the show

  • 网络表演;兰卡的异想世界;演出

the showthe show

the show


lenka吧_百度贴吧 ... 《Don’t Let Me Fall》 别让我失望 05... 《The Show表演 02. 《Bring Me Down》 将我击垮 03. ...


蕾恩卡·克莉帕克_百度百科 ... 《We Will Not Grow Old》 永远青春 《The Show兰卡的异想世界 《Bring Me Down》 被打败 ...


KICHY-张骐骥的小站 ... 03.无物( Nothingness) 04.演出The show) 06.慎独( Slef-restraint) ...


Dahial's photosets on Flickr ... 食物 Foods 展示 The Show 物品 Things ...


SHOW_High_Just Like He..... ... 《Go Show》 总动员拍杂志写真(图) 《The Show节目 《The Show》 节目于1日下午在首 …


韩国女子组合_中国女子组合... ... 《Be My Baby》 之后,时隔7个月回归的 《The Show节目于1日下午在首尔中区 《The Sh…


Kurenai Original Sound Track: Disc 1:... ... Dream 梦 The Show 倾情表演 Metanoia 回心 ...

The next regexp you used in the Show only the matches, not the lines section was for a single word containing "th" anywhere in the word. 仅显示匹配部分,而不显示行部分中使用的另一个regexp用于在单词中任何位置包括“th”的单个单词。
Last week DreamWorks Theatricals announced that the show would close in January, after being open for only a year. “梦工厂戏剧演业公司”上周宣布,只上演了一年的该剧将在1月停演。
And at this point in the show, about halfway through our set, this fear came over me that everyone was going to leave the concert. 那一刻,就在演唱会才进行了一半的时候,担忧爬上了我的心头,我害怕着因为这样的坏天气,大家都会提早离开。
I can't help but feel as though they're a bit late to the show - but perhaps there's still a seat to be had in Asia. 我忍不住这么想:尽管他们来得迟了些,但是他们真的很可能在亚洲占一席之地。
TV job-hunting might be a good show full of conflict, but simply applying what you see on the show to a real interview would be risky. 尽管电视求职可能是充满冲突的很有看点的作秀,但只是一味地把电视中所呈现的一切应用到实际面试中去,那就太冒险了。
But many people were also surprised to see how much food I was eating while I was on my 'diet' during the weeks before the show. 但是他们同时也惊讶于我在赛前“节食”期间所吃下的大量食物。
The producer from the show On the Money wrote to me with his idea for a segment. 《OntheMoney》节目的制片人写信告诉了我他为节目片断想的创意。
A-bing : [As they walk away] Not staying for the show? But I have rice wine with bee larvae for you to try. Ha-ha-ha! 阿彬:(正当他们离开时)不留下来看表演?可是我准备了小米酒和蜜蜂的幼虫让你们品尝呢。哈哈哈!
Traditional art critics accused the organizers of the show of trying to overthrow Christianity and American values. 传统艺术评论家谴责画展组织者们企图颠覆基督教和美国价值观。
If Opened_tables increases quickly as you rerun the SHOW STATUS command, you aren't getting enough hits out of your cache. 如果Opened_tables随着重新运行SHOWSTATUS命令快速增加,就说明缓存命中率不够。
But, he said, the writers fought to keep the show from becoming morally simplistic. 但他也指出,剧作者们已尽力使卡剧摆脱道德过分单纯化的窘境。
I mean, if I had been a contestant in the studio in California or wherever they tape the show. 我的意思是说,如果我是参赛者,在加利福尼亚的演播室里,或是在其他任何录制这套节目的地方。
Not going to be an easy feat, so here's a couple of prep shots and a little glimpse of the show proper. 这不只是简单的只是一个壮举,在这里是放上照片并且表示我的演出一切就绪。
It has been an eventful week, busy practicing for the upcoming Winter Show. I hope to see and chat with you next week during the show. 大家好,又度过了忙碌的一周,大家都忙着准备即将到来的冬季节目演出。希望各位家长能光临下周的演出。
She said the show seems customized for her and offers her opportunities to meet some interesting people in the movie and art circles. 她说,这个节目好像专为她量身定作,并让她有机会接触到影艺界一些有趣的人。
"By the end of the show, it was all the guy's fault, " a clearly impressed Mr Rock told David Letterman, another talk-show host. “到那场秀结束的时候,才发现原来都是那个男人的错,”洛克(Rock)在震惊之余告诉另一位脱口秀主持人大卫.莱特曼(DavidLetterman)。
People have been in love with her and with the show. . . "It's a loss. People are going to have to grieve, " he said. 观众们都很爱她也很爱她主持的脱口秀…“这是我们的损失。大家肯定都很悲伤,”他说。
One of the premises of 'Mad Men' is that the behavior on the show is something of a safety valve. 《广告狂人》如此受欢迎有一个前提,那就是它的人物和剧情可以发挥类似安全阀的作用。
Under the grey heavens, whose drizzle just kept off, the dark concourse gathered to see the show. 细雨才停,灰色天空下黑压压的人群都集合在这里看这一幕戏剧。
The music isn't just background; it's part of the show. The song seems to turn the males on, according to the research. 这种声音已经不仅仅是背景音乐了,而是和好戏融为一体。根据研究表明,这种叫鸣声能够让雄性兴奋。
Look forward to see you in the show, thank you for your attention and wish you & your family all the very best. 期待在展会上与您见面,谢谢你的关注并祝愿你及家人幸福安康。
Do the dancer of life, as long as the heart is still, the show did not end. 做生命的舞者,只要心跳还在,演出就没有落幕。
On the show she teaches viewers some of her favorite recipes, incorporating inspiration from her Malaysian roots. 在节目中,她向观众传授她最喜爱的菜谱,这些菜谱融入了马来西亚文化根源给她带来的灵感。
She sounded good and was dancing around the stage putting on quite the show. Suddenly the sound track stopped and there was no music. 她唱的不错并在舞台上扭来扭去,突然配音停掉了音乐没了,一片寂静。
To open their own car, do not stop, and a special bike greeted my colleagues. People will think you are in the show. 自己开小车,不要特地停下来和一个骑自行车的同事打招呼。人家会以为你在炫耀。
She wore a yellow silk blouse with a blue silk scarf and a pair of blue jeans at the show! 在表演台上她穿一件黄色的带有一条蓝色丝绸围巾的丝绸衬衫和一件蓝色的牛仔裤。
A week later, I found myself spitting out the most complicated Mandarin I've ever spoken during a screening interview to appear on the show. 一周后,在为节目录制的视频访谈中,我讲出了自己讲过的最复杂的普通话。
You might have to click the Show All Locations button to see some of the default locations. 您可能必须单击显示所有地点的按钮,看到一些默认位置。
You mentioned Alexandria earlier. What's your read on her? Because we're definitely just seeing one side of her on the show. 你提及到了本季的大海滩。你觉得她怎么样?因为我们不一定能看到你所看到的东西。
The show takes off with a bed, a mirror, a chair and one lingerie-clad beauty and before you know it, one sexy lady becomes three. 表演开始时,舞台上会有一张床,一面镜子,一张椅子以及一位穿着内衣的美女。在你觉察到前,一位性感的女孩会突然变成三位。