
美 [smæʃ]英 [smæʃ]
  • v.粉碎;破碎;扣杀;捣毁
  • n.扣球;打碎;破碎;破碎(或打碎)的哗啦声
  • adv.轰然
  • 网络名声大噪;打破;打烂

第三人称单数:smashes 现在分词:smashing 过去式:smashed



v. n.


1.[t][i]~ (sth)(哗啦一声)打碎,打破,破碎to break sth, or to be broken, violently and noisily into many pieces

猛烈撞击hit very hard

2.[i][t](使)猛烈撞击,猛烈碰撞to move with a lot of force against sth solid; to make sth do this

3.[t][i](用力)撞开,击穿,闯过to hit sth very hard and break it, in order to get through it

4.[t]~ sth/sb (+ adv./prep.)猛击to hit sth/sb very hard


5.[t]~ sth/sb捣毁;打败;粉碎;使结束to destroy, defeat or put an end to sth/sb

撞车crash vehicle

6.[t]~ sth (up)撞毁(车辆)to crash a vehicle


大学英语六级词汇表_大学六级 ... slumber n.v. 睡眠,沉睡状态 smash vt. 打碎,打破,粉碎 smuggle v. 走私,私运 ...


大学英语六级词汇表_大学六级 ... slumber n.v. 睡眠,沉睡状态 smash vt. 打碎,打破,粉碎 smuggle v. 走私,私运 ...


名声大噪》(Smash)第二季即将迎来它规模宏大的季终集。为此,该剧的播出时间再次变动,被安排在5月26日周日播出这 …


网球规则详解:网球的比赛计分规则 - 优个网 ... Vollry 截击 Smash 扣球 Lob 吊高球. ...


扣_百度百科 ... 扣帽子〖 label;brandsb.withunwarrantedlabels;putalabelonsb.〗 扣杀smash(theball)〗 2.同本义〖 rein〗 ...


大学英语六级词汇表_大学六级 ... slumber n.v. 睡眠,沉睡状态 smash vt. 打碎,打破,粉碎 smuggle v. 走私,私运 ...


四级最新英语高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... slippery a. 滑的 620. smash vt. 粉碎, 打烂 621. snap n. /vt. 折断, 拉断; 快照 623. ...


词汇课堂--新东方词汇完美文本 - 豆丁网 ... crash (飞机)坠毁 smash 粉碎,击碎 ash 废墟,灰烬 ...

We were a bit of a mob; we would all surge together and smash it. 我们就是一小撮暴民,我们会蜂拥而出聚到一起一起去进行破坏活动。
At the front was a sharp point of iron that could smash through the sides of wooden ships. The Virginia could not move fast. 在这艘战舰的前面是用铁制成的尖角,它可以冲破木船。
I realised and went outside to get it. The hammer had been used to smash my car window and steal stuff inside. 我想起来出去找时,发现有人用锤子砸了我的汽车窗户把里面偷了个精光。
He said that it made him uneasy to see my silver so insecure in the breakfront, where any intruder could smash the glass. 他说,他看见我的银器放在外面,感到很不安全,会吸引外人打破玻璃闯进来。
No one knows how much booty they removed from ships lured by their lanterns to smash on the jagged rocks. 他们用旌旗灯号灯诱使船只朝尖如锯齿的岩石上猛撞,谁也不知道他们从出事的船上搬走了几何财物。
'I was upset by what was happening, and I thought as I went out the door: "I'd smash a plate over your head if you were my husband! " 我为所发生的事情感到难过,当我出门的时候听见:‘如果你是我丈夫我就用盘子砸你的脑袋!’
And so all I had to do was actually put a little shrimp paste on the front of the load cell, and they'd smash away at it. 因此,我不得不做的是确实需要放点儿虾酱在这个测压元件的前面,他们会把它捣烂。
Cameron reached for a nearby rock, about the size of her own head, and began to repeatedly smash it into the Triple-8's head. Cameron顺手拿起跟她的脑袋差不多大的一块石头,开始不断的砸T888的头。
A dozen or so trolls began to smash apart the chamber with their clubs, while hags glided about the place in search of children to eat. 大概十二个左右的食人魔用手中的花棒打碎房间,同时女魔滑行着搜寻这个地方,看有没有小孩子吃。
He said he would pursue ongoing restructuring and step up efforts to develop "smash-hit" products. 他表示,将继续致力于正在实施的重组工作,并加大力度开发“轰动市场”的产品。
The way to turn off the warning light is not to smash it out, but to find the problem. 要关闭警示灯不是把它砸碎而是找到出问题的地方。
This command has changed over time, so depending on which version of sMash you're working with, you will need to adjust what you type. 此命令已随时间推移而更改,因此取决于所使用的sMash版本,您可能需要调整输入的内容。
God is a thing made of clay, that I can smash with a hammer; and you have fooled me with a lie. 可是上帝不过是一个泥塑的雕像,我用锤子一敲就碎了,而你却用一个谎言愚弄了我。
If you're planning on getting rid of an old computer, make sure you remove the hard drive first and smash it up with a hammer. 如果你打算扔掉这台旧电脑,首先确定你是否摘除了硬件并用锤子砸碎了它。
What he really wanted was to dive off the bridge, smash through the ice and sink down to the bottom to freeze there like a dead fish. 他真想一下子跳下去,头朝下,砸破了冰,沉下去,像个死鱼似的冻在冰里。
One of the goals of WebSphere sMash is to provide conventions to make it easy to implement applications. WebSpheresMash的目标之一是提供约定,以便更容易地实现应用程序。
You could have done it . Look at you, right now---cheeks scarlet, fire flaring in your eyes---looking as if you'd like to smash my teeth in! 你可以那么做的,看看你,就是现在——脸颊红润,眼里闪着火光——看起来就好像你要敲掉我的牙齿!
The last step required to be able to route requests to the WebSphere sMash application via the ODR is to define a routing policy on the ODR. 为了能够通过ODR将请求路由到WebSpheresMash应用程序,最后一步是在ODR上定义路由策略。
a smash hit, Porphyrin, I am trying to forget you, feeling very hard, You will regret it did not choose me? 卟扉啉,我有一个强烈的想法想忘记你,但感觉非常困难,你会后悔没有选择我?
It hit soggy. It didn't smash. There was no spray of white and yolk. It just lay where it fell, with the bottom caved in. 蛋重重地掉在地上,却没有摔破,蛋白和蛋黄也没有流出来。它只是躺在落下去的地方,底部陷进地里。
Our pick: when the brothers, in an attempt to escape the police, take a sharp turn and smash through aisles of merchandise in a toy store. 我们选了一个:当兄弟俩企图逃脱一个警察的时候,一个转弯,一个猛撞,就把玩具店里的商品通道给撞坏了。
i made another sand ball for you and said to you , " this time , do not smash it , or i will not make another one for you . " 我又捏了一颗沙球给你,并对你说:这次不可以再弄坏,弄坏就不做给你了。
I can't believe my eyes, my heart again and again to tell me it's not true, but reality gave it a smash. 我不敢相信自己的眼睛,我的心一次又一次的告诉我这不是真的,可眼前的现实却将它一次次的敲碎。
If not always in a hot mood to smash, the sea is always stealthily ready for a drowning. 就算大海并非总是怒气冲冲地要粉碎一切,他却总是暗地里伺机吞没一切。
Remote-controlled machines smash the sulfide deposits, which are then hoovered up through a riser pipe to a vessel on the surface. 硫化物沉淀会先被遥控机器粉碎,然后通过一个升流管被吸到位于海面的容器中。
Flows can be secured in a manner similar to any other WebSphere sMash application resource. 保护流的方式与保护其他任何WebSpheresMash应用程序资源的方式相似。
He's never made it into any of the Smash Bros games, but that doesn't mean he isn't ready to rumble! 他从未到任何粉碎兄弟游戏,但是,这并不意味着他不准备隆隆!
Staff at a nearby hotel said the quake had been strong enough to shake television sets off tables and smash them. 附近的酒店人员说,这次地震厉害得把他们的电视机都从桌子上搞下来并敲到他们。
The car went into an awful turn and then we crashed into a deep ditch with a bone-twisting smash. 汽车做了一个可怕的急转之后掉入深沟,接着就是拧骨头似的猛摔。
I smash the strongholds of Satan formed against my will today, and I give my will to You, and choose to make the right decisions of faith. 我要攻破撒但进占我意志的营垒,我愿将我的意志献给你并做信心的抉择。