had been going round and round in circles for the past 30 years. 穆勒(EdmondMulet)表示,过去三十年,国际社会一直在恶性循环。
The plane moved round and round the field before it took off. Then it left the ground and I was in the air. 飞机在机场绕了一圈又一圈,然后才起飞,接着离开地面,我就到了空中。
Thanksgiving Day in the United States are in a family together, like the Chinese New Year as, emphasize the round and round circle circle. 美国人在感恩节中一定要合家欢聚,就像中国人过年一样,强调团团圆圆。
Then by right of the participants, round and round questions on the final, said the winner! 然后由答对了的参赛者出题,一轮一轮下去,答道最后的那个,就是这次比赛的优胜者!
They chased each other round and round the trunk, up and down, with a fury of pleasure and delight. 它们绕着树干爬上爬下地互相追逐着,带着一种强烈的快乐和欣喜。
Your mind will still be "going round and round" -thinking that will relax you, and make you think of other things. 你的大脑将仍然不停运转--要想一些能让你放松的事,这让你能够想一些学习以外的事。
He got his feet, I just could follow and, go round and round with it, which moved quietly. 太阳他有脚啊,轻轻悄悄地挪移了;我也茫茫然跟着旋转。
Loie Fuller, after performing Fire Dance, was described as doing little more than turing round and round like an eggbeater. L在表演完火舞后,被描述成只会一圈圈地转,像个搅蛋器一样。
Round and round goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns. 不住地旋转,而且返回转行原道。
The mime is so scared that he begins to run round and round the cage with the lion close behind. 这可把演剧演员吓坏了,他开始绕着笼子转圈跑,狮子则在他身后紧追不舍。
May also be for this reason that I became self-willed savage, the grandmother confused round and round. 可能也是这个原因,我变得任性野蛮,把奶奶弄得团团转。
At first, my friends and I worked hard, but the boat wouldn't listen to us and kept going round and round. 起初,我和朋友们努力工作,但该船不听我们的,并继续前进团团。
It has no arms, but its hands turn round and round. 它没有臂膀,但它的手却能转啊转的。
It was terribly hot and crowded at the rock concert. Suddenly, everything went round and round in my head and I fainted. 摇滚音乐会场里又热又拥挤。突然我的脑子里天旋地转,于是我昏晕过去。
Just opened good flowers and fell suddenly. Turning round and round, descend slowly and lightly down, one, another one. 刚开好的花儿突然落了。打着旋儿,飘落下来,一朵,又一朵。
Flowers are round and round around the middle of the portrait of Deng Xiaoping, the theme of "Comrade Deng Xiaoping in our hearts forever. " 花朵团团围绕着正中间的邓小平头像,主题为“邓小平同志永远在我们心中”。
The king's son often went round and round the tower, and called their names, but no sound from without pierced through the thick walls. 国王的儿子经常去圆,圆塔,叫他们的名字,但没有从外面声音从厚厚的墙被刺穿。