top up

美 [ˈtɒpʌp]
  • n.补充的饮料;收入补贴
  • v.装满;充值
  • adj.附加的
  • 网络加满;加值;倒满

第三人称单数:tops up 现在分词:topping up 过去式:topped up

top uptop up

top up


最后超出7天的部分,就充值top up)【追加的贷款(或费用)】,5镑起。2)大英博物馆The British Museum,大英博物馆不 …


at the top of和on the top of在用法上有啥区别 ... top the bill 领衔主演 top up 注满,装满,加满(液体) n. 陀螺 ...


at the top of和on the top of在用法上有啥区别 ... top the bill 领衔主演 top up 注满,装满,加满(液体) n. 陀螺 ...


汽车的提示显示屏上面写Top Up Coolant See... ... OPER=OPERATION= 操作 TOP UP= 添加,补充 COOLANT= 冷却剂 ...


...、三日卡等等。加值的话,机器加值最少要20英镑纸钞,或者用信用卡加值也可(但也一样需要信用卡密码),或者到询问 …


[英语学习]食品词典-英文T开头 - 豆丁网 ... top shell 海螺;蝾螺 top up倒满;灌满 ② 将浓缩液冲稀 top yeast 上面酵母 ...


美国 维珍 手机 使用方法 导航 -雨前茶-搜狐博客 ... Phone # 电话# Top Up 补足 Activate Your Phone 启动你的手机 ...


接着,肖智东博士就两校关心的“专升本”(Top up)、“本升硕”(CPD)项目和伯恩茅斯大学在中国华中地区的拓展规划等有关 …

If it fails to inflate, or you need top up the air, blow into this tube. A light and whistle are provided to attract attention. 充气失败,或者你需要补充充气,向管子直接吹气即可。照明灯和哨子供你引起注意使用。
But in practice, lots of "bargains" take place; in other words, recipients top up the $1, 200 that the association pays all donors. 但事实上,出现了很多的“廉价品”;换句话说,由接受人补足协会支付给捐献者的1200美元。
You might have to go and find someone to top up your glass, but enjoy the canapes while you wait. 你可能会去找人补足你ideas酒杯,但是享受小吃,只需等待片刻。
Electric cars (at least the ones without petrol engines to top up the battery) demand that they do. 电动汽车(至少指那些没有汽油发动机来充电的车子)却要求车主这么做。
(which might require) encouraging cities to add an urban top-up to the nationwide scheme, perhaps paid for by the municipal authority. 鼓励各个城市在全国计划的基础上追加一笔城市费用,这笔费用也许将由市政机构承担。
If it fails to inflate , or you need to top up the air , blow into this tube. are provided to attract attention. 如果不能完成充气,,可以往这个管子里吹气。灯和口哨提供来引起注意。
This scheme, known as ATP, is compulsory for all employees and is designed to top up the basic state pension. 这个被称为ATP的组合,对所有雇员来说都是必须的,设计的初衷是提高国家基本养老金。
The system would not supply food directly, but would instead top up credit at the patient's grocer using an automatic link. 这回的计画系统不会直接分发食品实物,不过会自动连结到病人指定的杂货店,增加病人的消费信用额度。
Even in the era of university top-up fees it is the taxpayer, not the student, who pays most of the cost of a degree. 由于学生上大学的大部分费用是由纳税人而不是学生自己支付的,包括过去的高等教育附加费。
Able to tote two golf bags and a small duffel with the top up, that space shrinks to just 2. 36 cubic feet with the top down. 能够携带两个高尔夫球袋和一个小一种粗呢的顶端了,空间缩小到二点三六立方英尺与自上而下。
After ALL the NaOH has dissolved, top up to 250 ml with fresh methanol, as there may be some evaporation during mixing. 等氢氧化钠完全溶解后,倒入少量新鲜甲醇至250毫升,来弥补溶解过程中挥发掉的甲醇。
But the row between Republicans and Democrats over a top-up for the federal government's disaster-relief fund continues. 但是共和党和民主党之间仍然为联邦政府纾困的资金问题吵得不可开交。
Several have followed up with global bond issues, to help top up coffers rapidly depleted by aggressive land bank acquisition. 有数家开发商借助于全球债券发行,以此补充因大举囤地而迅速下降的资金储备。
When share prices collapsed amid the global subprime crisis, it was unable to top up its collateral. 随着全球次贷危机造成股价暴跌,它也难以凭借抵押品筹集到足够的资金。
Italians can buy football games and films by means of cards, much as they might top up a mobile phone. 尽管意大利人可用充满值的手机娱乐消遣,但也会用智能卡付费观看足球赛及电影。
When Top Up TV tried to negotiate with Sky for the channels, it became clear that Sky had no interest in doing a deal. 当TopUpTV试图就购买频道与天空商谈时,后者显然无心交易。
Please refer to policy terms and conditions for the minimum amount of single premium top-up and minimum investment in each Fund. 最低整付额外投资金额及每只基金的最低投资额,请参阅保单条款及细则。
they provide top - up and main trip shopping needs for customers who wish to shop quickly , easily and locally. 他们能够为那些希望快速、简便和就近购物的顾客提供即时购物和出门购物服务。
Our hotel has a pool on the roof and I top up my tan as I sip iced tea and order an ice- cream sundae. 我们住的旅馆屋顶上有一个游泳池,我边喝茶边做日光浴,还要了一份冰淇淋圣代。
One city, Recife, even decided to top up benefits to former welfare recipients when the programme started. 累西腓甚至决定,此补助计划开始时要把补助金补齐发给以往的领取者。
All of which might be on the minds of William Hill investors as they consider Topping's top-up pay. 所有这些在WilliamHill博彩公司投资者看来都是他们为了达到一流的高额支出。
In winter under floor heating is proving comfortable and efficient space heating while top up heating is provided by a wood burning stove. 冬季的地板采暖是舒适而有效的空间供暖手段,而顶部取暖由一个烧木头的火炉提供。
I thoroughly enjoyed myself even though I had the soft-top up since it was raining (and had rained hard overnight). 尽管天下着雨(已经下了一夜的大雨),罩着软顶篷,但我还是感到十分愉快。
Across the developing world, corner shops are where people buy vouchers to top up their calling credit. 在所有发展中国家,人们在街角小店就能买充值卡为电话充值。
You may obtain more fun credits by going to the My Account section clicking on the "Top up fun tokens" link. 您可以在“我的帐户”网页点击“增加代表币”键连领取更多乐趣代表币。
In 1996, Surfer Magazine named Jesse one of the top up-and-coming wave riders in the world. 在1996年,Surfer《冲浪》杂志称Jesse是世界上最有前途的冲浪者之一。
It has a privatised pensions system and education vouchers that allow the affluent to top up state provision. 该国拥有一套私有化的养老保险制度和教育券机制,让富人在国家供给的基础上加码投资。
Had I never had to top up the washer fluid, he asked. 他问道,我从来不需要添加玻璃水吗?
In Uganda, where villages often have one top-up phone run by a trusted operator, a basic system helps store and transfer money. 在乌干达,每个村庄有一个充值电话,由可信的接线员管理,这一基本系统帮助人们存款或转帐。
And Peter had the overall advantage that he could always top-up his numbers with new conscripts. 同时彼得还有一个最大的优势,就是他可以永远通过招募新兵补充人数。