sooner or later

  • na.迟早;早晚
  • 网络迟早会的;或迟或早;迟早有一天

sooner or latersooner or later

sooner or later


初中英语短语大全 ... 49. get back 回来,取回 50. sooner or later 迟早 51. run away 逃跑 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... side by side 肩并肩,一起 sooner or later 迟早,早晚 step by step 逐步地 ...


英语短句_百度知道 ... It slipped my mind 我忘了 Sooner or later 迟早会的 Over my dead body 休想 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as soon as possible 尽快 sooner or later 迟早,早晚,或迟或早 no sooner...than 一…就… ...


英文歌曲... ... The Beautiful South 美丽南方合唱团 Sooner or later 迟早有一天 — Alan Parson‘s Project 亚伦派森计划合唱团 ...


简简单单 ... somewhere around 大约 484. sooner or later 迟早,早晚 485. sore throat / foot 嗓子哑/腿酸 486. ...


2010年高考英语词组大全 ... somewhere around 大约 sooner or later 或早或晚 sound lab 语音室 ...


英文学习完全手册 ... Stay a while 待一会 Sooner or later 迟早的事 Some other time 改天再说 ...

On Sunday afternoons we would get together at my grandparents' house, and sooner or later someone would pull out a guitar and start singing. 周末的下午,全家人都会齐聚在外祖父家,然后就会有人不自觉地拿出吉他弹唱起来。
While it will not be on Earth, the law of karma still applies to all in the long run and it will catch up with you sooner or later. 尽管将不在地球发生,但长远看来业力法则仍为所有事物运作,它迟早会赶上你。
Given the number of contradictory rulings by the courts, the matter is bound to end up, sooner or later, in the Supreme Court. 鉴于存在大量相互矛盾的法庭裁决,这个问题必定迟早要由最高法院来解决。
However, he gave no hint about the timing of such a move, saying only that it would happen "sooner or later" . 不过,他没有给出任何何时取消这项政策的暗示,只是说“迟早”会取消。
because the lift he took before was out of service, but he believe that he was going to find his own car sooner or later. 5、因为他之前乘搭的电梯停用了,不过他相信他迟早会找到自己的车的。
You know, sooner or later, you will have been out with all the girls in our class! 你知道,迟早你会和我们班上所有的女孩约会!
If you go on trying to get out of paying taxes , you'll sooner or later get into trouble . 你要是继续想方设法逃税,你早晚会受到惩罚的。
Life is too short to risk your reputation, because sooner or later a bad reputation will catch up with you, and cost you dearly. 生命如此短暂,不能拿名誉来冒险,因为恶名会毁了你,并让你付出惨重的代价。
Although I had known this would come sooner or later. If it were not today, it could be any other day tomorrow. 然而,明知道这一天早晚要来的,不是今天,也可能是任何一个明天。
N. Korea is going to have to emerge from the dark ages sooner or later. 朝鲜早晚会从黑暗时代中走出来。
There have been no disasters among the consortia so far, but sooner or later something is likely to go wrong. 到目前为止,财团中并未出现什么大的灾难,但是早晚会有一些东西出错。
Those who wish to retain in the face sooner or later young people will find that the face is unable to retain to retain the heart. 那些希望在脸上留住青春的人迟早会发现,留住了容颜却留不住心。
I knew sooner or later you would need weapons, how else did you think you were going to get out. 我知道你迟早需要的武器,怎么回事你以为你是要出去。
But none of hem prepared me for stepped into my womanhood, which had to happen sooner or later. 但是这一切并没有让我为迟早要步入的成人时代作好准备。
I figured sooner or later they were going to holler for me to come help clean it up anyway, so I left my books and went downstairs. 我猜肯定是谁到楼下找东西把什么给撞翻了,我想迟早他们都会喊我去帮忙整理,索性就放下书下楼去了。
The earth cannot be flat. If I sailed westward, sooner or later, I shall hit land, India perhaps. 地球不可能是一平面。如果我向西航行,我迟早会到陆地。这块陆地或许会是印度吧!
He had known that the moment must come sooner or later, but he had somewhat imagined that by force of willing he might hold it at bay. 他早知道这一刻迟早会来,但不知为什么,他却想凭借意志的力量阻止它。
Crying is all right in its own way . But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do. 哭本身来爱是没有什么错的。但是早晚你都要停止哭泣,然后决定应怎么么。会发现你失去的越来越快。
I wasn't sure when and I wasn't sure how, but I felt convinced sooner or later eleven dimensions would be seen to be at the heart of things. 我说不准什么时候,以什么方式,但我非常确信迟早有一天人们会看到十一度空间学说将成为焦点。
Since you will know the matter sooner or later, I might as well tell you now. 既然你迟早都会知道这件事,我倒不如现在就告诉你。
Body Burner: Its never been done you know. Sooner or later, the harpies will bring what left of you, back for me to burn. 焚尸人:这从来都没人能征服过,你知道。不论是早是晚,那些鸟身女妖会带着你的残骸,带到这儿,让我焚烧。
It seems that no matter how much care you take, sooner or later, your code will become a maze. 似乎看起来不管你采取什么方式,编码之路迟早会走向迷途。
"I knew that, sooner or later, I would also be killed, " he says, "so I decided to run away. " 我知道,早晚我也会被杀死的,于是决定逃跑。
At the meeting he said that the truth would come out sooner or later. 他在开会的时候说了,这个真相迟早会水落石出的。
It's all about competing. You have to be ready to compete against anybody and just play hard. Sooner or later, good things will happen. 这是关于竞争的问题,你必须准备好与任何对手竞争,需要打出努力的表现,迟早好的事情会发生。
If you keep telling your partner how much you don't trust them, push it in their face, trust me, sooner or later they will prove you right. 如果你不断告诉对方你有多么不信任他,这样不顾及他的脸面,相信我,迟早他们会证明给你看你说的是对的。
Since no matter how mood, sooner or later things to solve, that how to tell people the heart do not fast? 既然不管心情如何,事情迟早要解决,那又何若叫别人心生不快呢?
You don't like walking around on eggshells, for you know that you'll break a few sooner or later. 你不喜欢在有壳的鸡蛋上走,因为你知道自己迟早会打碎一些的。
If all of these exercises are done properly, they sooner or later free the woman from her inhibitions and thus allow her to reach orgasm. 如果所有这些练习都完全做完了,他们或迟或早会把女方从性抑制中解脱出来并由此而让她得到性高潮。
When you think you have no chance of getting what you want you, probably in yourself, probably. Sooner or later, you will get it. 当你觉得你没有办法得到你所想要的,或许不久以后,你会得到他。