
美 [baɪ]英 [baɪ]
  • prep.按照;经过;依;靠近
  • adv.经过;表示保留或保存时用;短暂拜访
  • n.〈美〉同“bye. by and again”
  • 网络乘;被;由



1.靠近;在…旁边near sb/sth; at the side of sb/sth; beside sb/sth

2.(常置于表示被动的动词后,表示施事者)used, usually after a passive verb, to show who or what does, creates or causes sth

3.(表示方式)used for showing how or in what way sth is done

4.(置于不带 the 的名词前,表示原因)由于used before particular nouns withoutthe , to say that sth happens as a result of sth

5.不迟于;在…之前not later than the time mentioned; before

6.经过past sb/sth

7.在…期间;处于某种状况during sth; in a particular situation

8.(表示程度、数量)used to show the degree or amount of sth

9.从…看;依;按照from what sth shows or says; according to sth

10.(表示触及或抓住的人或物的部分)used to show the part of sb/sth that sb touches, holds, etc.

11.(与 the 连用,表示时间或量度单位)used withthe to show the period or quantity used for buying, selling or measuring sth

12.(表示速率)used to state the rate at which sth happens

13.(表示尺寸时用)used to show the measurements of sth

14.(用于乘除运算)used when multiplying or dividing

15.(补充有关出生地、职业等的信息)used for giving more information about where sb comes from, what sb does, etc.

16.(起誓时用)以…的名义used when swearing to mean ‘in the name of’


by the by/bye

从A到Y开头的英语单词大全_百度文库 ... buy—bought 买 by 经…;… C can’t = can not cat 猫 ...

七年级英语单词表 ... key ring 钥匙链 by 由; fashion 时尚;潮流 ...

七年级英语单词表 ... key ring 钥匙链 by ;被 fashion 时尚;潮流 ...

初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... butterfly n. 蝴蝶 买 by prep. 靠近,在 … 旁;在 …期间;不迟于;被; ;由;乘(车) bye int. …

从A到Y开头的英语单词大全_百度文库 ... buy—bought 买 by …;乘… C can’t = can not cat 猫 ...


英语单词音标(小学) ... daughter 女儿 by 在…旁,靠近 story 故事 ...


小学一至五年级英语单词_百度知道 ... button 扣子 by 靠,通过 back 向后的 ...


英语单词音标(小学) ... daughter 女儿 by 在…旁,靠近 story 故事 ...

you could not see the house through the trees. Men went by the trees and did not know that there was a house there. 树儿长高了,你通过树丛看不到房子,人们从树丛旁走过,不晓得这里有一座房子。
The intense internal heat generated by his sort of yoga was meant to purify and cleanse the body. 这种瑜伽所产生的炽热体内高温,用意是进行肉体的净化和排毒。
i think so, I personally think the better way for resolving the matter is to negotiate friendly by both parties. 我想是这样的。我个人认为我们双方还是通过友好协商私下解决比较好。
In our school has started an inspirational speech activity, students have been a lot of education, have been moved by his spirit. 在我们学校开展了励志演讲活动,同学们都受到了很大的教育,都被他的精神所感动。
Scorpio is the Greta Garbo of signs - you gain strength by being alone - and then you are ready to be with friends again. 天蝎是葛丽泰嘉宝的标志——你从独处中获得力量——然后就可以再次与朋友在一起。
Raul made about $10, 000 total by donating a couple of times a week for a year and a half, at $70 a sample. 那一年半的时间里,劳尔每周都要去捐献几次,每个精样70美元,他一共得到了大概1万美元。
He outraged all rules of a good host by making fun of those present who did not agree with him. 他取笑在场和他看法不同的人,违犯了一个好东道主的准则。
By getting back to basics you really get to the heart of the matter. 由回去基本你真的进入问题的核心。
It is all the same for me to go by train or plane. 对于我来说坐火车去和坐飞机去时一样的
Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn't wakened him, when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed. 气急败坏的,他要找他妻子算账。但他看到床头也贴了一张字条。
For more complex projects I sometimes go a little further by discussing the Exploration Factor in terms of a number of categories. 对于更复杂的项目,我有时会更进一步,讨论若干类别内的探索因子。
I always like to begin a journey on Sunday because I shall have the prayers of the church to preserve all that travel by land or by water. 我老喜欢在礼拜天起程旅行,因为无论走水路也好,走陆路也好,教堂里的祈祷将会保佑我的整个旅程。
Investors seem riveted by what is happening, as if they were the witnesses to a fatal accident unspooling in slow motion before their eyes. 投资者似乎被眼下发生的事情定格了,就好像他们的眼前正以慢镜头回放着一起伤亡事故惨状。
This is an attempt to simplify a complex situation by presenting one specific group or person as the enemy. 这种手段试图将一个特定团体或者个人表现为敌人,从而简化一种复杂的情况。
Every investment recommendation of a company must be accompanied by an investment theme. 任何一个公司投资推荐都一定要有一个投资主题。
My comrade by chance found a woman in her 30's and captured her. 我战友碰巧发现了一个三十岁出头的女人,把她给抓了回来。
But a year later, like other technology giants, it was hit by what Mr Chambers calls the "hundred-year flood" . 但一年后,与其它科技巨人一样,思科也遭受到了被钱伯斯先生称为“百年不遇的洪流”袭击。
This might be caused by an authentication problem between the monitor server instance and the secondary server instance. 这可能是由于监视服务器实例和辅助服务器实例之间的身份验证问题引起的。
Results With the increase of reperfusion injury, there was no significant change in renal cortex echo revealed by CEUS. 结果随着再灌注损伤加重,超声造影显示肾皮质灌注回声无明显变化;
The movie offered a sympathetic portrayal of a woman struck by an inexplicable tragedy and then accused of an inexplicable crime. 该影片提供了一个令人同情的素材,描写一位女性因无法解释的惨案而深受打击,然后被指控不明不白的罪名。
Let me begin by saying, "A Happy New Year! " to all of you and especially to Mr. Davy, our guest of honor. 首先让我对大家,特别是我们的贵宾戴维先生,说一句“新年快乐”!
It had been Adolf Ogi's idea for me to get involved in the event and I was fascinated by the idea on the spot! 能够参加这次活动,完全是因为阿道夫。奥吉他的想法,而我立刻就被他的想法吸引了。
Graduate students denounced her for making it "sound as if obtaining a doctoral title by fraud is just a trivial offence" . 研究生们谴责默克尔的说法“听上去似乎骗取博士头衔只不过是一次小小的违规”。
How much is the by sea mail? 寄海运邮件要多少钱?
We more than 5, 000 million by Los Angeles is such a little place exist, development, stinking up all day. 我们超过5,000万人被洛杉矶就是这样的一个小地方存在、发展、臭了一整天了。
When the system maintains its equilibrium, constant K of the equilibrium can be obtained by means of chemical isotherm formulas. 当体系处于平衡时,应用化学等温式就可求算平衡常数K。
Just think how much time you save now by paying for things with a coin or bill. 想想看,你现在用硬币或钞票来购买物品可以节省多少时间。
The Board has also had a brief discussion on the question of proxy voting by the Government as a minority shareholder. 董事局亦有简单讨论过政府作为小股东如何投票的问题。
Products intended to be assembled by an adult should be evaluated after assembly evaluated after assembly. 供成人组装的产品应在组装之后进行评估。
Your thoughts are still moving in and out of your consciousness, but you do not feel controlled by them. 你的想法仍然在你的意识中进进出出,但是你并不觉得被这些想法控制。