for love

  • na.由于高兴;不要钱;(玩牌等)不用钱赌输赢
  • 网络为了爱;为爱;为了爱情

for lovefor love

for love


... for laughs [美俚]为了取乐,作为消遣,借以开心 for love 为了爱[兴趣],由于爱好而做某事 for luck 为了表示吉利,祝福 ...


09.为爱(For Love) 10.再同渡过(We’ll Be Together) 11.永伴我(Together Forever) 12.永远的微笑(Everlasting Smile) 13.你共...


我的美女徒弟 - 文学频道 - 红袖添香 ... “Beautiful jade( 美玉)。” “For love( 为了爱情)!” “Sophomore( 大二)。” ...


博文_Imanangel_新浪博客 ... 想念你 DAD,we always stay with… 因为爱 For love 剿匪记 fight with my teeth ...


MAGICBUS乐... ... Can you see what i've tried, 你会否为我所做的一切而感动 for love,for you and I 为了爱情而活,为了你和我 ...



c 总会有你所爱 共你永远相爱(for love)o 我独自再等m (歌词转自 音魁网  又继续等 浪费日子去等待 冀待  …

On that evening a stranger who might have chanced to be in Baltimore could not have gained admission into the great hall for love or money. 那天晚上,一个可能由于某种机遇来到巴尔的摩的外地人无论是为了爱或是为了钱都不可能进入大厅。
Maybe it is just a mistake to let me happen to meet her in a wrong place during a wrong time causing a wrong paradise for love. 也许高中时期让我在学校邂逅到她,使爱的天堂里到处充满着过错,根本就是一个美丽而遗憾的错误。
Now I would ask her, for love of me, to have another. It would be a poor tribute to my memory never to have a dog again. 如今我要恳求她,再养一只狗吧!把对我的那些爱给他。永不再养别的狗,并不会加重她对我的回忆之情。
It also enhances your imagination & overall creativity too. . . (making it a great time for love & romance issues). . . 同时这一时期也加强了你的想象力和过人的创造能力(是爱情和施展浪漫的大好时机)。
Don: I'm trying to write a poem to my sweetheart. Can you think of a good metaphor for love? 我准备尝试给我的爱人写一首诗。你能想出一个好的比喻来形容爱吗?
Ultimately, we are all looking for love, and none of us sets out with a fixed idea of who we will find it with. 最终,我们都在找寻真爱,没有人是执着于只寻找某种固定的人。
You too, my mother, read my rhymes For love of unforgotten times, And you may chance to hear once more The little feet along the floor. 妈妈,为了那难忘的岁月,你也来读一读我的童谣。也许你从中会再一次听到,小脚在地板上来回的蹦跳。
It was the resentment and numbness that caused me not to feel enough to be able to choose for love instead. 正是积怨和麻木,造成我无法足够感受来能够相反选择来爱。
Maybe he'll be a bit more understanding when he's in the mood for love and I say that I'm too tired. 等到他想上床而我说累了的时候可能他就会理解我了吧。
For love, imagination is often more beautiful than reality. The same with meeting, also with separation. 爱情总是想象比现实美丽,相逢如是,告别亦如是。
Why Not Me? You've been lookin' for love all around the world Baby , don't you know this country girl's still free? Why not me ? 你在世界的各个角落遍寻爱情宝贝,你知不知道我仍然形影孑立为何不与我携手相依?。
She said she married him for money, not for love. 她说她不是为了爱情,而是为了钱才嫁给那个男的。
Stay away from those types of women; another woman can sense it the moment she comes across someone not looking for love but for a hand out. 不要理这样的女人;旁观者能很快地感觉到这样的人不是因为爱,而是为了求乞。
I came to feel that Diana was just starving for love, that this underlay all of her behaviors and choices over the years. 我到觉得黛安娜刚饿爱,这垫她的所有行为和选择多年来。
She may also get a second place in the Guinness Book for the largest amount ever given away for love. 这次她为爱放弃的财富数量也可能使她再次被载入吉尼斯纪录。
Every girl easily thirst for love, easy implicitly love, easy to give up the love. 每个女孩子都易渴求爱,易犹疑爱,易放弃爱。
The action of the heart, with the love, love could not stop, for love left a bitter salty tears; nobody knows us, who did not know me. 动了心,确用不了情,情难自禁,为情留下了苦咸的泪水;没有谁了解我们,没有谁了解我。
Under the pressure of the patriarchal clan rules and feudal ethnics , they die for love and turn into a pair of butterflies. 两人在宗法礼教的重压下相继殉情而死,化为一对蝴蝶。
For love that seeks aught but the disclosure of its own mystery is not love but a net cast forth: and only the unprofitable is caught. 而只寻求自身奥秘的爱不是爱,那不过是撒网,只会捕获无益之物。
When Sarah Kemp signed up to a website looking for love her dream was to find someone with whom she had a lot in common. 莎拉·坎普注册相亲网站时,只是想找一个和她有许多共同点的人。
Search for love, then found, love has always been a thousand things and turns back. 在寻找爱,然后发现,爱一直是个千万个事情和转回。
You couldn't have caught him for love or money , he set out a week ago . 无论如何你也赶不上他了,他一周前就出发了。
Juliet Wu says that she devotes all her time to her work has no time for love. 吴士宏说她把的时间都用在工作上,没有时间恋爱。
In order for love to have a great impact upon one's being, the heart must be open enough to feel. 为了让爱对个人产生更大的影响,个人的心灵必须保持足够开放去感知它。
If you're looking for love, you might try turning on your computer. Who knows, the person of your dreams might be just a click away. 假如你要寻找爱情的话,打开你的电脑,说不准,你梦中的那个人就在那一头哦。
But I had done it for love, and within a year Greg and I were married. 不过我这么做的确是出于爱情,那之后不到一年我和格里格就结婚了。
Lily Collins is ready to give her life for love in a new version of Romeo and Juliet, Deadline reports. 莉莉柯林斯是在准备给罗密欧与朱丽叶,她对新版本的爱情生活截止报告。
Next, he saw the girl in the leper refuge and remembered it was for love of him that she had let him go. 然后他看见了麻风寨的那个姑娘,记起她是因为爱上了他才让他逃掉的。
and water injection for Love in a unique style, when you taste, you know, not "human life, vegetation of a winter. " Responsibility. 和流水年华在注入独特的风味,当你品味时,你才知道,并不是“人的一生,草木一冬”。
After seeing you I have decided once for all that I am not going to look upon any other girl for love. 在遇见你之后我决定再也不去寻找任何其他的女子的爱。