risk it all

  • 网络豁出去了

risk it allrisk it all

risk it all


精彩影视英语一起学... ... 13、it's not much 它不怎么样 14、risk it all 豁出去了 15、so be it 行,好的,没问题,就按你说的 ...

And when you find her, you fight for her. You risk it all. You put her in front of everything. . . your future, your life. . . all of it. 当你找到她,你会为她奋斗,你甘愿冒险,你将她放在所有东西之前———你的未来,人生…一切。
From tightrope walkers to parachutes, the Falls sees many adventurous individuals willing to risk it all for a few moments of glory. 从走钢索到玩跳伞,许多喜欢刺激的人来到尼加拉瓜瀑布冒大险,只为求一刹那的荣耀。
' What they don't ask is: If losing money in this important nest egg is like a kick to the gut, should I risk it all over again? 但他们有个问题没有问:要是我用这一大笔本钱买股票亏惨了,下次还会不会再冒风险去买股票?
My grandmother had left me just under 3000, and I decided to risk it all on this venture. 我祖母留给我的只有3000,和我决定这一切的风险在这风险。
you fight for her; you risk it all. 你为她而战,你不计后果。
It's associated with people who work brutal hours, invest their life savings, and risk it all on a dream. 这个词总是指那些每天疯狂工作的人。他们孤注一掷,用毕生的积蓄去实现自己的梦想。
in the end you well see who's fake, who's true and who would risk it all just for you. 你终会明白,谁是虚情假意,谁是真心爱你,谁会为你不顾一切。
Spirit If you're not willing to risk it all, then you don't want it bad enough. 你若不愿冒险,则渴求还不够强烈。
Lesson learned: Risk it all to stay in business. 经验教训:不管风险多大也要坚守业务。
You inspire me. I'm going to risk it all. 你给了我勇气。我准备豁出去了。