
美 [fist]英 [fiːst]
  • n.盛宴;宴会;节期;使人欢快的事物(或活动)
  • v.尽情享用(美味佳肴)
  • 网络节日;筵席;宴席

复数:feasts 现在分词:feasting 过去式:feasted



n. v.

1.盛宴;宴会a large or special meal, especially for a lot of people and to celebrate sth

2.(宗教的)节日,节期a day or period of time when there is a religious festival

3.[ususing]使人欢快的事物(或活动)a thing or an event that brings great pleasure


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... in memory of 纪念;追念 feast 节日;盛宴 skull 头脑;头骨 ...


求WOW命令大全~_爱问知识人 ... /fear( 害怕) /feast宴会) /fidget( 烦躁) ...


英文字根_百度百科 ... 145、fess = speak 说 146、fest = feast 节日 147、fest = hostile 仇恨 ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... a deep well 一口很深的井; feast 筵席; yeast 酵母 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲(F)|英语四级词汇 ... feasible a. 可行的;可能的 feast n. 盛宴,筵席;节日 feather n. 羽毛;翎毛;羽 …


宴的意思,宴怎么读_在线字典 ... 宴请〖 entertainatabaquet;fete〗 宴席〖 banquetingtable;feast〗 宴饮〖 drinktogetherinthepar…


高二英语词汇表 ... downhill adj. 快速下降滑雪的;下坡的;倾斜的 feast n. (感官、精神等的)享受;盛宴 gym n. 体育馆 ...


酒字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 酒窝〖 dimple〗 酒席feast〗 酒醒〖 soberup〗 ...

Each stop presents riders with a different visual feast as if they have been transported to a new magical underworld. 每个车站都在向乘客呈献不同风格的视觉盛宴,使他们如同置身于一个全新奇特的地下世界。
When he was a bit ahead, he'd buy some liquor and cook up a dog and enjoy a little feast. 他一有机会,就买些酒,煮上一只狗,美美地吃一顿。
Sure enough, in a demonstration room after the announcement, attendees at Apple's event found a feast of test units in both colors. 果然,在发布会后的演示厅内,出席此次活动的人们看到了样机的盛宴,两种颜色都有。
The Pilgrims had a feast in 1621 near Plymouth, Massachusetts, which is often referred to as the first Thanksgiving. 朝圣者们举行了一次宴会1621年马萨诸塞州的普利茅斯港附近,通常称为第一次的感恩节。
And for anyone thinking of a squid feast, Walker-Smith said giant squid contain high levels of ammonia in their bodies to help them float. 对于想吃鱿鱼大餐的人,沃克史密丝说大王鱿鱼体内含有高成分的氨水,才能漂浮起来。
Keukenhof is one of my favorite places I have ever been, a real feast for the eyes. 库肯霍夫是我去过的地方中最棒的,带来视觉上的极大享受。
She baked bread in an outdoor oven and conjured up a feast on an antique range that looked like it had it come from Mrs Beeton's kitchen. 她在一个户外烤箱烘烤面包,魔法般的在一个古董一样的炉灶上变出了一顿盛宴,那个炉灶看上去好像来自比顿(Beeton)夫人的厨房。
On the feast of the New Moon the young Emperor came forth from his palace and went into the mosque to pray. ‘新月节’上,年轻的皇帝径直从他的皇宫里去往清真寺祷告。
I got the video camera to take a picture of it only to capture it capturing its prey, a blue jay, where the hawk began to feast. 我的视频摄像头采取了它的照片,只捕捉到它捕获猎物,一个蓝色的周杰伦,鹰开始盛宴。
The wedding feast lasted eight days, and the dogs sat at table and made big eyes and stared with all their might. 结婚典礼足足举行了八天。那三只狗儿也坐上了桌子,把眼睛睁得比任何时候还大。
He gave his hand to the prettiest of the three young Princesses, and the whole company went up the steps into the great feast hall. 他把手伸给三个公主中最漂亮的那位公主,一行人走上台阶,进入气派的宴会厅。
Every seven years during the Feast of Tabernacles, the law was read for all Israel to hear. It was the same story each time. 在住棚节期间,每隔七年,以色列全民都会聆听律法,其内容千篇一律。
Then he said to his slaves , The wedding feast is ready , but those who have been called were not worthy . 太二二8然后对奴仆说,婚筵已经齐备,只是所召的人不配。
When he saw that this pleased the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. This happened during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 他见犹太人喜欢这事,又去捉拿彼得。那时正是除酵的日子。
Every year the president of the United States kills a turkey on the front line of the white house in honor of the thanksgiving day feast. 在每年感恩节当天,美国总统会在白宫前杀死一只火鸡,以表示感谢。真的还是假的呢?
Finally, get stocked up for your Easter feast, starting with one of our glazed hams in the meat department. 最后,为了让您的复活节大餐更丰盛,请参考我们肉品区具光泽的火腿。
But when His brothers had gone up to the feast, then He Himself also went up, not openly, but as it were in secret. 然而他兄弟上去过节以后,他也上去了,但不是明去,似乎是暗去的。
And he sent his slaves to call those who had been called to the wedding feast, yet they would not come. 他打发奴仆去召那些被召的人来赴婚筵,他们却不肯来。
But Jat celebrated the birth of the surviving son with a feast for villagers and said he will try for more children. Jat为庆贺儿子的诞生和幸存在村里举办了盛宴,并表示他将试着让妻子生出更多的孩子。
Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast. 留心北风很猛,关上门和整理风帆。当风从东方吹来,期待更新和设置宴席。
and when the child was old enough to be taken from the breast, abraham made a great feast . 孩子渐长,就断了奶。以撒断奶的日子,亚伯拉罕设摆丰盛的筵席。
I hate to work with John, who always seems to be a skeleton at the feast when he can't keep pace with the workmates. 我最不喜欢和约翰耕作,他总是跟不上同班工人的节奏,令人厌烦。
In Korea, on the 100th day after a child's birth, a small feast is usually held to celebrate the child having survived this period. 在韩国,在100天的孩子出生后,一个小型宴会通常被庆祝孩子在这个时期。
That said, the early part of the ride, against a backdrop of mountains, fields and forests, is undeniably a feast for the eyes. 尽管这么说,在这段路线的前半段,在群山背景下的田野和森林非常养眼,也是不可否认的。
It was by his own supernatural power that he found himself an upper room in which to keep the feast. 祂的超自然能力使祂找到一所楼房,让祂与门徒庆祝节日。
When you leave China, there might be a farewell feast for you out of politeness. 当你离开中国时,出于礼貌,可能还会有欢送宴会。
a dangerous thunderstorm with a sailor before he begins a new voyage at the sea, which will be thought of as a skeleton at the feast . 千万别在水手出航之前同他说海上风暴有多么危险,这是最令他讨厌的话题。
All he has not met, do not know how he has enough is as good as a feast What a pity. 他对已有的一切还不满足,他从来不懂“知足常乐”,真遗憾。
Now it's time for a feast for your eyes and mind and enjoy the unique charm of Wenfeng Pagoda. 现在啊就请到赏心悦目中再去欣赏一下文峰塔的独特魅力吧。
The feast of life in this vast, and of the elaborate identity, the power of the majesty of the time prosperous, extreme scenery! ! ! ! ! 人生的盛宴在此浩大铺陈,尊贵的身份,威严的权势,盛世繁华的极致风光!