
美 [roʊp]英 [rəʊp]
  • n.绳索;粗绳;线缆;圈绳
  • v.用绳子捆(或绑、系);用绳子系牢;捆紧;用套索抓捕(动物)
  • 网络夺魂索;缆绳;围绳

复数:ropes 现在分词:roping 过去式:roped

skip rope,rope tie,use rope


n. v.

1.[c][u]粗绳;线缆;绳索very strong thick string made by twisting thinner strings, wires, etc. together

3.[c]串在一起的相似的东西a number of similar things attached together by a string or thread


give sb enough rope

放任自由,任其为所欲为(使其犯错误或出丑)to allow sb freedom to do what they want, especially in the hope that they will make a mistake or look silly

on the ropes

濒于失败;即将失败very close to being defeated

show sb/know/learn the ropes

向某人演示╱知道╱学会如何做某事to show sb/know/learn how a particular job should be done


仁爱九年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... shut v. 关上,封闭;禁闭;合拢 rope n. 绳子,绳索 granny n. 祖母,外婆;老奶奶 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... hammer n 锤子;槌 rope n 绳;索;绳索 △ compass n 罗盘;指南针 ...


夺魂索》(ROPE)(1948年)饰演 菲利普(Phillip)《火车怪客》 (Strangers on a Train )(1951年)饰演 甘(Guy Hai…


英语语法每日一练 - 豆丁网 ... ) thread 线, 细丝, 线索; )rope 粗绳; ) mistakes 错误; ...


土木工程词典_文档下载_文档资料库 ... root mean square 均方根 rope 缆绳;绳索 Weighted mean value 加权平均值 ...


英语运动类单词_爱问知识人 ... boxing ring 拳击台 rope 围绳 winner 胜利者 ...


建筑词汇英语翻译(O-T) ... root 根 rope 钢丝绳 rope hoist 绞车 ...

For at some moment in the water he must have realized that he would not live if he continued to hand over the rope and ring to others. 想必在水中的某个时刻,他肯定意识到,如果继续将绳索和救生圈递向他人,他将失去求生的机会。
An early method of measuring speed involved throwing a knotted rope tied to a log over the side of the ship. 经度早期的方法测量速度的绳子扔一个涉及绳拴在一个日志在船的左右。
Then she let them down by a rope through the window, for her house was on the wall of the city and she dwelt on the wall. 于是女人用绳子将二人从窗户缒下去;因她的房子是在城墙边上,她就住在城墙上。
If the rope were shorter, it would cause the foal to hold his head up in an unnaturally high, fatiguing position. 如果绳子再缩短一点,这会导致马驹必须让他的头保持一个不自然的高而且容易疲劳的姿势。
Then Simpson fell into a crevasse and Yates eventually had no choice but to cut the rope, utterly convinced that his friend was now dead. 后来Simpson掉进了一个裂缝里,Yates没有办法,只好割断了绳子。他相信他的朋友是九死一生了。
For a flat rope, the performance is nearly identical to that of the underlying character representation. 对于扁平rope,性能几乎与底层字符表示的性能相同。
Holly's cloak was fastened with a silver clasp, and Frenya had a girdle of hempen rope wound about her middle from her hips to breasts. 霍丽的斗篷用一只银别针系住,弗兰雅的胸部与臀部之间则绕着着一条麻制绳索。
When a security guard leaves his post, the man embraces a woman and slips across the rope into the secured part of the terminal. 当机场安全人员离开他的岗位时,此人拥抱一女子并从隔离绳带下方钻入机场已安检乘客区。
One story from Australia tells about a man very very long ago, who went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down. 澳大利亚有个传说,很久很久以前,一个人借助一根绳子上到太阳那儿,把火取了下来。
Billy made a wish, "I wish I had a tree house in the garden and it had a rope ladder i could climb up. " 比力许了一个愿,“我希望在花园的树上有一个小屋,还要有一个绳梯可以爬上去。”
Their collaboration on A Rope and a Prayer is an auspicious start and a fine read. 他们的祈祷协作一根绳子和一个是一个吉祥的开始和罚款。
The garden is also home to set up a Hengjia, above boom, a slippery rope, a pair of rings that will allow them to exercise at home. 自家的花园里还设置了一个横架,上面有吊杆、一条滑绳、一副吊环,让她们在家里进行体育锻炼。
Every one can rappel down calmly the side of 40-meter cliff with a rope and a Flemish knot. I have also been a spider man. 一根绳子,一个八字扣,每个人都可以从40米高的陡壁下从容而下。我也做了一次蜘蛛人。
The shark swung over and the old man saw his eye was not alive and then he swung over once again, wrapping himself in two loops of the rope. 鲨鱼翻了一个身,老人看见鱼眼中所透出的目光已是一片死寂,它又翻了个身把绳索卷了两圈。
He said the 11 men spent the first month of detention tied together by a rope. 他说,他们这群11名男子在拘留的第一个月被绳子绑在一起。
But after seeing the body, Norton is sure they were climbing tied together when Mallory fell. "There was a rope wrapped round his waist. " 但检验了尸体后,诺顿确信当马罗里坠落时,他们俩人攀登时是栓在一块的。
With the guide rope now held by the tow rope, he unhooked his van and drove it out of the way. 由于导索现有拖绳曳着,凯文将其从货车上解下来,开车离开了路。
The rubber rope tied to the jumper's ankle is long enough to ensure that he or she will enjoy the "free fall" in the air for a few seconds. 绑在跳跃者踝部的橡皮条很长,足以使跳跃者在空中享受几秒钟的“自由落体”。
Any man with eyes in his head can see that the elephant is exactly like a rope. 任何头上长眼睛的人都看得出,这头象完全像一根绳子。
When it was dark, Rahab lowered a rope from her window. Before he climbed down, one of the spies gave Rahab a red cord. 当天黑下来以后,喇合从她的窗口放下一根绳子。其中一个间谍在爬下去之前给了喇合一根红色的绳子。
It was then that she glanced down and saw a twisted length of white rope protruding from his pocket, about to fall out. 她向下瞄了一眼,看见一条扭曲的白绳从他的口袋里露出一小截,马上就要掉出来了。
He was at the end of his rope as the leader of the company. 作为我们公司的高层领导,他已经智穷才尽了。
Once part of the wall had been taken apart, firefighters helped guide Amos out with a rope. 墙面一被拆卸,消防员们就用一根绳子引导阿莫斯出来。
Thornton was in the boat, while Hans and Pete moved along the river bank, holding the boat with a rope. 桑顿在船上,而汉斯和皮特则沿着河岸走,用一根绳索拉住小船。
The barrow was got ready and the corpse placed on it, covered with a blanket, and bound to its place with the rope. 他们把车准备好,将尸体放上去,还盖上毯子,用绳子捆好它。
Sometimes it felt less like childcare and more like a demented game of Clue -- and I knew who'd end up in the ballroom with the rope. 有时,我感觉这都不像是在育儿,更像是在打疯狂的“妙探寻凶”游戏—当然,我知道最终谁会在宴会厅中拿着绳子。
This section explains how to integrate ropes into a Java application and compares rope performance with that of String and StringBuffer. 这一节将解释如何将rope集成进Java应用程序,并比较rope与String和StringBuffer的性能。
Even through it was just a walk-up, we were on glaciers, rope up, using crampons and ice axes. 尽管没有什么难度,我们还是穿越了冰川,用绳结组、使用了冰爪和冰镐。
I'll make the rope walker a little smaller-- you'll see shortly why I make it a little smaller. 我把他画小一点-,你们马上会知道我,为什么把他画小。
The missing girl's brother was at the end of his rope over the matter. 对于这事件,这位失踪的女孩的哥哥已无计可施。