
美 ['beɪə]英 ['beɪə]
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络包;鲍;氧化钡(barium oxide)



拳皇 - 搜搜百科 ... ChinGentsai 镇元斋 Bao King 京 ...

名字 中国人姓名_百度文库 ... 暴 : BAO : BAO 贝 : BEI ...

氧化钡(barium oxide)

直接把氧化钡(BaO)和水混合来制造氢氧化钡:查 论 编 0 3 0 氢氧化钡在分析化学中的滴定法可以当做弱酸的指示剂,对有机 …


甲骨文字表 - 豆丁网 ... d266 rong3 冗 痰 潭襓 d268 bao3 宝宝 谈 坦 毯 袒 碳 探襩 d275 su4 宿 趟 烫 掏 涛 滔 绦 萄 桃襳 ...

业务分析与优化(Business Analytics and Optimization)

据了解业务分析与优化BAO)是IBM 于2009年4月推出的全新服务,它融合了战略、信息管理、高级分析和行业洞察,可以 …


事实上,IBM 有一个业务分析和优化 (BAO) 部门,这不言而喻,并且代表着 IBM 在其大数据平台中将为分析提供各种长期功能 …


HSK Level 6 vocabulary list ... 5 包子 bao1 zi5 5 宝贝 bao3 bei4 5 保持 bao3 chi2 ...

Xiao Bao is familiar with various stages, as he has been a little star in dozens of shows since his debut at the age of 2. 自两岁初次登台起,小宝已经参加了许多电视节目的录制,作为一位小明星他俨然已经见惯了大大小小的舞台。
Standing here, I can't help marveling how much the bid changed Shenzhen; marveling how much the Universiade changed Bao'an. 站在这里,我不禁惊异于申办大运会对深圳的改变是如此之大;惊异于大运会对宝安的改变是如此之大。
Not saying a word, each slowly took a coin out of his pocket and dropped it into a basket before Lord Bao. 人们慢慢地,一言不发地从口袋里掏出一个铜钱,扔到包公拿的篮子里。
The Universiade brings us so much gain. Here the question is, as members of bao'an, what can we do to be a real part of it? 大运会给我们带来这这么多,那我们作为宝安的一份子,应该要问问自己,我们能够为大运会做什么呢?
I forgot to ask bao zhu to stay here to help you with your bath water. 我忘记了,刚刚该叫宝珠留下了帮你放洗澡水。
The true intention of making Bao-Jia involved in the autonomy, was to consolidate country power. In fact, the autonomy was just a fig leaf . “寓保甲于自治之中”的真正意图照旧是为了强化国家的权力,自治只不过是它的一块遮丑布而已。
As a result Zhaojing Li Bao to talk out of the total social communication in a number of men and women of the red things. 于是赵经理向鲍总讲起在外面交际应酬中一些男女的红粉之事。
The sight of others toiling strenuously made Old Tong Bao feel even warmer, so warm that he began to itch. 看着人家那样辛苦的劳动,老通宝觉得身上更加热了;热的有点儿痒。
It's nice to meet you. Mr. Bao asked me to call for you this afternoon. He's waiting for you at his office. 很高兴见到你.包先生要我今天下午来接你他正在办公室里等你。
Mao Bao immediately bought the turtle, but instead of eating it, he took it to a nearby lake and let it go. 毛宝当即把那只龟买下来,他没有吃了它,而是把它带到附近的湖中放了。
"Hai Bao" in the name easy to sing, but also, and his body color echoes, in line with the principles of Chinese folk auspicious title. “海宝”的名字朗朗上口,也和他身体的色彩呼应,符合中国民俗的吉祥称谓原则。
Simultaneously must look like the Bao West Asia to be equally intelligent, is not frightened by the difficulty suddenly. 同时也要像鲍西亚一样聪慧,不被突如其来的困难所吓倒。
Xue Bao Chai all tries to be practical, mind like this, also whatever blow to rotate son in the brain, disappear to have no Zong. 薛宝钗一向务实,这样的主意,也不过在脑海里打了个转儿,就消失无踪了。
Kung Bao Ji Wang took over the brand after the initial few years did not break through the geographical constraints. 龚保籍挖嗯发生后的最初几年没有突破地域限制,在品牌。
Xiao Bao was particularly fond of health, so each of us five days to give it a bath. 小宝特别爱卫生,所以我们每五天给它洗一次澡。
Bian is happy that Xiao Bao is still a boy, and not a child star who has begun thinking and acting like an adult. 小宝仍然保持童真,并不像一些童星那样过于早熟,对此,妈妈卞艾青很开心。
One, two, three, four. . . . Load Bao stared at every coin as it dropped into the basket. 一个,两个,三个,四个……包公的眼紧紧盯着篮子里的每一个铜钱。
Bao then continued to travel that day, with a flight to Chengdu, in Sichuan province. 当天包继续旅行,在北京到成都的航班上。
Many netizens supported Bao but Zeng's fans said the critics were too mean to her. 许多网民支持包小柏,但曾轶可的粉丝说,批评者对她太残酷了。
The company also manufactures various couplings and metallurgical machinery for Bao Steel and metallurgical industry over a long period. 本公司长期为宝钢及冶金行业生产各种联轴器等冶金机械产品。
The name, Hai Bao, echoes with the color of its body and is a typical lucky name in Chinese tradition. 名称宝海,其车身的颜色相呼应和在中国传统中是一个典型的幸运名称。
I believe in, in Beijing Olympiad 2008, Bao Chun Lai must be able to outstanding contend for a gold medal. 我相信,2008年北京奥运会,鲍春来一定能出色发挥,争夺金牌。
"Sou Shen Ji" is a weird fiction written by Gan Bao in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and is of great value for the studies of Chinese vocabulary. 《搜神记》是东晋干宝撰写的一部志怪小说,对汉语词汇的研究具有重要价值。
I heard people talking again and again of a "spiritual crisis" in China - a phrase that has even been used by the Premier Wen Jiao Bao. 我经常听到人们谈及中国正在经历的一场“精神危机”——甚至是总理温家宝也用到过这个词。
If entire Bao Gei repairs very big one which the company certainly will surpass you to budget. 要是全包给装修公司一定会超出你预算的很大一笔。
But Bao and his wife, a former swimmer, still do not want to take a similar chance with their 18-year-old son. 但是,鲍明晓和他曾是游泳运动员的妻子却不想让他们18岁的儿子走和自己相似的道路。
My Dad said it was easy to do something so that Bao Mian wouldn't die in today's society, and Mom was against it. 爸爸说在现在的社会里,很容易的采取一些办法包勉就不会死,妈妈表示了反驳。
Zhao Fan called for Chen Ying and Bao Long at once for counsel, Ying said, "He left so outraged, we can only fight. " 范急唤陈应、鲍隆商议。应曰:“这人发怒去了,只索与他厮杀。”
BAO Shan-fen said, the saying goes, drugs make up less Sibu In fact, around us, the high calcium content of food everywhere. 鲍善芬说,俗话说“药补少诗巫”事实上,在我们周围,食物钙含量高的地方。
The beauty of the sadness in Bao's poems is from his contradiction of knowing and acting, the developing and retreating. 鲍照文中意象表现出来的悲美源于他知与行、进与退的矛盾。