


The length must be at least big enough to hold the Bytes returned field and Bytes available field. 该长度必须大到足以容纳Bytesreturned字段和Bytesavailable字段。
Function Body, the total number of bytes that were allocated by the selected function when it was executing its own code. 函数体,为该函数执行自身代码时发生的争用事件中所用的总时间。
Converts the numeric value of each element of a specified array of bytes to its equivalent hexadecimal string representation. 将指定的字节子数组的每个元素的数值转换为它的等效十六进制字符串表示形式。
Trailing bytes at the end of the data block are stored in an internal buffer and used in the next decoding operation. 则位于数据块结尾的尾随字节将存储在内部缓冲区中,并在下一次解码操作中使用。
Function must be at least two bytes greater than the actual length of the string. 子句指定的记录长度必须至少比字符串实际长度多两个字节。
Function must be at least four bytes greater than the actual length of the string. 参数指定的记录长度必须至少比实际字符串长度多四个字节。
You might be able to find a happier medium by reading a series of bytes into a buffer at a time, thus saving the method calls. 您或许能够通过每次将一系列字节读取到缓冲区中找到更加令人高兴的方法,从而减少方法调用。
The total number of bytes of staging file data regenerated by this replica set member for a specific outbound partner request. 由这个复制集成员为一个指定的输出伙伴请求产生出的主持文件数据的总字节。
However, the length of "A" is one byte and that of "Latin capital letter A with ring above" is two bytes. 但是,“A”的长度是一个字节而“上面带圈的大写拉丁字母A”的长度则是两个字节。
Method will read as much data as is available, up to the number of bytes specified by the size parameter. 方法将读取所有可用的数据,直到达到大小参数所指定的字节数为止。
If you know or are able to approximate or calculate the number of bytes in an operation, use the --size option. 如果知道或者能够估计要操作的字节数,那么可以使用--size选项。
This counter reports the total number of bytes in message fragments that are ready to be sent over the network. 此计数器报告准备好通过网络发送的消息片段中的字节总数。
When overridden in a derived class, decodes all the bytes in the specified byte array into a set of characters. 在派生类中重写时,将指定字节数组中的所有字节解码为一组字符。
The Read operation reads as much data as is available, up to the number of bytes specified by the size parameter. Read操作将读取尽可能多的可用数据,直至达到由size参数指定的字节数为止。
When overridden in a derived class, encodes a set of characters from the specified character array into a sequence of bytes. 在派生类中重写时,将指定字符数组中的一组字符编码为一个字节序列。
Width The length of a string column, the precision of numeric columns or the number of bytes of storage for any other data type. width字符串列的长度、数值列的精度或任何其它数据类型的存储字节数。
If the file does not end with a delimiter, the file is processed as if a delimiter followed the final bytes of the file. 如果文件没有以分隔符结尾,则对文件的处理方式就像文件的最后一个字节后面跟着一个分隔符一样。
A few bytes out of place and the whole application goes down in flames. 少数字节错位,会使整个应用程序毁于一旦。
The total number of bytes of staging file data that have been installed on this replica set member . 在这个复制集成员上已经安装的主持文件数据的总字节。
The application should be able to process meaningfully any stream of bytes you send it that it does not reject as de jure invalid. 应用程序应能够处理所发送的任何有意义的字节流,而不会因权利上(dejure)无效而拒绝。
This is usually expensive since the operator will generally charge by the number of bytes transferred. 这通常开销非常大,因为运营商通常是按照传输的字节数进行收费的。
This encoding scheme makes it possible to encode an ASCII character with one byte, and a non-ASCII character with multiple (up to 4) bytes. 这个编码方案可以用一个字节对ASCII字符进行编码,用多个字节(最多4字节)对非ASCII字符进行编码。
The Content-Length header for a SOAP request and response specifies the number of bytes in the body of the request or response. SOAP请求和响应的内容长度标题详细说明了请求和响应的主体部分的字节数。
When overridden in a derived class, decodes a sequence of bytes from the specified byte array into a set of characters. 在派生类中重写时,将指定字节数组中的字节序列解码为指定的字符数组。
The next bytes are a length-prefixed string containing the name of an IResourceReader, which can read this file. 随后的一组字节是以长度为前缀的字符串,其中包含可读取此文件的IResourceReader的名称。
Smart cards contain a microchip with an integrated circuit capable of processing and storing thousands of bytes of electronic data. 智能卡含有集成电路芯片的加工能力和电子数据存储数千字节。
This function returns the actual number of bytes copied, which can be less than the requested length if the end of the field is reached. 此函数返回复制的实际字节数;如果已到达字段的结尾,则实际字节数可能小于请求的长度。
This will always be the number of bytes it needs to shift left to move the address specified to the beginning of the register. 这将总会是它为了将指定地址移到寄存器的开始所需向左移位的字节数。
The size always represents the total number of elements, not the number of bytes that they consume in storage. 大小始终表示元素的总数,而不是元素所占用的存储字节数。
This counter reports the total number of bytes sent over the network by Service Broker endpoints and Database Mirroring endpoints. 此计数器报告ServiceBroker端点和数据库镜像端点通过网络传送的总字节数。