
美 [ˈtrʌb(ə)l]英 ['trʌb(ə)l]
  • n.麻烦;问题;困难;困境
  • v.麻烦;费力;费事;费神
  • 网络烦恼;故障;苦恼

复数:troubles 现在分词:troubling 过去式:troubled

cause trouble,make trouble,take trouble,avoid trouble,anticipate trouble
serious trouble,potential trouble,real trouble


n. v.


1.[u][c]问题;忧虑;困难;苦恼a problem, worry, difficulty, etc. or a situation causing this


2.[u]疾病;疼痛illness or pain

机器with machine

3.[u](机器、车辆等的)故障something that is wrong with a machine, vehicle, etc.

困难╱暴力局面difficult/violent situation

4.[u]困境;险境;可能受到批评(或处罚)的情形a situation that is difficult or dangerous; a situation in which you can be criticized or punished

5.[u]纷争;动乱;骚乱an angry or violent situation

额外努力extra effort

6.[u]~ (to sb)额外努力(或工作);烦扰;打扰;麻烦extra effort or work


get sb into trouble

使…未婚先孕to make a woman who is not married pregnant

give (sb) (some, no, any, etc.) trouble

给(或没有给)…造成麻烦(或烦恼、困难)to cause problems or difficulties

look for trouble

自找麻烦;自寻烦恼;惹是生非to behave in a way that is likely to cause an argument, violence, etc.

take trouble over/with sth|take trouble doing/to do sth

尽心尽力地做;费力地做to try hard to do sth well

take the trouble to do sth

不辞辛劳地做;不厌其烦地做to do sth even though it involves effort or difficulty

a trouble shared is a trouble halved

诉说烦恼,一半自消(向人倾诉,愁苦就会减少)if you talk to sb about your problems and worries, instead of keeping them to yourself, they seem less serious


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... impress 印象 trouble 麻烦 fast 快速的 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... lead 引导;引诱 trouble 麻烦;烦恼 offend 冒犯;得罪 ...


毛病_百度百科 ... [fault;shortcoming] 缺点错误 [trouble] 故障 [mistake] 差错、问题 ...


人教版九年级英语单词表_百度文库 ... impress 使感动 trouble 困难;苦恼 fast 快速的 ...


人教版九年级英语单词表_百度文库 ... impress 使感动 trouble 困难;苦恼 fast 快速的 ...


心理问题trouble):暂时的心理失衡,心理困扰,疑惑等。(资料一、二、三:见课件,资料三可删除)(三) 心理问题基本 …


从100到1000的英文单词_百度知道 ... 31 明白 understa 38 打扰 trouble 42 试 try ...


九年级英语单词MP3下载 人教版_百度知道 ... impress 使感动 trouble 困难;苦恼;忧虑 fast 快地 ...

It is no trouble to call me at the post office for you; it won't take me far out of my way. 你到邮局来找我挺方便,而我也可以不走弯路了。
In fact, it's often better to see your counselor as soon as you know something's up, even if you don't know what the trouble is. 事实上,当你知道有事情发生了,见你的辅导员就更好了,尽管你不知道是什么问题。
Large, easy-to-read dial helps ensure rig safety Extra-large face and moving pointer provide instant trouble indications from a distance. 便于阅读的大表盘确保测量安全超大表盘和可动指针可以即时指出远程压力出问题的迹象。
What shocked us is the fact that this little girl never thought to ask grown-ups for help when she was in trouble. 使我们吃惊的是,在这个小女孩遇到麻烦时,她从未想过向大人求助。
The bear was tagged before it was released, to show that it had been causing trouble. 这头熊被放走前身上做上了标记,表明它曾经找过麻烦。
However, over the course of his career, Kwame's immaturity has got himself in trouble with both his employers and the law. 然而,在布朗整个生涯过程中,他的不成熟让他面对老板,法律都有过麻烦。
Bob is often in trouble with the police. I'm afraid he is following in his father's footsteps. 鲍伯常被警察追查。我担心他正在步他父亲的后尘。
The suggestion that the Earth could be so old was scandalous and got him in a bit of trouble. 提出地球这么老简直是骇人听闻,让他惹了不少麻烦。
It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. 它在接近终点时,冲下了山坡,驾驶员费了好大劲才把车停下来。
Arrogance causes nothing but trouble. It is wiser to ask for advice. 妄自尊大只会带来麻烦.聪明的作法是虚心问人。
Says: "I can't be with you, but I'm going through the trouble of locating and buying striped carnations to say that. " 花语:“我不能和你在一起,但是我正费好大事,去寻找且购买斑纹康乃馨来说出这个心里话。”
She used to turn to her parents for help whenever she was in trouble, but now she can cope with everything on her own. 过去她一遇到困难就求助于父母,现在她已经能独立处理一切事情了。
Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. 明知夫人野鸭是患有心脏病的麻烦,非常小心被打破,她轻轻地作为,尽可能的消息,她丈夫的死因。
Part of it was working for companies that were in trouble, but mostly I was still trying to find my own path in software development. 有一部分是我工作的公司本身陷入困境,但大部分还是我自己试图在软件开发中找到属于我自己的道路。
Or they fear the stigma of having to ask for government assistance, not wanting to let their neighbors know they're in trouble. 或者他们惧怕向政府申请救济带来的耻辱感,他们不想他们的邻居知道他们已经举步维艰。
It struck me that those questions did not trouble the Hebrews in the Sinai wilderness. 但我很惊讶地发现,那些在西奈旷野行走的希伯来人却不受这些问题困扰。
A wise business attorney told me that the client is truly in trouble when they're fighting "for the principle of the matter. " 一个睿智的商业律师告诉我当他们”为案件的原则“争论时这时委托人就是真正的遇上困难了。
But another sort of nightmare is also beginning to trouble America's conservatives. 但是另一个恶梦也开始困扰着美国的保守人士。
Do not cuss, holler, pee, or throw up in public places or otherwise call attention to yourself, as it will probably get you in trouble. 在公共场所不要写三字经、不要大声喧哗、不要随地小便或呕吐,否则你就要小心,你很可能因会惹上麻烦。
Just following this one bit of wisdom has saved me a lot of heartache and trouble; not just in my marriage, but in every aspect of my life. 遵循这一条原则,不仅在婚姻上,而且在生活的各个方面都为我减少很多麻烦。
If you could have made him change his mind, you would have saved him a lot of trouble. 如果你当时能使他改变想法,你就会使他免遭许多麻烦。
According to two people present, when Mr. Kan heard about Fukushima Daiichi, he said, 'The real trouble is at the nuclear plant. ' 据当时在场的两个人说,当菅直人听说福岛第一核电站时,他说“真正的麻烦就在这座核电站”。
But it turned out to be a bum steer, just a rumor spread by one of our competitions to make trouble for us. 但是,这个消息是假的,是我们竞争对象之一为了给我们制造麻烦而散布的谣言。
She has always been a great trouble to her parents. 她一直是父母的大累赘。
He used the shell of a turtle as a cup. He got much more money than the others, but this did not trouble any of the beggars. 他把龟壳当作罐,他得的钱总是比其他人多,但这并不影响到其他乞丐。
Klorfein said. "The trouble is his wife is no longer interested . . . So her husband is all dressed up with nowhere to go. " 可问题是,他的夫人对此已毫无兴趣可言……因而丈夫只能是平白无故地打扮的花里胡哨。
I also have trouble swallowing pills in general, but I decided to try this product and I love it! 一般来讲我吞咽药片有困难,但是当我决定要试用这款产品后发现我爱上它了。
I always avoid trouble if I can. I just took a biscuit myself and went back to my crossword. 能不惹麻烦,我尽量不惹麻烦,我只是拿了一块饼干,又回到我的字谜游上。
It is no bad thing to explore new ideas. The trouble is that none of these examples stands up to scrutiny. 有人提出新点子总不是坏事。问题在于,这些点子都经不起推敲。
It's true that how much joy we can get from the teachers' praise, especially when we meet some difficulties and are in trouble for a while. 千真万确我们从老师的表扬中获得很大的欢乐,尤其当我们身处麻烦和困境久了。