
美 [rɪp]英 [rɪp]
  • v.(突然或猛烈地)撕破;猛地扯开;突然拉开
  • n.(织物、纸张等)撕开的大口子
  • 网络路由信息协议(Routing Information Protocol);路由选择信息协议;撕裂

过去式:ripped ripping 过去式:ripped 第三人称单数:rips 现在分词:ripping

rip hole


v. n.

1.[t][i](突然或猛烈地)撕破,裂开to tear sth or to become torn, often suddenly or violently

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.猛地扯开;突然拉开to remove sth quickly or violently, often by pulling it


let rip (at sb)

激动地说(或做);忘乎所以地说(或做)to speak or do sth with great force, enthusiasm, etc. and without control

let rip|let sth rip

(使)全速前进to go or allow sth such as a car to go as fast as possible

rip sb/sth apart/to shreds/to bits, etc.

摧毁;毁坏;猛烈抨击to destroy sth; to criticize sb very strongly

路由信息协议(Routing Information Protocol)

路由信息协议RIP)是一种在网关与主机之间交换路由选择信息的标准。RIP 是一种内部网关协议。

浪子的英文怎么写_百度知道 ... rakehell 浪子, 放荡者 rip , 剥, 劈, 锯, 裂开, 撕裂 n. 到处流浪 ...


路由选择信息协议RIP)是一个首先在Xerox网络系统(XNS)中实现,而后又在Novell的NetWare中实现的距离向量路由选 …


r开头的英语单词有哪些?-英语-外语-天涯问答 ... 292 ring off 打(电话) 295 rip 撕裂,扯开 298 risk (冒)风险 ...


我的博客 - 迷途阿凡提 - 网易博客 ... · OSPF 协议 · RIP 路由协议 · Frame Relay: 帧中继 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... riot 暴乱;骚动;放纵 rip 撕裂,撕开;扯破 rival 竞争者,对手 ...

Plenty of good CEOs are bullies - the answer is to keep out of his way and if he lets rip at you, not to take it too personally. 许多CEO都很霸道,解决办法是,避开他,如果他对你大吼大叫,也不要太往心里去。
hurt myself a bit though trying to rip the shell with my fingers. looks like it fought back in a really indirect way. . . hahaha! ! ! 当我尝试用手指把壳破开的时候受了点伤,看上去就像那蟹壳在间接的反击…哈哈哈!!!
The sun hung low above the reed-beds along the western bank, as the wind began to gust and rip. 夕阳低低的悬挂在河西岸的芦苇荡上空,风开始嘶吼了。
He thought that I come far to visit you, and perhaps I should not wear so flamboyance clothes but you shouldn't rip up my scar like this. 心想我大老远跑来探望,也许我不该穿的这么华丽,可是你也犯不着这样揭我的疮疤吧!
He has a hot temper and is likely to rip out with unseemly language; you would do well not to say anything at all. 他脾气急躁,很可能破口说出不体面的话,你最好什么都不说。
Rip : Well, I think my roommate is going to boot me out, so I've decided to beat him to the punch and move out. 雷普:唔,我觉得我室友想把我一脚踢开,所以我决定先发制人自己搬出去。
There was, as usual, a crowd of folks about the door, but none that Rip recollected. 门口,和往常一样,聚着一堆人,但是瑞普一个也不认识。
At any horrible moment, you might pick up a copy of Hempel and find your best work is just a cheap rip-off of her worst. 在任何一个这样糟透的时刻,你只需拿起一本亨佩尔的作品就会发现你最好的作品也不过是对她最烂的那篇的拙劣模仿。
However, the Tomato Garden rip of XP is still widely available all over the Chinese web, and is downloadable in just a few clicks. 不过番茄花园版的XP系统依然广泛的存在于中国网络上,几次点击就能下载到。
Jake said the same thing, basically, and told her that she needs to let loose and Sass told her to just let go and let it rip. 杰克说的基本上一样,并告诉她要完全释放出来,萨斯要她放开自己。舞蹈之后更精彩!
If you want God's blessing on your finances, you've got to be honest. You can't rip people off. 如果你想要请求上帝赐予你财富,那么首先你必须是诚信的。
He tried to rip off the shirt, but it clung to him so fast that his flesh came away with it, laying bare the bones. 他试图扯掉衬衣,但衬衣紧粘在他身上,肉都随着衬衣撕掉了,骨头露了出来。
Stretching is an important part of any physical activity. You do not want your muscle to rip while performing your activities. 不管做什么运动,拉伸都很关键,你可不想在运动中拉伤肌肉吧。
Let's go. He is trying to rip you off. He tries to sell a junk for an arm and a leg! 咱们走吧。他宰你呢!一个破东西他卖得邪贵!
You know? It's why when people, like, do sequels, or rip off movies, you know, of a genre, they're ripping off the wrong thing. 你知道吗?这就是为什么人们喜欢看续集或者外传,你知道,是一个类型的,他们剽窃错误的事情。
They cannot wait to rip the device apart, analyse its design, identify its parts and calculate how much it costs to make. 他们迫不及待地要拆开机器,分析它的设计,辨认它的零件以及计算一下它的制造成本。
"Good for you, " said he, "rip up the cloth. We want some lint. " “好吧,”他说,“把床垫撕烂。我们需要绷带呀。”
As the rescuers pulled Rogers across the water, he felt the chest high torrent try to rip him from the chair. 当救助人员把罗杰斯从水中拉出来的时候,罗杰斯感觉齐胸的急流使劲要把他从椅子上拽下来。
Now, when one of us has read an issue, we rip the bottom of the front cover in half. 现在,当我们其中一位读完一本,我们就会把杂志封面的底部撕开。
"He said he would come back with big money, " said Jo Yon Rip, 64, about her twin brother, Jo Gun Min, who disappeared in 1968. 赵延立(音)的孪生兄弟赵勤民(音)1968年失踪了。过了日子,军方送来通知说,他已在某地“阵亡”。
IT WAS Greece that let public spending rip, lied about it and is now trying to stave off default. 希腊造成了公共开支裂口,并隐瞒真相,现在正试图避面债务拖欠。
One wrote: "Michael Jackson is now moonwalking in heaven. Rip. " , while others merely hoped the news turned out to be false. 其中一条写道:“迈克尔·杰克逊现在正在天堂里迈太空步。安息吧。”,而其他人只是希望这则新闻是假的。
Now. . . he's trying to actually rip off his own dead brother. 现在他居然想方设法剽窃他那死去的亲哥哥
We found racquet head speed easy to generate making this racquet a joy when hitting topspin angles or when taking a rip at short balls. 极快的挥拍速度是我们在击打上旋角度球或突然摆短球时使用这款球拍的一个乐趣。
People assured me he wasn't out to rip me off, and I should take him up on his offer of a tour. 那里的人向我保证他不会讹诈我,而且我应该向他问明白他带我去游览的事情。
This disease pumping through my veins, And i can't ever rip it out or scrub it clean! I'm a whole new level of freak ! 这毒种就在我的血管里流动,而我永远都不能把它抓出来或是洗干净我是个前无古人后无来者的超级怪胎!
His son Rip, an urchin begotten in his own likeness, promised to inherit the habits, with the old clothes of his father. 他的儿子瑞普,是个淘气鬼,长得和他一模一样,穿着父亲的旧衣服,答应了继承父风。
The court decided to rip-off Dorka and Ilona's fingernails before throwing them into a pit of fire (alive). 法院决定在活生生把多尔卡和伊罗娜扔到火坑里之前扯掉他们的手指甲。
Time magazine will not rip apart its next issue to put the news of his death earlier this week, at age 70, on the cover. 本周的早些时候70岁的丹尼斯离开了人世,时代杂志不会在封面上留下一点版面给这位老者。
Did I ever tell you the city paid me a dollar with a square foot to rip out my lawn and replace it with rock because we are in a drought? 我和你说过因为缺水,市政府付给我每平方英尺1美元掀了我们家的草坪,而换上了一堆石头吗?。