
美 [slæk]英 [slæk]
  • adj.不紧的;松弛的;萧条的;冷清的
  • adv.松弛地;缓慢地;无力地;不充分地
  • n.(绳索的)松弛部分;闲置部分;煤屑;煤末
  • v.懈怠;怠惰;偷懒
  • 网络懈怠的;懒散的;淡季

比较级:slacker 最高级:slackest 第三人称单数:slacks 现在分词:slacking 过去式:slacked

slack season,slack discipline


1.不紧的;松弛的not stretched tight

2.萧条的;冷清的;清淡的not having many customers or sales; not busy

3.懈怠的;不用心的;敷衍了事的;吊儿郎当的not putting enough care, attention or energy into sth and so not doing it well enough


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... shim, 薄垫片 slack松弛 static loading test, 静载试验 ...


UNIT 6. A Day's Wait_旺旺英语教学网 ... gaze 凝视 slack 松弛的;放松的 bring down 减少,降低 ...


2009刘一男词汇精华(独家奉献) - 豆丁网 ... pre- 在...前面) slack a. 萧条的;懈怠的(s-加强语气, lack- 缺乏、少) ...


2009刘一男词汇精华(独家奉献) - 豆丁网 ... pre- 在...前面) slack a. 萧条的;懈怠的(s-加强语气, lack- 缺乏、少) ...


六级常考词汇 - 豆丁网 ... situation n. 形势;位置,地点;职位 * slack a. 懒散的;行动迟缓的 slippery a. 滑的 ...


可数名词的不规则复数形式 - 豆丁网 ... savings 储蓄金,存款 slack 淡季,萧条 slacks 便裤,运动裤 ...


六级词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... skull --n. 头脑,头骨 slack --n. 松弛,静止,淡季,闲散; slap --vt. 拍,掌击,拍击;n.拍,掌击,拍击 ...

We must be willing to go against the slack and trouble, ready to stir them and then watch them. 我们必须愿意去对抗懈怠与烦恼,愿意去激起它们再观察它们。
she had a feeling (that)bank security was a little slack and wanted to test it out. 她对银行的安全性并不是很信任,她想测试一下。
I didn't slack off, but I developed a sort of cocky confidence that I had never experienced in my first three years of college. 我没有松懈,但我养成了一种大学前三年从没有过的骄傲自信的心态。
He said it was unclear whether private demand would be strong enough to pick up the slack when fiscal stimulus fades in 2010. 他说,目前还不清楚的是,在2010年,当财政刺激措施淡出之后,私人需求会否旺盛到足以填补需求缺口的地步。
The only way we could have avoided a prolonged slump would have been for government spending to take up the slack. 我们避免衰退持续的方法是,政府应收紧财政支出。
In recent weeks he has left interviewers slack-jawed with amazement as he throws out his thoughts on how he would behave as president. 最近几周他所发表的关于自己若成为总统将如何作为的言论让众人瞠目结舌。
Stock-trading volume also tends to slack off in August, which can magnify the impact of any sudden development. 8月股市交易量一般也较小,这会放大任何突发事件带来的影响。
The first step of that process seems to be happening -- U. S. consumers are more cautious -- but it is unclear who will take up their slack. 改变的第一步似乎将要发生,美国消费者越来越谨慎,可还不清楚谁将担负起他们的颓势。
He had a ragtag band of criminals ready to pick up the slack . 他就让一群乌合之众的犯人来收拾这个烂摊子。
Then, tell your belayer to leave some slack in the rope while you climb up a few moves and take a fall. 然后,上爬几步并让保护员收绳时留一些余量,接着尝试坠落。
Whenever I say this to a guy, he will generally stare at me, slack jawed , as if I were speaking some foreign language. 无论何时我对一个男的说这种话,他通常都是呆呆地盯着我,就像我在说外国语言似的。
This week, Beijing appeared to be cutting Pyongyang yet more slack by welcoming Kim Jong-il, North Korea's leader, for a secretive visit. 上周,北京欢迎朝鲜领导人金正日秘密访华,似乎再次宽恕了平壤方面。
At first he thought this was because he had allowed his will to weaken, the concentrated power of his mind to grow slack. 起初,他以为这是因为自己意志不够坚定,让聚精会神的注意力涣散了。
Compounding matters, the industry will no longer be able to rely on a rising population of new "wealth accumulators" to take up the slack. 更为严重的是,基金管理业将再也无法依赖不断增加的新“财富积累者”来填补亏空。
While full-time tech jobs might not be making a roaring comeback, freelance and part-time work seems to be picking up the slack. 当全职的科技工作似乎不能重振雄风的时候,自由职业者和临时工作者便来收拾残局。
That's like writing about sex and trying to make it boring, so please cut me some slack if I try to make you chuckle along the way. 这像描写性并使它变得讨厌,所以如果我试图使你发笑离开请你放我一马。
The slip-knot about his wrist would not yield, for the bear was all the time pulling in the slack with his paws. 的支路,关于他的手腕结不会屈服的熊,是所有的时间在与他的爪子拉疲弱。
India did not prevent overall profit growth; in another year another country will do poorly and India will pick up the slack. 印度业务没有阻碍渣打的总体利润增长;当另一年、另一个国家的市场表现不佳时,印度市场将会作为补足。
Most North Route tours end at Yangkuo (Slack Mouth) beach, named for an offshore rock shaped like the head of a slumped back man. 到多数北线旅游在仰口海滩就结束了,仰口海滩得名于海边一块岩石象一位驼背老人的头。
This message would be terminally muddled were the FSA to be seen to have cut Prudential slack to help get the deal done. 如果人们的看法是,FSA放了保诚一马,以帮助促成这笔交易,最终传达出的信息将是混乱的。
Tom is often late for work these days, but I'm sure boss will cut him some slack. After all, his wife just died. Tom最近老迟到,不过我相信头儿一定不会追究。毕竟,他的妻子刚去世。
All the more reason you need to talk to her and ask her to cut you some slack. 那你就更有理由跟她说,叫她让你放松一下。
And what's been taking up the slack in the last few decades? Well, a lot of natural gas and a little bit of nuclear, for starters. 在过去数十年,究竟是什么取代了石油的地位呢?开始时是用大量天然气和极少的核能。
And there is nothing in the European data suggesting that the private sector will be ready to take up the slack in less than two years. 欧洲提供的数字里没有任何东西显示私营部门在不到两年内可以拉紧这根已经松弛的绳子。
He was capable of slack writing which he would not condone in others. 他痛恨别人草率成篇,其实自己也有这个毛病。
"They're getting slack, I'm afraid, " said the little deep-eyed man, "Our principle is to amuse everyone. " “我怕他们都有点不上劲了,”凹眼睛的矮个子说,“我们的原则是要使得人人都有兴趣。”
Japanese savers will be selling bonds in retirement -- and there aren't enough younger workers to save enough to pick up the slack. 日本储户会在退休的时候把债券卖掉,而由于更年轻的劳动者没有那么多,他们的储蓄不足以填补这个空白。
Bernanke also said the recovery will gain momentum only gradually and that economic slack will decline slowly. 伯南克还说,复苏的力度只会逐步加强。
If I happen to finish my One Thing early, I can slack off for the rest of the day (my favorite strategy), or I can pick my next One Thing. 如果我碰巧把这件事情完成地比较早,我可以在这一天剩余的时间懒懒散散(这是我最爱的方式),也可以选择下一件“一件事”。
Gerard Lyons, chief economist at Standard Chartered, said China can only "partially make up for the slack in demand from U. S. consumers" . 渣打银行首席分析师GerardLyons表示,中国只能“部分弥补美国消费者需求的减少。”