for the first time

  • na.第一次
  • 网络首次;初次;从第一次开始

for the first timefor the first time

for the first time


【资源】英语常用短语 ... for sale 准备出售 for the first time 第一次 for the sake of 为……起见 ...


初二英语下册短语 - 豆丁网 ... a long time 很长时间 , for the first time 首次, have a good time, 玩得高兴 ...


新目标英语7-9年级全部词汇详解(S-Z) ... ) once upon a time 从前 ) for the first time 初次 ) tired out 筋疲力尽 ...


有没有好听的英文歌_百度知道 ... Follow me 跟随我 — For the first time 从第一次开始 Forever 永远 — ...


... 6.have difficulty in doing sth 做某事有困难 1.for the first time 这是第一次, 3.around the world 围着世界,环球 ...


新目标英语八年级下册复习提纲,... ... 41.sleep late 睡懒觉 sth. For the first time 第一次做某事 43.not all 并非所有 ...


酷爱备份博客... ... Now I understand what love is 现在我知道什么是爱 For the first time 为了第一次 Dear god 亲爱的上帝, ...

Copper fell for the first time in a week in London trading as the dollar strengthened. 由于美元汇率走高,在伦敦商品交易所,铜金属价格一周来首次下跌。
So I tried this for a while and of course, like most people that try to meditate for the first time, I was incredibly frustrated. 我尝试这样去做,当然像很多其他人那样尝试第一次冥想一样,我难以置信的受挫。
The only time for the first time, Last time the audience with a view to see you. 第一次唯一的一次也是最后一次能够以一个观众的角度看你大放异彩
But the sensation of seeing L'Avventura for the first time is still with me, as if it had been yesterday. 然而第一次观看《奇遇(L’Avventura)》的那种感觉依然伴随着我,恍如昨日。
But I think of my grandchildren back home, and all I want is for those kids to be able to see their own grandparents for the first time. 但我也想念家里的孙儿们,同时我也希望,那些失明的孩子能够平生第一次亲眼见到各自的祖父母。
When Brett Sperry heard it for the first time, he said right away that it was the title track for the game. 当布雷特斯佩里听取了第一次,他马上说,这是本场比赛的主打歌曲。
But for the first time, researchers were able to see that the risk of breast cancer begins to rise with even modest alcohol intake. 但是第一次,研究员可能发现甚至适当的饮酒,患乳腺癌的风险也开始增加。
In this way, each time the service is called, it is as though that service is being used for the first time. 这样,当每次调用该服务时,都好像是第一次使用该服务一样。
She felt her exile deeply, and for the first time in her life, realized how much she was beloved and petted at home. 此刻她深深体会到寄人篱下的滋味,第一次认识到自己在家里是如何受到亲人的宠爱。
She stared at the girl as if seeing her for the first time. 她目不转睛地看着这姑娘,像是第一次见到她。
And I have to tell you, it was a very moving experience, because for the first time, I began listening -- in a long time. 我得跟你说,这个经历很感动。因为长久以来,这是我第一次开始聆听。
The veteran actor has said he is ready to direct a film for the first time. 这位经验丰富的演员说过他已经准备好首次导演一部电影。
It was not until I saw Your books for the first time that I realized the dream was a sign that You had already come. 直到第一次见到您的经书时,我才知道您已在先前示现了。
Dixon felt sad: he realized for the first time that it was really very unlikely that she would come to the Ball. 狄克逊心里感到怏怏不乐:他第一次意识到,她不太可能有前来参加舞会的念头。
"Yes, " she said, and "Goodbye and thanks. " For the first time she felt like crying ; it was because she had to say goodbye to them. “可以,”她说,“再见,谢谢”。第一次她感到想哭;因为她不得不跟他们说再见。
For the first time, the wind has changed its direction and has taken you to an unknown valley. 第一次,风改变了它的方向并把你带到了一个不为人知的山谷。
For the first time, it struck her as a ruse, or that he said it so that she would not think of asking for things. 她第一次觉得这是个诡计,或者他这么说就是叫她不再想着开口要东西。
For the first time, we now have a complete fossil record of how much material such a newborn black hole can eat. 现在,我们第一次拥有一个完整的关于像如此新诞生的黑洞能吞噬多少物质的化石记录。
After the birthday party, the little Mermaid swam to the surface of the sea for the first time in her life. 在生日派队之后,小美人鱼人生第一次游到海面。
"If you're going to spend your hard-earned money for the first time, you're going to put a computer in your house, " he said. “如果你要花自己辛辛苦苦赚来的钱,那麽第一次你肯定会把一台电脑搬回家,”Maloney补充说。
For the first time in his career, Salman has decided to tone down his muscles which had become his trademark for the last 15 years. 对于他的职业生涯中第一次,萨勒曼已决定放下这已成为他在过去15年的商标肌肉基调。
And then we went with her to the sea - for the first time in her life! 后来我们带她走到海水里——这是她生平第一次下海水!
Going to Harvey Nichols to buy La Perla lingerie, meeting a new man, drinking champagne with him, going to bed with him for the first time. 到HarveyNichols买LaPerla牌的女士贴身内衣,结识新的男人,同饮香槟,进行第一次房事。
For the first time ever, getting out of a car is no picnic. My back is hunched. And I'm holding on to handrails as I lurch upstairs. 有史以来第一次,我从车里出来不是去野餐。我的背已经又弯又驼了。当我挣扎着上楼时,我必须要扶着扶手。
I saw, for the first time, what I really wasa thirty-year old woman with a husband of my own, and soon, a child of my own. 我第一次意识到真正的我一个有自己的丈夫,很快会有我们的孩子的三十岁的女人。
In 2007, advances on several fronts drove home for the first time how much DNA differs from person to person, too. 2007年的几项前沿研究第一次将人与人的DNA也存在很大的不同讲透彻了。
For the first time since at least 2006 Malia was able to celebrate her last birthday at home, not in a hotel room. 至多从2006年开始,玛利亚终于可以在家里而不是外面的什么旅馆房间里庆祝自己的生日了。
It was an intense experience, one that reminded me of tasting ice cream for the first time as a child. 那是一种很带感的体验,让我忆起儿时吃第一口冰激凌时的感觉。
India's GDP is just a third of China's, but its growth rate of more than 6% a year lifted average incomes over $1, 000 for the first time. 印度的国民生产总值只有中国的三分之一,但超过6%的年均增长率使得其平均收入首次突破一千美元。
At the beginning, Hongfei was a little puzzled. Later, he began to ask himself whether Qinghe was his lover for the first time. 红飞一开始有点摸不着头脑,等事情平息后,他真的开始问自己青河是他的爱吗?