the path

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the paththe path

the path


...( The Path ) 中文版 - 单机游戏下载血径迷踪( The Path ) 中文版下载,血径迷踪( The Path ) 中文版游戏介绍和截图. ... 中文版...

博文收藏_夜猫_新浪博客 ... 好歌6 A good song6 1 the path1 路2, the path2 ...


老电影-目录大全 2 ... 月到中秋 IT’S MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL 小路 THE PATH (1990) 快乐世界 THE MERRY WORLD ...


路径the path)就是带领人们走向至上真理(ultimate truth)的方式。大师(master)是一个已经成为他自己身体主人和他心 …


换句话说,长青哲学的第四个重点是:解脱道(the Path)是存在的——如果我们能正确遵循这条道路,它就能把我们从堕落 …


2008年度独立游戏节-入围游戏详细介绍... ... 音乐联觉( Synaesthete) 小径( The Path) 音乐战机( Audiosurf) ...


...』」Laurie Beth Jones在他所写的《人生路径》(The Path) 这本书上写道:「如果你正在教养孩子、教育他人、或医治他人, …


...琼斯 (Laurie Beth Jones) 在《道路》 (The Path) 这本书上写道:「如果你正在教养孩子、教育他人、或医治他人,你可以将 …

In mathematics, an abstract term used to describe the path of a continuously moving point. Such a path is usually generated by an equation. 数学术语,指按一定路径陆续移动的点的轨迹,通常以方程式表示。
Remember the point where you start the path is going to be the thickest. 记住这一点,你开始时的路径线条将是最粗的。
All of these days, all of these lifetimes that you have walked the path, as you know, you have been guided. 在你走着这条路的所有这些日子、所有这些生生世世里,你知道,你是一直被守护着的。
This uncertainty about the path of policy has had the markets in a bit of a lather. 政策路线的不确定使得市场有点泡沫。
This has got to be the first step you take on the path to freedom. That will help you turn the shakiness into strength. 这是你在通往自由之路上所要走的第一步,它能帮助你将软弱变为坚强。
Francis Bacon Greatness is just like the summit of a mountain, the path to which is abrupt and rugged. 伟大就象一座山峰,向它的道路是陡峭而崎岖的。
The path of the spirit is often defined as a journey with a goal such as the fabled pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 道路的精神,往往是界定为一个旅的目标,如传说中一锅黄金在去年底的彩虹。
In a poor and unchanging sys tem, like China of old, the path to advancement tends to be very narrow, rigid and well-defined. 在中国过去一成不变的不完善体制下,进步的道路往往是很狭窄、僵化、教条的。
You don't know Gaddafi if you think he'll give in to international pressure and take the path of a negotiated exile. 如果你认为他将屈从于国际压力,选择协商流亡的方式,那只能证明你不了解他。
When we met in London two years ago, we knew that putting the global economy on the path to recovery would be neither easy nor quick. 伦敦峰会两年前召开时,我们明白让全球经济走上复苏之路的过程既艰难又漫长。
The path isolation for a matrix card is the impedance from the HI and LO terminals of one path to the HI and LO terminals of any other path. 矩阵开关卡的通路隔离是指从一条通路的HI和LO端子到另一条通路的HI和LO端子之间的阻抗。
X is a really good idea and maybe even fits in with what you're doing, but it would take you SO FAR off the path you're on. 而这个“X”又确实不错,而且可能适合你正在做的东西,但是这可能会使你在自己的路上“走偏”。
We are God's emissaries and messengers here for your awakening, and bound to see that you safely step upon the path to Ascension. 我们是上帝的使者和信使,为了你们的觉醒而在这里,有义务看着你们安全地踏上扬升之路。
"I feel like the wise old woman CEO, trying to pave the path for a lot more after me, " she says. 她说:“现在的我就像个上了年纪的女掌门人,靠着自己的智慧,努力为更多的后来人铺平道路。”
They couldn't understand how their little girl could have strayed so far off the path they had laid for her. 他们不懂他们的小女孩怎么会从他们给她铺好的路上迷失得那么远。
The parameter file can be can be either the URL for a page in a site on a server or the path to a file on your computer. 参数file可以是服务器上网站中网页的URL,或者是您的计算机上文件的路径。
It was Bessie, I knew well enough; but I did not stir. Her light step came tripping down the path. 是贝茜在叫,我心里很明白,不过我没有动弹。她步履轻盈地沿小径走来。
You know, it's hard to be in a position of power at times like these. The stakes are high, and the path forward is uncertain. 要知道,对于当下那些身处要职的来说,日子并不好过。因为他们要承担很大的风险,未来的道路也充满了不确定性。
Man uses his eyes to see the path beneath his feet, and his brains to decide where the path leads. 人类用眼睛看清脚下的路,用大脑判断前方的路。
He flitted away down the path, his head held high, with an air of somewhat jaded jauntiness. 他沿着小路快步离开了,头昂得高高的,神情虽然高傲,但却显得有几分倦意。
When instantiating the FileInputStream, pass it a String describing the path to the Excel file to read. 在实例化FileInputStream时,向它传递一个String,用于描述要读取的Excel文件的路径。
They also said they believe Israel has no desire to seek peace and will follow the "path of destruction. " 他们也相信以色列没有意愿寻求和平,会按著「破坏的行径」而行。
But have no doubt, but have no doubt that the Iranians continue on the path to the acquisition of a nuclear weapon as we speak tonight. 但毫不怀疑地,毫不怀疑地就在我们谈话的今晚,伊朗人还在向获取核武器的道路上前进。
the guru strips the devotee of his or her truth and then walks the path for the devotee beaconing him or her to follow. 古鲁剥去信徒们的知识,随之走上这条路,为信徒们引导,以便于他们跟随。
We walked down the path to the wellhouse , attracted by the fragrance of the honeysuckle with which it was covered. 我们沿着小路朝井台走去。井台上边的小屋外面爬满了忍冬,散发着芳香,着实诱人。
The name of this directory is defined in the configuration file as the path for the traces and messages to be logged and can be changed. 此目录的名称在配置文件中定义为要记录的跟踪和消息的路径,并可以进行更改。
As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up. 撒的时候,有落在路旁的,被人践踏,天上的飞鸟又来吃尽了;
They didn't hear the two people coming down the path . Dad had one arm around the girl , whose bright face was like a doll's . 他们没有听到爸爸和那个姑娘正沿着小道走来,爸爸一手挽着那位姑娘,她的脸上散发出润泽的光芒。
If you listen to your heart, you know that this isn't the path for you. 如果听从你的内心,你就知道那并不是你的路。
He's hurt himself with the chain saw, she thought, as she shuffled to the front of the house toward the path leading to the cemetery. 他一定是用油锯时伤到自己了,当她硬撑着走向对着通向坟地之路的屋前喊叫她的邻里们帮忙时,她想。