
美 [keɪdʒ]英 [keɪdʒ]
  • n.笼子
  • v.把(动物)关在笼中
  • 网络鸟笼;保持架;椎间融合器


rattle cage
protective cage


n. v.

1.笼子a structure made of metal bars or wire in which animals or birds are kept


九年级英语单词表 ... tiny 极小的;微小的 cage 笼子 disgusted 厌恶的;憎恶的 ...


考研英语常见词根的来历(词源) - 豆丁网 ... briefcase 手提箱,公事包 cage 鸟笼 29.1① captial 首都 况 且 ...


造纸专业英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... rotor 纸子 cage 保持架(纸承) round tool carrier 纸刀架 ...


  自椎间融合器(cage)应用于临床后,后路椎间融合器置入加短节段椎弓根螺钉固定成为治疗腰椎退变性疾病的主要方法之一。目 …


高考英语常见单词_百度文库 ... C café n. 咖啡馆,小餐厅 cage n. 笼,鸟笼,囚笼 calculate vt. 计算,估计,计划 ...

《Friends》词汇表A ... yea n. 肯定, 赞成 cage n. 笼, , (矿井)贯笼 punishable adj. 该罚的, 可罚的 ...

Other visitors reported that Booee used the American Sign Language gesture for "keys, " indicating that he wanted to get out of his cage. 其他游客也表示Booee曾使用美国手语做出“钥匙”单词,表明他想要离开笼子。
Indeed the poor bird had good reason to be sad, for it had been caught and put into a cage close by the open window. 确实这只可怜的小鸟有理由伤心,因为他被捉进靠着打开的窗户的鸟笼里。
Thereupon, he took a chance and got out of the cage. 结果,他找到了机会并逃出了笼子。
Okay maybe it wasn't but she said it was. (She was 8 at the time. ) It was awkward carrying that empty cage down the long winding hallway. 好吧也许并不是,但她却坚持说是。(她那时8岁。)带着空笼子穿过长长的曲折走廊是很难操作的。
The carbon molecule known as a buckyball, a member of the fullerene family, can act as a cage for a variety of other chemicals. 一种称作足球烯的碳分子,它是富勒家族中的一员,可以像笼子一样困住别的化学分子。
The manager decided to give him a chance to become an assistant lion tamer and took him to the practice cage. 经理决定给他一次机会成为训狮员助手,于是将他带到训练用的笼子旁边。
They dined in a small Chinese restaurant there, which had a cage near the window containing a live owl. 他们去当地的一家小中餐馆吃饭。餐馆窗户旁有个笼子,里面关着一只活猫头鹰。
"It's weird for an exhibition -- why do they want me to stay in a cage? " she said, recalling her initial reaction. 回想起她最初的反应的时候,她说:“对一台展览来说,这挺怪的——他们为什么让我呆在一个笼子里呢?”
"He seems to do better on the range than in the cage. He just seems to be a happier chicken. " “散养比在笼子里让它更舒服。它简直就像一只快乐的鸡。”
and more fundamental reason appears to be , the marriage made her feel "was locked up in a cage. " 而更为根本的原因似乎是,结婚使她觉得“被关进了鸟笼”。
As the carriage drove in, Eva seemed like a bird ready to burst from a cage, with the wild eagerness of her delight. 马车进了院子之后,伊娃欣喜若狂,急不可待,就像一只小鸟,渴望飞出牢笼一样。
From then on, my feeling is no longer MengMengDongDong, all day oneself imprisoned in set themselves up "cage" . 从那时起,我的感觉不再懵懂,自己囚禁在自己设置的牢笼中。
He touched a cage and a large rat, which had been sleeping, stirred. 他捅一捅笼子,里面一只正在睡觉的大白鼠惊醒了。
Marriage may be compared to a cage: the birds outside despair to get in, and there within despair to get out. 婚姻像一个鸟笼:外面的鸟儿想飞进去,里面的鸟儿想飞出来。
He had lived to the ripe old age of 26 -- long enough to have watched two civil wars and two invasions from his cage. 他以26岁的高龄故去——足够让他在囚笼之中目睹了两场内战和两场国外入侵。
A man's heart is like a bird locked inside the cage of the body. When you dance, the heart sings like a bird aspiring to a fusion with God. 人的心就像是一只被关在肉体牢笼中的小鸟,当你跳舞的时候,心就会歌唱起来,想一只渴望与神结合和小鸟。
He found a cage for his pet snake and a can of peaches for himself. He calculated the cost and had just enough for the bus home. 他为他的宠物蛇找到了一只笼子,还为自己挑了一罐桃子,他算了算要花多少钱,剩下的钱刚刚够回去的车费。
Mrs. Peters : ( Glancing around . ) Seems funny to think of a bird here . But she must have had one , or why would she have a cage ? 彼得斯夫人:(扫视四周)想到这里有只鸟似乎有点可笑。但她一定养了鸟,要不为什么有一只鸟笼呢?
Finally, he discovered a hole at the top of the cage. He arranged for each to peck at it once a day. 牠发现鸟笼的上方有一个凹洞,于是,要大家每天在鸟笼上啄一下。
One morning when he took out his birdcage and tried to hang it on the window upstairs, the cage suddenly fell off his hand. 一天早晨当他把鸟笼拿到外面准备挂在窗户上面的时候,笼子突然从他的手上滑掉了。
Then they drilled a larger hole, finally getting close enough to the miners to lift them to the surface in a metal cage one at a time. 然后他们又打了一个较大的洞,待到离被困矿工足够近时,利用金属笼将他们一个个的运出来。
the only gesture he had made to the possibility of a journey was to shut his snowy owl , hedwig , safely in her cage. 他对这次旅行唯一做好的准备,就是把他那只白猫头鹰海德薇好好地关在了笼子里。
C: Well, you know , we have to run a spot check on every teller's cage cash at least once every other month. 康纳:是的,您知道,我们必须至少每隔一个月对每一位出纳员的柜内现金就要进行一次现场检查。
Of course, the cage was salvaged. I took up the little baby, massaged her, forced her to drink until she finally started breathing normally. 笼子被丢弃了我抱起这小猩猩,在牠身上揉揉,强迫牠喝点水直到牠开始正常地呼吸。
That's when he decided that he would throw the slave into a cage with a lion in the middle of the town square2 to set an example. 所以他那时就决定要杀鸡儆猴,把奴隶丢到镇民广场中央的狮笼里。
If human behaviour is unreformable, social policy can only ever be about trying to cage the ape within. 如果人类的行为不可改造,(那么人同猿人并无差别),社会政策就永远只能是为了把这个猿人关在笼子里。
The cage has a few "Aconitum" and a pair of "black jade wing" jet wings female I feel pretty good, which should be 400 to win. 这个笼子里有几只“乌头”和一对“黑玉翅”,黑玉翅母我感觉还不错,这对要400才能拿下。
Ha ha ha, great idea for a cage and found a few very good head, the body is the flower. 哈哈哈,一笼大点子,发现几个脑袋很不错,就是身上花。
He was constantly being tested; when he tired of it, he would tell Pepperberg, "Wanna go back" -to his cage. Alex不断接受实验,当它厌倦时,它会告诉Pepperberg博士:“想要回去”--回到它的笼子里。
"I see! " The baby camel stretched his neck and looked up at his mother, "Then what are we doing in this cage in the middle of a zoo? " “我明白了!”小骆驼伸伸脖子,抬头仰望着妈妈。“可为什么我们还要呆在动物园里的笼子里?”