the flight

  • 网络飞行;航班;飞翔

the flightthe flight

the flight


《英语国际人:嘻哈口语英文... ... Chapter 6 The Quest for Gold 寻找金矿 Chapter 7 The Flight 飞行 Chapter 8 The Rescue …


《97 Things Every Software Architect... ... collisions. The flight 航班) essential complexity. The antiquated 陈旧的) ...


中华人民共和国文化部 ... 2.Beverly 被佛理; 3.The Flight 飞翔; 4.World From Here 世界由此而来; ...


租影片 - 动作类 17 ... 绑票追缉令 Run For The Border 雷火任务 The Flight 雷霆战斗人 Abounty Tracker ...


... 拿调色板的自画像( Self-Portrait with Palette) 逃走The Flight) 1882-83年,波士顿美术馆( Museum of Fine Arts, Bosto…


网友评论_卡雷拉斯... ... (The Three Kings) 三贤来拜(三圣节) (The Flight) 逃命(出埃及) (The Annunciation) 天使报喜 ...


片中有个「傻女」唱歌,幽怨动听。《无夫岁月》(The Flight)拍四十年代三个乡村寡妇的可悲命运,则很无奈。


...乐师麦可唐纳(Mychael Danna),而凭《机密真相》(The Flight)获年度导演奖的罗拔辛密克斯(Robert Zemeckis)则在 …

He was urged to turn control of the flight over to one of his students, but apparently he didn't. 他被催告把飞行控制权交给他的学生之一,但是显然地他没有这样做。
The flight attendant didn't hear her over the roar of the engines, so the woman had to ask again, and this time, everyone looked at her. 引擎轰鸣,空姐没有听到她的话,她不得不重复一遍,这时,所有人都看向她。
There has been a radio message from the captain, and a security guard has gone to the gate to meet the flight. 机长发来了一份无线电报。一个保安人员已去出入口等候这架班机。
got off the flight with a full welcome, there was a woman standing next to the man who appeared timid at the welcoming of the plane. 贵宾拜登一下飞机就受到热烈欢迎,但在机场的欢迎仪式上,拜登身旁站着的一个女孩子略显羞涩。
As she thanked me for all I had done she said softly, "You're not the flight attendant, you're a sky angel. " 她感谢我为她所做的帮助后,并语气柔和地说:“你服务人员,你是空中的天使。”
The flight attendant is amazed and asks him what he said to get her to move back to economy without causing any fuss. 服务员很惊奇,驾驶员到底对她说了什么,她那么乖乖地就回经济舱了。
One important element of the flight from the USD has been a synchronous exit out of longer-dated US Treasury securities. 投资者由美元转向的一个重要因素是远期国债同步退场。
In a fraction of a second you consider the right surface, the flight of the ball and his position. 在几分之一秒时间里,你考虑好正确的触球,球的飞行轨迹和他的位置。
On the flight to Bagram, White House officials said the review will not include any major policy changes. 白宫官员在前往巴格兰的飞机上说,这次审议不包括任何主要政策改变。
If it had failed to do so, the flight to institutions deemed "too big to fail" would have become a Gadarene rush. 如果政府没有介入,流向那些被认为肯定不会破产的大银行的挤兑风波,会一发而不可收拾。
Air Travel: Even though their role was primarily about safety and service, the flight attendant's image was one of style and sophistication. 即使她们的角色首先是负责安全和服务,乘务员的形象代表着时尚和精致。
Imagine, as you will, sitting in one of the seats watching out of the airplane window, feeling the flight of birds and wind and clouds. 想像一下如果你愿意的话你坐在机上的一个位子从窗口望出去,你感觉著鸟儿的遨翔,感觉著风和云。
John missed the flight today and he was very angry . Back home , he took it out on me . 约翰今天误了航班,很生气。回到家,他拿我撒气。
Remember how the flight attendant tells you to put on your own oxygen mask before helping others? 记住飞机上的服务员告诉你的,在帮助别人之前先带好自己的氧气罩。
A 23 year old Nigerian man was discovered trying to ignite explosives on his body before the flight he took landed in Detroit. 一名23岁的奈及利亚男子,在搭乘的班机降落在底特律之前,企图引爆身上的爆裂物时被发现。
After we pulled our luggage off the carousel after the flight from Beijing, we were led to a bus that was to carry us to Nanjing U. 当我们从北京飞抵,拖着行李出了机场大楼后,我们被带到了去南大的大巴旁。
Wishing light are on the rise, that of the flying, cannot the long time not put, and the Flight not to be append the FOREIGN BODY. 许愿灯有上升力时即该放飞,不可长时间不放,放飞时许愿灯下不可悬挂异物。
The White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, speaking to reporters on the flight to Denver, refused to rule out a second package. 白宫新闻发言人罗伯特•吉布斯在飞往丹佛的行程中,面对记者的发言,并不否认第二个经济计划。
to ask the information office at the airport for actual arrival time of the flight two hours ahead of the schedule. 提前两小时向机场问讯处询问航班抵达的确切时间
At Yerevan airport, Tina Karapetian, 45, said she had been waiting for her sister and her sister's two sons, who were due on the flight. 在埃里温机场,45岁的TinaKarapetian说她一直在等她的妹妹和她妹妹的两个儿子,他们乘坐该航班。
At a given flight height and atmospheric temperature, the surface temperature elevated with the increase of the flight velocity. 在飞行高度和大气温度一定时,表面温度随飞行速度的增大而升高。
Since she hadn't expected to miss the flight, she was forced to use up most of her supplies and whatever money she had to feed them. 她本以为不会错过那次航班的,无奈他们又用完了所有的东西,所以她才把钱花完买了吃的东西来养活他们。
Oh, that was only a minute, but I think you'd be safe to have that near the end of the flight, perhaps. 哦,那才只有一分钟,可我想到飞行快结束时碰到它你将是安全的,也许。
How much is the flight to Beijing? 乘飞机去北京的价格是多少?
I was planning to take a nap on the flight but with him in the throes of death, it was kind of difficult. 我本来计划着在飞机上小睡一会,但现在因为他,看来很难睡着了。
During the flight, he attended the washroom and emerged as an Asian looking male that appeared to be in his early 20s. 飞行途中,他走进盥洗室,出来时竟变成一位20出头的亚裔男子。
He said the flight lost contact with the control tower a few minutes before the crash. 他说,坠机前几分钟,飞机与塔台失去了联系。
The flight of time, time is running, but I do not know when, the heart appears to be old, numb. 光阴似箭,年华似水,只是不知何时,心似乎老了,麻木了。
The flight from Taipei to Nanjing only cost two hours if there had not been a stop in Hongkong. 从台北到南京,如果不停香港只要两小时航程。
She explained that the flight was full, and that the only way I could get on is if someone were a no-show. 随后她解释说飞机已经满员,如果有人放弃的话我才能上飞机。