fire will

fire willfire will

fire will

In such battles, only fire will purge the enemy form his nest. In such a battle was the Land Raider Redeemer created. 在这种战斗中,火焰是将敌人赶出巢穴的唯一办法,正因如此,救赎者级兰德掠袭者出现了。
They should learn something from the matter, and somebody who plays with fire will get burnt. 他们应从这件事中吸取教训,玩火者必自焚。
I am afraid the fire will get out of control, if the firemen do not arrive within ten minutes. 我担心如果消防队员无法在十分钟之内赶到的话,火势将会失控。
Again, take a few of these and throw them into the fire and burn them up. A fire will spread from there to the whole house of Israel. 再从这几根中取些扔在火中焚烧,从里面必有火出来烧入以色列全家。
"I believe that individual countries are actually playing with fire, and I hope that fire will not be drawn to the United States. " 崔天凯表示,他相信个别国家在玩火,他希望美国不要“引火烧身”。
Then ten thousand of an order, concealed in JiBing MaLingDao sides agreed, "said the fire will burn saw dark. " 然后命令一万名善于射箭的齐兵,隐伏在马陵道两旁,约定说“天黑看见点着的火就万箭齐发”。
If any one of these three elements is removed. The fire will be extinguished. 如以上三种元素任意一种被消除,火势就会被扑灭。
But this kind of homesickness lit up the missing fire will be the strength to build the flying rainbow across the Taiwan Strait. 但是这种《乡愁》点燃起的思念之火,将是海峡上架起飞虹的力量。
"Think of it as one giant charcoal briquette, " Mease said. "It will ignite and [the fire will] sink into the soil. " “如果把它想成一个巨大的煤球,”密斯说:“它将燃烧起来并且(火将会)深入到土壤中去。”
I'm sure the cause of the fire will soon come out in the wash. 我相信起火原因很快就会水落石出。
As this deployment occurs, Israel will withdraw behind the "Blue Line" and a permanent cease-fire will take hold. 在以上部署实施的同时,以色列将撤至“蓝线”(BlueLine)另一侧,并使永久性停火得到保障。
then add the basil, black pepper, salt, stirring constantly, fire will hand dry into a paste soup. 然后加入罗勒、黑胡椒、盐,不停搅拌,大火将汤手干成酱。
The fire will then get hotter and larger, so if that's what you want, it's a good thing. 火会因此更热、更旺,假如这是你需要的,那很好。
The person who set the fire will likely face homicide charges for the deaths of two firefighters. 由于两名消防员牺牲,纵火者将面临谋杀的指控。
When the End of Words arrives, the fire will be driven from our hearts, and the efforts of the ages will be laid waste by the Betrayer. 当最后的话语到来,我们心中的火焰将被驱散,长久以来的成就也会被叛徒废毁。
"The fire will burn, the terror will grow, " Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia said in newspaper remarks published Thursday. “如果冲突爆发,恐怖活动也会升级。”巴勒斯坦总理AhmedQureia周四在报纸上发表评论时如是说。
He said Earth, Wind and Fire will be singing together for a long time . 他说,“大地、风与火”要在一起演唱很长时间。
Now therefore why should we die? for this great fire will consume us: if we hear the voice of the LORD our God any more, then we shall die. 现在,这大火将要烧灭我们,我们何必冒死呢?若再听见耶和华我们神的声音,就必死亡。
Film appeared in a foreign minister, and pointed to the wood of the Transformers, said that after the fire will be. 片中出现了个外国大臣,并且指着那个木刻的变形金刚说那个以后一定会火。
When the enemy of the small plane was Dabao, an opportunity to drop a lot of parts. These parts, your fire will be more attacks! 当敌方的小飞机被打爆后,有机会掉落很多零件。得到这些零件,你的攻击火力会更强!
In the war of 1812, the British a fire will be building razed to the ground. 在1812年的战争中,英国人一把火将这座大厦夷为平地。
Enemies on fire will spread the fire to other splicers, and generally don't attack you while they flail around. 着了火的敌人引燃附近的修补者,他们着火的时候不会像你攻击。
Inner Fire will now cause its caster to take a small amount of fire damage while active. 心灵之火在效果持续的过程中将造成施法者一定的火焰伤害?
The lighter the colour you choose, the more intense (and hot) the fire will appear to the person viewing it. 你选的颜色越亮,给人带来的冲击越强(也更火热)。
The building have been burnout in the big fire will soon be rebuilt. 那座在大火中烧坏的房子不久将被重建。
The water will flow away, the fire will be quenched, but women and love can fight with the fate. 水会流失,火会熄灭,而女人和爱情却能和命运抗衡。
And for the northern Pacific, which is likewise compressing, land on all sides of the Ring of Fire will be affected. 对于同样在压缩中的北太平洋,整个太平洋火环都会被影响。
It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. 因为那日子要将它表明出来,有火发现。这火要试验各人的工程怎样。
Michael : "Fireproof doesn't mean that a fire will never come but that when it comes you'll be able to withstand it. " “防火”并不意味着火永远不会来,当它来的时候,你必须有能力去去忍耐和坚守。
All we have left is paroxysm, and when it subsides, there will be just one wisp of smoke . . . our inner fire will ravish all. 我们已经离开是突然发作,我们内心之火将迷住一切。