
美 [kəˈrɪr]英 [kəˈrɪə(r)]
  • n.职业;事业;生涯;经历
  • adj.〈美〉职业性质的
  • v.飞奔
  • 网络职业生涯;工作;专业

复数:careers 现在分词:careering 过去式:careered

successful career,distinguished career,brilliant career,great career,entire career
start career,pursue career,develop career,choose career,sacrifice career


n. v.

1.生涯;职业the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes

2.经历;事业the period of time that you spend in your life working or doing a particular thing


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When Mr Lampert said he wanted to quit, Mr Rubin told him he was giving up a golden career. 当拉姆伯特将辞职想法告诉罗宾时,罗宾说他放弃的是锦绣前程。
He said that he was happy about the award in New York, but that it certainly did not represent the winding up of his career. 他表示很高兴能在纽约获此殊荣,但这绝不表明他的电影事业就此划上了句号。
Women who qualified as accountants or lawyers do not generally have MBAs: others got into a fast-paced career and never looked back. 拿过会计师或律师资格的女CEO一般没有MBA学位:其他人进入一个快速上升的职业通道,从不回头。
A concrete example of this dilemma is whether to take a secure job that pays well or to pursue a career that you feel compelled to pursue. 举一个实例,你也许会遭遇这样一个两难的境地:究竟选择稳定的、收入高的工作呢,还是去追寻一番你心目中渴望的事业。
I prefer "career, " with scare quotes, although one might also call it a part-time job with opportunities for advancement. 我要为职业两个字加上双引号也许有些人会把它叫做是可以带来晋升机会的兼职。
However yesterday the 30-year-old seemed to shut the door on a possible transfer by pledging the rest of his career to Juve. 然而昨天,这位30岁的球员似乎关闭了转会巴萨的大门,因为他说希望在尤文结束足球生涯。
For a man who agonised over choices, it was the most abrupt decision of the 72-year-old's political career (he did not even tell his wife). 对于一个为众多选择而烦恼的人来说,这是其72年政治生涯里最唐突的决定了(他甚至没有告诉他的夫人)。
at some point, she said, she might have to consider moving to Los Angeles or New York to pursue her career. 在某个时候,她曾说过,她也许会考虑搬去洛杉矶和纽约,希望做出一番事业。
It is often from the perspective of a successful career, to determine whether we important. 人们常常从成就事业的角度,断定我们是否重要。
The amount of enjoyment you receive from your career, in fact, will be largely determined by how much commitment you give it. 事实上,你在工作中获得的快乐将很大程度上决定你对它的投入程度。
I hope I can reinvigorate his career, because a couple of years ago I thought he was one of the best defenders in the country. 我希望他的职业生涯可以重新焕发光彩,因为几年前我就觉得他是本国最佳的后卫之一。
five years of related work experience , and strong interpersonal skills have prepared me for a career in office administration. 我从事过5年相关工作,人际交流沟通能力强,能胜任高级管理工作。
I love this sport, training and working with a team, but I cannot ask for more than I have had from my career. 但是,我喜欢和球队整天搅基,训练,比赛啥的,但是我已经有了这样的一个职业生涯,我不能要求更多了。
EXAMPLE: The young man took a brief vacation overseas in the slot between the end of university studies and the start of his new career. 这位年轻人利用读完大学和开始新职业之间的空隙到国外休了个短假。
Old soldiers never die , they just fade away . And like the old soldier of that ballad , I now close my military career and just fade away . 老兵永远不会死去,他只会慢慢消失。正如那首歌谣中的老兵,我现在结束了自己的军旅生涯,开始慢慢消失。
To be honest I always felt the pressure around me, it's a constant of my career and I tell you that I feel well also with this pressure. 事实上,我一直感到来自我四周的压力,它贯穿于我的职业生涯,并且我可以告诉你,我一直也都感觉到有压力很棒。
"It was a dream come true and a huge step forward in my career, " he said. "Of course without thinking twice, I moved to Amsterdam. " “那真是胡想成真的一刻而且是我职业生涯生计中一个伟年夜的时刻,”他说道。“当然尽不踌躇的,我转会往了阿姆斯特丹。”
"One of my career goals was to work abroad, and I also love to be in entertainment, " she said. 我的职业目标之一是到国外工作,我也很喜欢娱乐界。
She expressed her strong determination that nothing could induce her to give up her career as a teacher. 她表达了自己强烈的决心,没有什么能够让她放弃教书育人的事业。
Because he had learnt first-hand about the business of publishing, his training primed him for a career in the industry. 温德说。因为他掌握了第一手的出版知识,培训也为其在行业中立足做好了准备。
"I've read about their interest in me, but playing in Serie B again would be a step backwards in my career, " he said. “我已经从报纸上获悉他们对我感兴趣,但是再次出现在乙级对我的职业生涯来说是一个倒退”,他说。
I thought I could exploit some possible career with this exploration. I feel I have found the right field and I am ready to settle down. 我想藉著试探可以开拓其他领域。现在我已找到适当行业,同时我要安定下来。
I wish you all the best of luck for everything and I wish to show you more of me in my acting career. 我祝福大家一切顺利并且希望能够呈现更多的我在我的演艺事业。
Having lost his wife and his son, Lupin is now free to fully embrace his prodigious criminal career. 失去了妻儿,罗宾现在完全投入了他惊人的冒险生涯。
From then on, you'll start to see career opportunities fall from the sky, as if you had poked a pinata. 所以从现在开始,你会发现那些事业的机遇从天而降,就好像一触即发那样。
David Beckham jogged up to take what the crowd thought might be the last corner kick of his international career. 大卫-贝克汉姆(DavidBeckham)小步跑到场边去罚角球,观众们意识到,这或许是他国际职业生涯中的最后一记角球。
They seemed so much the natural uniform for my new career that it took a real effort of will to leave them in the stores. 对我的新职业来说,它们看上去似乎就是最合适的工作服,我好不容易才战胜了自己,放下它们依依不舍走出商店。
I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career. 我愿意当一名教师,并希望所有有崇高理想的人会为这项有意义的事业献身。
Compared to the career of a dental physician, already such a respectable profession, I felt that I was no more than a shop worker. 与牙科医生这个现在已经知识分子化的职业相比,我觉得自己其实是一名店员。
Mr. Prince said he never sold more than a few of the Citigroup shares amassed during a career that stretched nearly 30 years. 普林斯说,在他接近30年的职业生涯里积累的花旗股份中,只有少量被售出。